Cook Islands EEZ data

Cook Islands Bathymetry

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Estimated Resources

The Cook Islands EEZ contains approximately 8.86 billion tons of polymetallic nodules, making it one of the largest resource plays on earth. Compared to total terrestrial resources, there's approximately 50% the Nickel, 26% the Titanium, 4.7x more Cobalt, and 2.2x more Molybdenum in the Cook Islands EEZ than the entirety of the world's currently identified terrestrial reserves:

Cook Islands EEZ
(dry tons)
Clarion-Clipperton Zone
(dry tons)
Total Terrestrial Reserves
CI EEZ Compared to Terrestrial
Manganese 1380000000 5990000000 630000000 219.047
Titanium 108000000 67000000 420000000 25.714
Nickel 37400000 274000000 75000000 49.86667
Cobalt 35300000 44000000 7500000 470.66667
Copper 22700000 226000000 680000000 3.338235
Rare Earth Elements + Ytrrium 15000000 1720000 93500000 16.0427


"Critical metals in manganese nodules from the Cook Islands EEZ, abundances and distributions"

James R. Hein, Francesca Spinardi, Nobuyuki Okamoto, Kira Mizell, Darryl Thorburn, Akuila Tawake,

Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 68, 2015, Pages 97-116, ISSN 0169-1368

Data Points

Latitude Longitude Abundance (kg/m²) Co Grade (%) Cu Grade (%) Fe Grade (%) Mn Grade (%) Ni Grade (%) Source
-174.15 -7.05 1e-19 0.26 0.45 15.5 15.7 0.45 Exon 1982
-178.47 -3.517 0.0 0.27 0.33 13.84 12.79 0.4 Exon 1982
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
176.35 3.183 0.0 0.04 0.42 17.1 17.7 0.33 Exon 1982
174.867 1.458 20.0 0.22 0.43 15.2 14.2 0.36 Exon 1982
179.75 0.322 4.2 0.15 0.51 15.73 18.85 0.74 Exon 1982
-163.9992778 -15.989 0.91 0.32 0.33 14.48 18.66 0.57 Okamoto 2003
-158.7521667 -7.737388889 0.42 0.23 0.67 9.58 19.69 0.99 Okamoto 2003
-159.0052778 -8.989555556 0.42 0.21 0.53 9.68 17.58 0.79 Okamoto 2003
-166.0005556 -16.98905556 0.64 0.31 0.32 14.43 17.98 0.55 Okamoto 2003
-158.5 -7.989166667 1.24 0.23 0.7 8.93 20.17 1.02 Okamoto 2003
-159.9977222 -8.987944444 0.47 0.19 0.88 8.93 22.16 0.89 Okamoto 2003
-158.2491111 -7.739944444 2.68 0.27 0.66 10.61 22.4 0.97 Okamoto 2003
-159.9978889 -6.993888889 0.11 0.13 1.14 5.61 27.19 1.45 Okamoto 2003
-157.9976111 -7.484944444 0.38 0.28 0.48 11.3 18.8 0.72 Okamoto 2003
-159.2538889 -6.742055556 2.97 0.26 0.38 10.73 14.22 0.59 Okamoto 2003
-159.5031111 -6.9895 6.87 0.41 0.28 15.28 19.0 0.46 Okamoto 2003
-158.7508889 -7.235388889 0.63 0.21 0.85 7.74 23.55 1.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2532222 -7.236166667 0.34 0.23 0.41 9.85 13.35 0.63 Okamoto 2003
-158.2507778 -7.240055556 0.77 0.25 0.46 10.77 15.41 0.8 Okamoto 2003
-158.7506667 -15.73766667 39.96 0.44 0.17 17.31 15.57 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.0097778 -15.50411111 40.82 0.51 0.11 18.95 15.89 0.19 Okamoto 2003
-158.9987778 -10.491 11.69 0.37 0.21 14.48 15.34 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.2445 -10.23888889 28.36 0.44 0.17 16.46 18.03 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.5070778 -9.996555556 12.6 0.37 0.21 14.68 16.09 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.7524444 -10.73827778 22.4 0.41 0.2 15.77 16.96 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.5007778 -10.98777778 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.9999444 -14.98772222 15.04 0.56 0.12 18.06 17.57 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.9984444 -15.98816667 36.87 0.49 0.1 19.35 14.98 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.4997222 -11.48566667 28.06 0.42 0.13 16.61 14.42 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.4981667 -12.48688889 26.01 0.47 0.16 17.31 17.92 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.5002222 -13.4875 5.0 0.39 0.2 19.13 15.73 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-159.5008333 -14.48705556 9.53 0.43 0.19 16.95 17.08 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.5013333 -15.48772222 39.72 0.48 0.11 19.0 15.57 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-160.0045 -15.493 29.93 0.53 0.1 19.13 15.56 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-160.4981667 -15.48822222 2.07 0.37 0.25 17.42 16.72 0.46 Okamoto 2003
-160.2498889 -15.73588889 16.28 0.52 0.11 19.4 14.82 0.19 Okamoto 2003
-160.4902222 -15.98872222 31.0 0.56 0.09 19.29 15.78 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.9971111 -16.49283333 27.44 0.49 0.11 18.46 13.81 0.19 Okamoto 2003
-160.2505 -16.23344444 29.02 0.56 0.1 19.4 16.03 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-159.7485 -9.239222222 23.64 0.45 0.13 18.43 17.62 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-164.9995556 -15.98866667 7.47 0.41 0.22 16.34 16.55 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.4960556 -8.498722222 11.51 0.45 0.22 16.47 16.33 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-164.0 -16.98855556 1.35 0.37 0.25 16.86 15.95 0.43 Okamoto 2003
-165.0000556 -16.98811111 2.86 0.31 0.22 12.92 10.37 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.9533 -28.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-159.0004444 -7.991055556 7.48 0.41 0.27 13.88 17.94 0.45 Okamoto 2003
-164.9998333 -17.98938889 2.26 0.38 0.26 15.27 16.06 0.48 Okamoto 2003
-159.4970556 -8.990166667 21.92 0.37 0.22 15.28 16.66 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.1250556 -16.36405556 31.18 0.5 0.12 18.28 15.22 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-158.5028889 -6.490611111 0.33 0.17 0.98 6.92 28.08 1.09 Okamoto 2003
-158.9995 -6.990444444 0.58 0.2 0.73 7.58 19.92 1.09 Okamoto 2003
-158.9996667 -7.488888889 0.64 0.23 0.87 8.39 23.83 1.21 Okamoto 2003
-159.5015 -7.491777778 9.08 0.43 0.31 14.84 17.66 0.5 Okamoto 2003
-158.4972778 -8.486388889 5.8 0.31 0.17 14.36 9.74 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-158.0186667 -6.984666667 1.01 0.24 0.69 8.98 21.38 1.05 Okamoto 2003
-158.4984444 -7.490444444 7.87 0.37 0.28 13.68 15.95 0.47 Okamoto 2003
-159.2438333 -16.23566667 27.05 0.49 0.13 18.82 15.07 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-159.5025556 -15.98788889 33.9 0.52 0.1 18.74 15.5 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.0025556 -16.49033333 34.91 0.51 0.12 18.79 15.79 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-158.7513889 -16.24038889 50.86 0.5 0.12 18.46 15.5 0.21 Okamoto 2003
-158.4996667 -16.48866667 29.57 0.42 0.18 16.39 17.39 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-158.5038333 -15.98911111 25.35 0.45 0.11 18.47 15.35 0.18 Okamoto 2003
-159.7419167 -15.74341667 28.61 0.5 0.11 19.96 15.17 0.18 Okamoto 2003
-159.2466667 -15.73983333 38.77 0.55 0.09 19.2 16.73 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.4933889 -9.505833333 13.57 0.44 0.18 15.83 17.73 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-165.9998333 -17.9885 2.71 0.44 0.23 16.47 17.27 0.4 Okamoto 2003
-161.9997778 -19.98883333 10.08 0.43 0.22 18.55 12.9 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-161.9993889 -20.98866667 15.51 0.48 0.21 17.62 15.44 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.2487222 -8.238444444 3.56 0.16 0.15 15.3 2.23 0.16 Okamoto 2003
-158.7431111 -8.237777778 1.12 0.22 0.53 8.73 16.21 0.77 Okamoto 2003
-158.2464444 -8.2395 3.39 0.33 0.32 13.21 16.15 0.54 Okamoto 2003
-159.2482778 -7.737222222 22.22 0.48 0.19 16.0 17.64 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-159.3344444 -8.489333333 0.07 0.26 0.51 10.78 16.31 0.76 Okamoto 2003
-159.7418333 -10.2385 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-158.003 -7.990444444 3.15 0.33 0.4 12.23 17.99 0.65 Okamoto 2003
-161.0002778 -18.98888889 2.27 0.39 0.17 17.08 9.67 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-162.0000556 -17.98894444 27.83 0.5 0.17 19.69 14.18 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-160.9999444 -17.9885 16.85 0.51 0.15 18.9 13.8 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-160.0000556 -17.98872222 0.02 0.47 0.16 19.81 13.16 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-158.0000556 -10.48888889 2.47 0.36 0.4 14.39 19.11 0.63 Okamoto 2003
