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  • Contractor: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of Germany - PMN
  • Submitted File Name:
  • Submitted Date: 2019-07-22 18:18:00
  • Associated Mineral Type: PMN

Point Sample Data

  • Contract ID: BGRPMN1
  • Cruise Name: SO-240
  • Research Vessel: Sonne
  • Geographical Area: Pacific Ocean
  • Area Type: Exploration
  • Area Sector: Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
Section ID Actual Latitude Actual Longitude Depth Sampling Device Habitat Type Matrix Type
Section ID Actual Latitude Actual Longitude Depth Sampling Device Habitat Type Matrix Type
SO240-119CTD 13.291466667 -118.1801 -9 CTD sensor Water column Water unfiltered