-159.375 -16.11394444 24.65 0.46 0.16 17.85 14.44 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2499444 -15.98888889 34.81 0.53 0.12 18.36 17.45 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.125 -15.86361111 32.16 0.46 0.15 17.89 16.09 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-158.7501111 -15.98877778 23.32 0.53 0.13 18.53 14.42 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.7503333 -15.989 36.66 0.46 0.14 18.26 14.16 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.6251111 -15.86383333 25.22 0.5 0.14 19.1 15.4 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.375 -15.86366667 33.08 0.58 0.15 18.76 16.82 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.8748333 -15.86377778 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.8753889 -15.61388889 30.44 0.46 0.17 18.37 14.27 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.0000556 -15.73894444 26.66 0.39 0.15 15.13 15.23 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-157.9993333 -8.492333333 0.53 0.3 0.24 13.04 14.15 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.4903333 -7.991277778 7.84 0.38 0.28 15.69 16.12 0.45 Okamoto 2003
-158.0161667 -23.9835 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.5026111 -6.489722222 5.53 0.15 0.31 8.24 8.09 0.45 Okamoto 2003
-158.9983889 -6.492833333 0.69 0.17 0.96 6.92 27.24 1.04 Okamoto 2003
-160.0038889 -9.986833333 17.69 0.56 0.08 17.97 19.2 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-159.9987778 -10.9885 21.41 0.37 0.14 16.85 13.04 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-160.0067778 -11.99205556 10.59 0.42 0.16 16.38 16.49 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-160.0009444 -12.98922222 19.31 0.51 0.13 18.47 17.25 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-160.0012222 -13.99127778 33.88 0.49 0.13 18.5 16.2 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-158.50775 -15.49458333 11.3 0.36 0.26 17.94 15.13 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-166.0173333 -18.98266667 6.24 0.42 0.18 18.49 11.15 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-165.0025556 -19.98938889 10.87 0.62 0.13 19.98 15.36 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-165.0001111 -18.98888889 15.44 0.47 0.19 19.95 14.22 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-164.0001667 -18.98927778 1.44 0.38 0.24 17.71 13.77 0.41 Okamoto 2003
-164.0 -19.9895 14.78 0.45 0.18 18.78 12.71 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-163.9995556 -20.98922222 5.97 0.43 0.2 18.32 14.24 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-162.9999444 -21.98838889 6.19 0.44 0.23 17.02 14.92 0.41 Okamoto 2003
-162.9995556 -20.98872222 27.96 0.46 0.23 16.58 16.17 0.42 Okamoto 2003
-162.9991111 -19.989 10.09 0.5 0.16 19.02 13.55 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-162.9988333 -18.98316667 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-161.9994444 -18.98888889 27.906 0.52 0.15 19.97 14.4 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.2512222 -10.73944444 23.55 0.43 0.19 17.03 17.68 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.9109444 -10.49858333 30.02 0.47 0.14 17.57 17.02 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-159.2544444 -9.740888889 0.29 0.33 0.25 15.18 20.26 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.7434444 -9.738722222 17.48 0.37 0.17 15.72 15.64 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2487222 -9.237666667 2.25 0.35 0.2 13.34 14.85 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.0008889 -9.486722222 14.58 0.39 0.22 14.23 17.33 0.39 Okamoto 2003
-161.9990556 -21.98927778 5.37 0.28 0.24 18.45 9.23 0.4 Okamoto 2003
-162.0665 -23.05583333 16.15 0.48 0.24 16.72 16.3 0.44 Okamoto 2003
-161.0662222 -24.05533333 7.62 0.47 0.22 18.74 16.15 0.38 Okamoto 2003
-159.9891111 -24.01083333 25.22 0.52 0.19 19.18 15.04 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-160.5025 -16.48888889 15.62 0.47 0.13 16.91 15.27 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.7522222 -16.23444444 29.56 0.54 0.08 20.01 15.8 0.13 Okamoto 2003
-159.4965 -16.48933333 10.46 0.44 0.13 18.99 13.32 0.21 Okamoto 2003
-159.0 -24.0 2.53 0.48 0.25 18.07 16.77 0.49 Okamoto 2003
-156.9990556 -23.98966667 3.58 0.36 0.38 13.99 18.63 0.79 Okamoto 2003
-156.9993333 -22.9905 24.09 0.47 0.21 16.63 17.12 0.42 Okamoto 2003
-157.9992222 -22.9875 4.66 0.47 0.25 15.06 18.57 0.51 Okamoto 2003
-159.6661667 -22.98911111 8.35 0.32 0.41 11.18 24.07 0.96 Okamoto 2003
-159.9998333 -22.98905556 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-161.0001667 -22.90561111 9.5 0.53 0.18 19.14 14.69 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-161.0004444 -21.9885 1.41 0.44 0.16 20.27 8.81 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-160.9996111 -20.98888889 2.19 0.15 0.13 14.94 1.13 0.12 Okamoto 2003
-160.9995556 -19.98377778 4.64 0.47 0.19 18.7 14.01 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-158.9999444 -17.98911111 7.37 0.41 0.19 19.9 11.4 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-158.9998333 -16.98883333 38.0 0.48 0.18 18.67 15.24 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.9996667 -16.98866667 28.02 0.45 0.18 19.3 13.69 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-161.0001667 -16.98861111 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-162.0002778 -16.98872222 11.4 0.5 0.15 18.6 12.63 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-162.9999444 -16.98888889 4.8 0.4 0.21 16.49 15.74 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-162.9996111 -15.98877778 9.62 0.45 0.2 17.65 16.08 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-161.9999444 -15.98872222 17.95 0.47 0.18 17.69 15.23 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-161.0001111 -15.98888889 0.26 0.5 0.15 19.31 14.78 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-159.0032222 -15.98716667 34.48 0.48 0.12 18.85 15.41 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-159.0022222 -14.99088889 24.56 0.53 0.12 18.23 17.26 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-158.9995556 -13.98805556 20.44 0.37 0.16 18.02 13.82 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-158.9918333 -12.99544444 1.27 0.28 0.33 12.23 16.87 0.58 Okamoto 2003
-158.9993889 -11.98894444 0.28 0.21 0.51 9.83 18.29 0.88 Okamoto 2003
-158.9883889 -10.99361111 7.7 0.33 0.21 13.46 14.44 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.0019444 -9.985777778 34.11 0.47 0.14 16.87 17.79 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.5002778 -10.48677778 19.57 0.47 0.14 17.66 17.58 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-163.5 -19.49433333 6.18 0.48 0.13 23.1 12.04 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-162.5000556 -19.48894444 4.41 0.44 0.16 24.24 11.51 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-161.5000556 -19.48877778 5.33 0.54 0.14 23.01 12.59 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-161.5 -18.48883333 33.43 0.54 0.13 18.25 14.48 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-161.5 -17.48905556 19.28 0.5 0.16 17.97 14.68 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-160.5001111 -17.48894444 29.38 0.46 0.2 18.77 13.56 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.2498889 -16.48894444 19.61 0.42 0.16 20.82 14.59 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-158.875 -16.11377778 29.31 0.51 0.16 17.93 15.42 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.1251667 -16.11444444 27.92 0.62 0.12 19.0 16.34 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-158.8750556 -15.61394444 24.62 0.45 0.2 16.73 15.17 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.5000556 -15.73883333 29.47 0.55 0.15 18.57 16.19 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2500556 -15.48894444 32.93 0.51 0.17 18.94 15.62 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.7500556 -15.48883333 21.76 0.53 0.17 18.68 15.97 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.6251111 -15.61388889 15.33 0.54 0.14 18.78 16.04 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-157.4998889 -12.48894444 1.47 0.29 0.58 12.94 21.13 0.84 Okamoto 2003
-160.0011111 -9.488833333 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-160.0002222 -8.319944444 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-158.875 -16.36388889 32.39 0.54 0.15 18.28 15.18 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-158.9998889 -16.23888889 31.14 0.55 0.17 18.07 16.38 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-157.4998889 -11.48888889 20.43 0.47 0.22 16.63 17.35 0.39 Okamoto 2003
-158.5001111 -9.488944444 8.11 0.42 0.32 15.58 19.45 0.53 Okamoto 2003
-159.5335 -15.87483333 30.63 0.44 0.22 19.05 14.94 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-159.7001667 -15.875 24.86 0.25 0.11 10.2 9.76 0.16 Okamoto 2003
-159.1245 -16.24966667 28.58 0.52 0.18 19.7 14.75 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-159.1257778 -15.61361111 26.6 0.49 0.2 18.57 14.8 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.375 -15.61411111 32.96 0.52 0.16 18.41 15.57 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.625 -16.11394444 5.61 0.48 0.17 18.95 13.58 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-158.8751667 -15.86388889 23.13 0.49 0.17 18.25 15.13 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.5000556 -16.239 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.3751111 -16.364 21.79 0.64 0.12 20.09 15.81 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.457 0.132 14.8 15.7 0.219 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.398 0.289 16.4 19.4 0.397 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.442 0.188 16.2 14.3 0.254 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.406 0.182 20.7 12.8 0.312 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.115 0.235 14.8 15.0 0.555 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.28 0.39 15.9 18.54 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.27 15.9 18.54 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.37 15.53 18.01 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.24 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.45 13.65 17.87 0.39 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.19 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.19 0.33 13.65 17.87 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.24 0.37 15.53 18.01 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.17 0.64 14.0 18.4 0.5 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.28 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.1 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.1 0.39 6.96 13.17 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.0 0.66 6.96 13.17 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6533 4.3067 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6833 4.2183 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.18 1.25 8.38 28.85 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.5133 3.995 0.0 0.24 0.74 0.0 0.0 0.84 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.5133 3.995 0.0 0.0 0.69 10.21 23.36 0.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.5133 3.995 0.0 0.24 0.74 10.21 23.36 0.84 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-153.033 3.967 0.0 0.012 0.07 1.2 0.26 0.04 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.0 0.35 10.9 13.4 0.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.13 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.13 0.33 10.9 13.4 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.2 0.73 0.0 0.0 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.2 0.73 12.19 21.42 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.0 0.79 12.19 21.42 0.67 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5167 3.835 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.066 0.2 9.92 4.8 0.21 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.088 0.26 0.0 0.0 0.25 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.0 0.21 9.92 4.8 0.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.088 0.26 10.51 6.95 0.25 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.066 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.21 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.077 0.23 10.215 5.875 0.23 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.0 0.4 10.51 6.95 0.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-176.3 3.617 0.0 0.11 0.27 11.3 6.1 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.3 3.617 0.0 0.11 0.27 11.3 6.1 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.13 0.44 11.87 12.48 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.5 11.87 12.48 0.36 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.3 10.59 6.49 0.02 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.14 0.43 11.81 11.03 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.14 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.13 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.06 0.18 9.45 3.58 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.27 10.27 8.2 0.04 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.16 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.34 11.81 11.03 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.12 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.15 9.45 3.58 0.01 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.12 0.37 10.27 8.2 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.081 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.24 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.47 11.95 12.47 0.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.081 0.22 10.59 6.49 0.024 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.06 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.16 0.43 11.95 12.47 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.12 0.45 6.12 12.18 0.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.12 0.45 0.0 0.0 0.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.0 0.57 6.12 12.18 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-148.05 3.433 0.0 0.1 0.5 12.1 8.0 0.35 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-169.7607 3.3553 0.1 0.1 1.92 5.51 31.62 1.89 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5138 3.3438 0.4 0.21 1.12 11.46 25.61 1.09 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5137 3.341 12.8 0.2 1.15 11.21 25.83 1.2 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6645 3.3372 0.1 0.09 1.65 5.53 28.1 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.583 3.3347 0.1 0.1 1.57 5.5 28.22 1.95 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.197 0.45 45.8 0.63 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.49 43.72 1.1 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.31 48.06 0.48 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.31 0.56 45.63 0.32 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6055 3.3308 0.1 0.25 1.02 11.8 25.52 1.2 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.687 3.326 0.1 0.11 1.86 5.03 29.55 1.8 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.155 1.755 6.497 30.317 1.685 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.0 0.0 6.7 30.9 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.16 1.79 6.45 30.05 1.67 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.15 1.72 6.34 30.0 1.7 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7377 3.3012 5.8 0.15 1.8 6.45 30.02 1.75 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.1752 3.2972 1.2 0.13 1.69 4.75 26.74 1.79 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1752 3.2972 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6815 3.2968 0.2 0.1 1.81 5.23 30.25 1.79 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7268 3.2948 5.9 0.15 1.73 6.82 29.9 1.69 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6952 3.2915 12.0 0.26 0.52 21.2 9.27 0.32 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6952 3.2915 12.0 0.3 0.58 20.1 11.7 0.4 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6952 3.2915 12.0 0.28 0.55 20.65 10.485 0.36 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 1.78 5.27 28.61 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 1.78 5.27 28.61 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.14 1.66 4.91 26.66 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.14 1.72 5.09 27.635 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 1.78 5.27 28.61 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.7172 3.2892 11.4 0.17 1.83 7.21 29.71 1.54 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 1.9 5.59 30.37 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 1.9 5.59 30.37 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 1.9 5.59 30.37 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.13 1.71 4.96 27.24 1.71 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.12 1.77 5.21 28.33 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.13 1.71 4.96 27.24 1.71 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.125 1.793 5.253 28.647 1.69 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.8733 3.2833 0.0 0.24 0.0 7.22 24.34 0.75 Skornjakova H.S., Andruzchenko P.F., Fomina L.S. Himicheskijjsostav zhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. // Okeanologija
-169.7068 3.2827 5.2 0.16 1.94 6.7 30.22 1.62 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6845 3.2773 0.0 0.19 1.58 9.76 29.47 1.3 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.136 1.9 5.67 31.945 1.64 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.15 1.66 6.04 26.59 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.122 2.14 0.0 0.0 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 37.3 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.122 2.14 5.3 37.3 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.15 1.66 6.04 26.59 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6683 3.2737 2.6 0.12 1.85 4.92 29.38 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6683 3.2737 2.6 0.12 1.85 4.92 29.38 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.19 1.12 10.51 24.15 1.02 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.12 1.85 5.45 31.11 1.68 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.13 1.88 5.27 31.13 1.66 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.13 1.8 5.4 30.38 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.12 1.77 4.56 30.2 2.05 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.138 1.684 6.238 29.394 1.668 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6877 3.2732 15.7 0.22 1.06 12.56 25.21 0.91 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6483 3.273 0.1 0.11 1.77 5.75 29.8 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6703 3.2725 2.0 0.13 1.71 5.49 28.86 1.68 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2725 2.0 0.13 1.71 5.49 28.86 1.68 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.0 0.41 11.25 10.55 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.15 0.37 10.21 9.58 0.58 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.15 0.37 10.21 9.58 0.58 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.15 0.41 11.25 10.55 0.58 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.0 0.41 11.25 10.55 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6833 3.2717 3.2 0.14 1.74 5.48 28.28 1.63 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules deposits in the Central Paci-fic ocean and their variation with latitude. // Marine Mining,1983, v.4
-169.6833 3.2717 3.2 0.14 1.74 5.48 28.28 1.63 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules deposits in the Central Paci-fic ocean and their variation with latitude. // Marine Mining,1983, v.4
-169.6892 3.2715 5.9 0.19 0.44 12.27 15.99 0.76 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6892 3.2715 5.9 0.19 0.44 12.27 15.99 0.76 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.759 3.2713 0.8 0.11 1.93 5.48 31.7 1.77 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.69 3.2687 15.6 0.21 0.85 12.3 23.02 0.95 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6568 3.268 0.0 0.09 0.33 4.49 7.14 0.38 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6568 3.268 0.0 0.09 0.33 4.49 7.14 0.38 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.7397 3.2662 4.9 0.18 1.26 8.55 24.75 1.23 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.84 3.2658 0.2 0.14 1.41 7.62 26.2 1.52 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6548 3.2648 0.1 0.1 1.9 5.34 32.61 1.79 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.697 3.2638 10.4 0.17 1.94 7.26 30.0 1.58 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7258 3.2637 0.1 0.25 0.8 13.84 24.72 0.94 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6883 3.2635 8.1 0.18 1.27 9.81 24.98 1.17 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6845 3.263 9.6 0.14 1.76 6.63 29.6 1.81 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7092 3.2623 10.2 0.15 1.81 7.26 30.02 1.63 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6793 3.2572 2.8 0.11 1.84 5.88 31.28 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.109 1.85 5.225 34.4 1.8 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.0 0.0 5.1 37.3 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.108 1.82 5.1 37.3 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.11 1.88 5.35 31.5 1.86 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.108 1.82 0.0 0.0 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6798 3.255 0.0 0.08 0.88 7.53 17.21 1.18 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6655 3.2518 4.5 0.11 1.85 5.92 30.72 1.6 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.14 2.09 5.32 31.61 1.66 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.22 1.14 10.75 25.5 1.11 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.1 1.83 5.78 31.02 1.82 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.185 1.365 9.762 27.7675 1.2825 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.28 0.4 17.2 22.94 0.54 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6878 3.2488 1.3 0.12 1.8 5.44 30.48 1.67 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6935 3.2432 1.1 0.11 1.86 5.8 32.1 1.75 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.12 1.99 5.68 32.45 1.64 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.12 1.92 5.81 32.12 1.87 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.1175 1.8075 5.868 30.5975 1.815 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.12 1.54 5.97 27.21 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.11 1.78 6.01 30.61 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.648 3.2395 0.1 0.1 1.63 5.24 29.1 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6893 3.2387 0.6 0.12 1.78 5.4 32.2 1.78 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.117 1.72 5.593 30.71 1.867 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.12 1.83 5.71 32.37 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.11 1.77 5.67 30.86 1.96 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.12 1.56 5.4 28.9 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6353 3.2355 0.1 0.11 1.74 4.49 30.11 2.05 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6883 3.2342 0.5 0.1 1.9 5.11 33.35 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6837 3.231 0.8 0.11 1.8 5.81 31.26 1.72 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6923 3.2305 3.0 0.12 1.8 5.4 33.18 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.677 3.2265 0.9 0.11 1.95 5.43 32.71 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6982 3.2257 18.0 0.18 1.69 8.65 30.5 1.39 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.03 0.52 10.9 7.8 0.39 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.08 0.98 16.2 12.8 0.54 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.093 0.713 13.7 13.0 0.477 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-169.6942 3.222 0.0 0.14 1.69 7.58 28.5 1.35 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6832 3.2208 10.5 0.16 1.86 7.55 29.27 1.46 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.706 3.2188 15.1 0.24 0.62 15.3 23.55 0.73 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6678 3.2162 0.3 0.1 1.97 5.3 33.52 2.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6828 3.2113 13.0 0.26 0.99 12.31 25.6 0.99 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7152 3.2112 4.0 0.19 0.63 13.41 18.71 0.68 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6598 3.2065 0.1 0.1 1.95 5.3 33.3 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6937 3.2047 10.2 0.215 1.035 10.39 23.85 1.155 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6937 3.2047 10.2 0.22 1.18 9.57 24.4 1.31 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6937 3.2047 10.2 0.21 0.89 11.21 23.3 1.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7245 3.2037 9.5 0.21 0.95 12.45 24.8 1.02 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6993 3.2022 14.6 0.15 0.44 13.32 15.38 0.58 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-169.6825 3.2015 8.9 0.26 0.59 16.68 23.12 0.59 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7052 3.1998 15.1 0.19 0.45 13.7 18.19 0.5 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7127 3.1943 9.9 0.21 0.89 12.4 24.81 0.94 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7198 3.1887 0.2 0.1 1.8 5.07 33.95 1.84 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7353 3.1775 0.3 0.1 1.68 5.55 32.03 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.0 0.39 8.69 6.12 0.17 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.049 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.049 0.36 8.69 6.12 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.5843 3.1653 0.1 0.1 2.06 4.78 33.5 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.584 3.0852 2.1 0.19 1.16 10.47 26.31 1.28 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5845 3.0822 0.1 0.1 1.81 5.46 31.42 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.12 0.77 0.0 0.0 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.12 0.77 9.5 18.1 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.2 17.6 17.9 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.14 16.9 19.9 0.19 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.11 0.43 16.9 19.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.133 0.553 14.67 18.63 0.393 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.11 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.17 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.17 0.46 17.6 17.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.76 9.5 18.1 0.89 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.14 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.54 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.14 0.39 11.81 15.81 0.54 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.0 0.44 11.81 15.81 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.41 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.06 18.1 19.0 0.075 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.41 0.3 14.8 21.2 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.45 11.7 20.7 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.17 0.31 18.1 19.0 0.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.22 0.57 0.0 0.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.267 0.393 14.87 20.3 0.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.22 0.57 11.7 20.7 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0375 14.8 21.2 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.17 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5412 3.0417 0.4 0.12 1.95 5.38 31.82 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-171.6583 3.04 0.0 0.11 0.42 0.0 0.0 0.63 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6583 3.04 0.0 0.11 0.42 10.8 13.69 0.63 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6583 3.04 0.0 0.0 0.36 10.8 13.69 0.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.0 1.43 5.56 28.6 1.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.096 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.096 1.2 5.56 28.6 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.6 7.1 10.1 0.73 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.12 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.12 0.56 7.1 10.1 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.6705 3.0003 0.1 0.1 1.87 5.49 32.1 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-168.6667 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.55 3.6 21.0 0.72 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.6672 2.999 0.3 0.11 1.9 5.12 32.15 1.96 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5788 2.9973 0.8 0.13 1.84 6.0 31.92 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 16.7 16.9 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.2 16.7 16.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 16.7 16.9 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.33 14.9 15.05 0.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.2 16.7 16.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.33 14.9 15.05 0.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.17 0.42 0.0 0.0 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.17 0.42 12.68 17.17 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.0 0.6 12.68 17.17 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-150.985 2.9383 0.0 0.0 1.47 6.38 28.9 1.57 Andrews,J.E., Callender,E., Bowser, al. Ferromanganesedeposits of the ocean floor. Cruise Report MN-74-01. Honolulu toSan Di
-150.985 2.9383 0.0 0.0 1.47 6.38 28.9 1.57 Andrews,J.E., Callender,E., Bowser, al. Ferromanganesedeposits of the ocean floor. Cruise Report MN-74-01. Honolulu toSan Di
-150.985 2.9383 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Callender,E., Bowser, al. Ferromanganesedeposits of the ocean floor. Cruise Report MN-74-01. Honolulu toSan Di
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.15 1.4 9.49 31.2 1.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.18 1.25 9.38 28.85 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.15 1.4 9.5 31.2 1.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.15 1.15 10.2 29.8 1.23 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.14 1.34 9.64 30.5 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.27 1.05 10.7 24.9 1.17 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.14 1.34 9.6 30.5 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.178 1.238 9.682 29.05 1.264 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.055 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.33 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.0 0.55 3.6 1.0 0.72 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.055 0.4 3.6 1.0 0.33 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.6447 2.8573 0.1 0.1 1.9 4.7 33.6 1.91 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-150.167 2.85 0.0 0.09 0.56 15.2 12.8 0.48 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-150.167 2.85 0.0 0.09 0.56 15.2 12.8 0.48 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-169.5948 2.8485 0.1 0.19 1.48 7.76 27.55 1.7 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6452 2.8453 0.1 0.1 1.92 5.1 33.03 1.77 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 2.834 15.1 0.16 1.49 8.2 27.1 1.31 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.67 2.8337 8.6 0.14 1.67 7.35 29.04 1.5 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6738 2.8327 0.1 0.1 1.8 5.0 33.43 1.97 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5848 2.8305 0.3 0.1 1.93 5.21 32.96 1.87 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6688 2.8297 12.6 0.19 1.24 10.52 26.0 1.28 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6463 2.8108 0.1 0.1 1.91 4.91 32.61 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6488 2.8035 0.1 0.11 1.78 5.4 33.02 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6672 2.7942 5.7 0.12 1.9 5.4 32.84 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6722 2.794 7.6 0.16 1.14 9.3 22.92 1.11 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6782 2.7937 0.1 0.11 1.7 5.1 34.12 2.06 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6488 2.7898 0.1 0.1 1.96 5.24 34.3 1.81 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6713 2.7882 3.3 0.11 1.03 8.12 19.9 1.07 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6708 2.7788 9.6 0.18 1.15 9.9 23.9 1.09 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6488 2.7785 0.1 0.1 1.95 5.1 35.01 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6733 2.7752 0.2 0.12 1.8 5.7 32.02 1.68 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6708 2.7693 0.0 0.22 1.2 10.77 26.42 1.13 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6502 2.7682 0.1 0.12 1.72 5.49 31.86 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6848 2.7597 0.1 0.1 1.89 5.0 33.46 1.84 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6505 2.7595 0.4 0.11 1.95 5.0 34.63 1.77 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6692 2.7563 4.9 0.12 1.82 5.8 30.75 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-173.7483 2.5383 0.22 0.07 0.88 4.6 29.4 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.7483 2.5383 0.22 0.0 1.35 4.6 29.4 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.7483 2.5383 0.22 0.07 0.88 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.1012 2.5355 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0932 2.5252 7.7 0.14 0.78 13.13 23.32 0.86 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0932 2.5252 7.7 0.14 0.78 13.13 23.32 0.86 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0945 2.5247 6.8 0.24 0.81 12.33 22.51 0.87 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0945 2.5247 6.8 0.24 0.81 12.33 22.51 0.87 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.14 1.6 0.0 0.0 1.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.14 1.6 6.77 28.25 1.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.62 8.28 24.66 0.74 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 1.3 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 0.79 8.28 24.66 0.95 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 1.02 7.57 26.55 1.19 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 1.32 5.86 27.13 1.32 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 0.79 0.0 0.0 0.95 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 1.32 6.77 28.25 1.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.15 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 1.3 7.57 26.55 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 1.15 7.0 27.1 1.11 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.15 1.5 7.0 27.1 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 0.88 6.34 27.15 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.49 6.29 28.43 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 1.0 6.29 28.43 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.1 6.34 27.15 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.088 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.49 6.08 28.23 1.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.088 1.0 6.08 28.23 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.09 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.09 1.1 5.64 28.89 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 0.88 0.0 0.0 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.4 5.64 28.89 1.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.96 7.84 26.57 1.03 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.17 1.4 7.84 26.57 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.17 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.082 1.0 6.82 28.12 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.074 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.088 1.0 6.91 28.05 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.088 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.074 1.0 5.86 27.13 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 1.35 6.82 28.12 1.17 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.082 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 1.42 6.91 28.05 1.07 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.14 0.28 14.71 17.03 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.0 0.35 14.71 17.03 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.14 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.11 0.3 15.3 17.84 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.0 0.22 15.3 17.84 0.33 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.11 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.0 0.61 13.49 20.05 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.11 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.11 0.51 13.49 20.05 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.28 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.88 10.29 23.51 0.94 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.28 0.4 10.29 23.51 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.5 12.62 17.51 0.73 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.4 11.73 14.31 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.56 11.73 14.31 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.42 12.43 17.35 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.22 0.66 12.43 17.35 0.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.21 0.58 0.0 0.0 0.82 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.44 12.49 18.64 0.52 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.21 0.58 12.49 18.64 0.82 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.48 12.62 17.51 0.42 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.22 0.66 0.0 0.0 0.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.73 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.0 0.9 9.74 21.33 0.83 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.16 1.0 9.74 21.33 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.16 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.74 2.395 0.6 0.088 1.1 6.05 27.35 0.96 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.74 2.395 0.6 0.0 1.49 6.05 27.35 1.17 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.74 2.395 0.6 0.088 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.96 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.97 9.81 24.32 0.92 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.21 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 1.02 9.24 25.18 1.14 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.47 10.73 16.9 0.56 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.19 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.19 1.2 9.24 25.18 1.14 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.17 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.21 0.6 10.73 16.9 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.17 1.1 9.81 24.32 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.16 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.65 11.61 16.48 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.16 0.49 11.61 16.48 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.49 13.53 20.8 0.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.11 0.4 13.83 20.7 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.38 13.04 19.56 0.57 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.2 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.48 13.83 20.7 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.15 0.59 0.0 0.0 0.72 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.11 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.58 10.9 15.65 0.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.2 0.56 13.04 19.56 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.4 13.53 20.8 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.49 13.15 20.9 0.65 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.15 0.59 10.9 15.65 0.72 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.39 13.15 20.9 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.143 0.447 12.33 18.67 0.613 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.65 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.15 0.56 11.8 18.6 0.75 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.15 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.75 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.32 13.1 19.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.72 11.8 18.6 0.67 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.6 12.1 18.4 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.52 13.1 19.0 0.54 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.46 12.1 18.4 0.65 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.6667 2.3333 0.0 0.0 0.67 11.5 22.4 0.9 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.69 11.7 22.7 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.62 11.5 22.4 0.79 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.15 0.655 11.6 22.55 0.835 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.69 0.0 0.0 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.65 11.7 22.7 0.8 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.62 0.0 0.0 0.79 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.67 11.5 22.4 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 1.41 6.4 29.0 1.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.12 1.4 6.5 29.3 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 1.31 6.5 29.3 1.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.11 1.3 6.4 29.0 1.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.12 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.109 1.27 5.87 26.57 1.13 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.096 1.1 4.7 21.4 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 1.2 4.7 21.4 1.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.096 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.11 1.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.17 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.32 14.9 18.3 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.17 0.46 14.9 18.3 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 6.0 27.5 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.09 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.09 1.4 5.4 30.7 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.45 5.1 30.1 1.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.54 6.0 27.5 1.23 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.1 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.1075 1.325 5.5 28.5 1.275 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.54 5.4 30.7 1.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 5.5 26.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.1 1.5 5.1 30.1 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.45 5.5 26.0 1.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.16 0.53 13.1 19.0 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.49 13.1 19.0 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-158.508 -2.027 0.0 0.09 1.41 5.6 30.6 1.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.5 13.8 20.6 0.56 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.17 0.5 13.8 20.6 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.165 0.515 13.45 19.8 5.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.17 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.16 0.53 0.0 0.0 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.17 0.41 16.4 20.3 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.17 0.41 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.26 16.4 20.3 0.36 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.183 0.443 16.0 19.07 0.423 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.49 15.3 17.7 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.21 15.3 17.7 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.41 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.32 16.3 19.2 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-171.0817 -4.23 6.88 0.15 0.17 11.15 9.15 0.25 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.43 16.3 19.2 0.41 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.5 15.4 20.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.2 0.58 0.0 0.0 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.2 0.58 14.6 18.8 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.21 0.34 14.1 18.8 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.29 14.6 18.8 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.4 14.1 18.8 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.47 15.8 19.7 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.32 15.4 20.0 0.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.17 0.5 16.2 16.2 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.31 15.8 19.7 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.28 16.2 16.2 0.52 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.192 0.478 15.02 18.7 0.464 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.21 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.17 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-171.8483 1.8683 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.0 0.31 15.57 17.6 0.52 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.21 0.38 15.57 17.6 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.21 0.38 0.0 0.0 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.27 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.1 17.72 18.65 0.26 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.27 1.695 0.0 0.17 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.27 1.695 0.0 0.17 0.31 17.72 18.65 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.38 15.7 20.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.22 17.58 19.21 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.13 0.35 14.2 18.78 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.51 14.2 18.78 0.67 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.3 15.82 18.06 0.29 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.29 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.64 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.29 0.37 15.82 18.06 0.64 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.12 0.77 8.83 15.53 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.26 15.71 19.07 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.12 0.77 0.0 0.0 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.15 0.44 15.84 18.62 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.15 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.31 15.84 18.62 3.8 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.13 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.2 17.58 19.21 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.11 0.28 15.71 19.07 0.42 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.11 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.42 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.79 8.83 15.53 0.69 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.36 15.7 20.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.11 0.31 15.25 19.3 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.0 0.4 14.25 19.3 0.47 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.11 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2467 1.67 0.0 0.26 0.46 16.8 17.64 0.51 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2467 1.67 0.0 0.0 0.21 16.8 17.64 0.23 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2467 1.67 0.0 0.26 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.51 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.815 1.615 0.09 0.0 0.0 5.3 22.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.12 1.1 6.9 27.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.14 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.14 1.2 7.5 25.6 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 1.25 7.5 25.6 1.36 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.13 1.15 7.2 26.3 1.25 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-166.0793 -0.7528 0.0 0.16 1.01 9.37 26.03 1.41 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 1.24 6.9 27.0 1.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.12 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.7002 1.2933 0.05 0.09 1.4 5.93 26.84 1.75 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.7008 1.291 0.3 0.09 1.42 6.05 26.39 1.7 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.7008 1.291 0.3 0.09 1.44 6.17 25.95 1.65 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.7008 1.291 0.3 0.09 1.42 6.05 26.39 1.7 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.6667 1.1667 0.0 0.0 1.45 5.1 30.1 1.37 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-167.8883 1.125 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S. ZHelezomargancevye konkreciicentral`nojj chasti Tihogo okeana. // Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.122., M.,Ha
-167.9067 1.0917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S. ZHelezomargancevye konkreciicentral`nojj chasti Tihogo okeana. // Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.122., M.,Ha
-166.3278 -0.7455 1.2 0.22 0.38 15.94 22.34 0.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-176.835 -31.8 0.0 0.151 0.071 15.68 11.36 0.148 Kaljagin A.H., Puzchin I.K., Butenko T.JU. i dr. Mineralogo-geohimicheskie osobennosti zhelezomargancevojj mineralizacii v jugo-
-157.9 0.55 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aplin,A., Michard,A., Albarede,F. Nd-143/Nd-144 in Pacificferromanganese encrustations and nodules. // Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-167.5605 0.4332 0.01 0.06 0.49 9.21 10.89 0.44 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.5605 0.4332 0.01 0.06 0.49 9.21 10.89 0.44 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.0452 0.4123 0.1 0.13 0.92 8.63 19.65 1.14 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.0452 0.4123 0.1 0.13 0.92 8.63 19.65 1.14 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.878 0.003 0.45 0.14 0.52 12.5 21.7 0.71 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-159.8783 -0.0033 0.45 0.14 0.57 11.82 21.89 0.72 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.8783 -0.0033 0.45 0.14 0.57 11.82 21.89 0.72 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-176.1217 -0.0533 0.0 0.13 0.77 9.73 17.24 0.79 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-176.1217 -0.0533 0.0 0.13 0.77 9.74 17.21 0.79 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-166.7903 -0.7025 0.04 0.19 0.72 11.85 20.2 0.88 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.1678 -0.712 0.04 0.1 0.21 11.21 7.89 0.27 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-166.5328 -0.7335 16.0 0.18 0.75 13.87 24.55 0.91 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.157 -0.7408 9.5 0.19 0.57 13.85 22.64 0.81 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2498 -0.7412 0.2 0.19 0.6 13.81 24.82 0.99 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4062 -0.7488 11.0 0.23 0.5 15.42 20.97 0.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4975 -0.7497 1.3 0.17 0.71 12.47 22.33 0.95 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-147.6 -0.75 0.0 0.44 0.11 17.3 18.6 0.32 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-147.6 -0.75 0.0 0.44 0.11 17.3 18.6 0.32 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-147.6 -0.75 0.0 0.44 0.11 17.3 18.6 0.32 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-166.0833 -0.7503 0.6 0.17 0.96 10.52 26.92 1.27 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0793 -0.7528 0.0 0.16 1.01 9.37 26.03 1.41 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1167 -0.7837 9.6 0.17 1.01 9.92 25.58 1.26 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.133 -0.7868 0.0 0.174 1.05 0.0 25.37 1.25 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1042 -0.7885 5.1 0.12 1.25 7.22 28.33 1.71 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1292 -0.7913 16.1 0.15 1.1 9.33 27.34 1.43 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1418 -0.8075 7.9 0.15 1.14 8.9 28.18 1.51 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2393 -0.8168 13.2 0.19 0.81 11.95 24.27 1.03 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2338 -0.8178 0.0 0.08 0.98 11.03 26.09 1.12 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2338 -0.8178 0.0 0.08 0.98 11.03 26.09 1.12 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1557 -0.8243 5.1 0.15 1.13 8.56 28.03 1.61 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2455 -0.827 11.2 0.18 0.86 11.67 25.0 1.1 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2455 -0.827 11.2 0.18 0.84 12.21 24.44 1.04 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2455 -0.827 11.2 0.18 0.85 11.94 24.72 1.07 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0722 -0.8278 7.1 0.14 1.19 8.8 27.84 1.5 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2483 -0.8278 8.7 0.17 0.85 12.43 25.16 1.04 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3325 -0.8292 0.2 0.23 0.46 16.94 24.15 0.75 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1653 -0.8315 7.1 0.17 1.05 10.13 27.12 1.24 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4972 -0.8327 20.1 0.21 0.5 15.36 21.5 0.62 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.177 -0.8407 2.8 0.14 1.18 8.21 28.28 1.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.0815 -0.8473 5.7 0.21 0.69 12.23 20.96 0.82 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0802 -0.8482 6.3 0.14 1.07 7.79 24.92 1.28 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1898 -0.8558 4.0 0.25 0.36 17.7 21.2 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1968 -0.863 0.5 0.11 1.26 6.74 29.44 1.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2022 -0.8683 3.1 0.12 1.3 6.8 28.67 1.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2962 -0.8797 1.9 0.21 0.69 12.88 24.41 0.93 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0827 -0.8852 2.3 0.25 1.06 7.94 31.75 1.24 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4302 -0.8855 4.0 0.21 0.71 12.57 22.99 0.8 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0813 -0.8862 18.3 0.23 0.47 14.61 22.02 0.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.429 -0.8872 3.4 0.27 0.49 15.18 22.27 0.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.21 0.58 13.3 21.26 0.7 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.2 0.74 11.58 23.3 0.95 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.2 0.74 11.58 23.3 0.95 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.21 0.58 13.3 21.26 0.7 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3083 -0.8922 0.1 0.1 1.46 6.11 30.73 1.51 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0818 -0.8942 23.1 0.23 0.38 15.83 21.25 0.58 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0818 -0.9015 6.5 0.21 0.45 14.22 21.96 0.75 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3208 -0.9042 6.0 0.23 0.54 13.84 22.17 0.75 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.082 -0.9083 10.5 0.19 0.57 12.59 21.52 0.77 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3333 -0.9095 4.3 0.16 1.11 9.02 27.06 1.39 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0822 -0.9158 14.4 0.24 0.38 16.72 19.64 0.55 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4147 -0.9172 1.2 0.18 0.81 12.05 23.45 0.96 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2473 -0.9183 8.2 0.22 0.37 17.07 21.94 0.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0793 -0.922 30.3 0.22 0.5 14.11 20.98 0.71 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3335 -0.9277 13.8 0.15 1.12 9.27 27.2 1.31 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.2 0.75 12.31 22.37 1.03 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.13 1.15 5.4 29.9 2.13 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.24 0.24 18.12 20.1 0.34 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.18 0.53 11.83 19.62 0.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.19 0.71 11.94 24.12 1.17 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.2 0.75 12.31 22.37 1.03 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.13 1.15 5.4 29.9 2.13 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.24 0.24 18.12 20.1 0.34 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.18 0.53 11.83 19.62 0.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.19 0.71 11.94 24.12 1.17 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0805 -0.9387 14.9 0.19 0.66 11.99 21.69 0.9 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3452 -0.9392 0.04 0.14 0.6 8.73 18.78 1.04 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.274 -0.9437 12.6 0.26 0.43 16.37 22.16 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3567 -0.9507 0.04 0.12 1.16 6.97 26.71 1.67 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2853 -0.9547 12.2 0.24 0.34 17.83 22.47 0.61 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.368 -0.962 1.1 0.11 1.3 6.59 28.47 1.71 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3867 -0.9683 1.0 0.11 1.33 5.84 28.75 1.81 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3482 -0.9768 2.5 0.15 1.18 6.93 24.72 1.55 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3482 -0.9768 2.5 0.16 1.05 8.25 23.65 1.36 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3075 -0.9775 18.2 0.23 0.52 14.45 21.47 0.68 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.4008 -0.9797 0.4 0.32 0.48 16.43 19.62 0.44 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3415 -0.9823 10.4 0.17 0.93 9.18 22.46 1.21 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.16 1.06 8.63 23.78 1.31 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.0 1.16 9.44 26.02 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.16 1.11 9.035 24.9 1.31 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.0 1.16 9.44 26.02 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.5002 -0.9892 6.0 0.18 0.57 12.62 21.66 0.79 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3217 -0.9942 4.4 0.12 1.35 6.68 30.26 1.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2428 -0.9973 9.5 0.14 1.31 7.59 28.94 1.62 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.334 -0.9992 13.6 0.22 0.43 15.67 21.64 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4113 -1.0008 0.0 0.15 1.08 9.18 25.78 1.45 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4093 -1.003 14.7 0.2 0.66 13.13 22.97 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.081 -1.0033 0.04 0.07 0.41 6.89 11.43 0.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.237 -1.0052 10.8 0.27 0.44 17.12 21.65 0.57 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.237 -1.0052 10.1 0.16 1.12 10.0 27.75 1.26 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3465 -1.011 1.4 0.11 1.28 6.17 30.06 1.88 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3595 -1.023 12.8 0.16 1.09 9.22 27.61 1.27 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2168 -1.0292 11.6 0.23 0.47 16.0 22.59 0.69 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3713 -1.0348 6.0 0.17 1.24 8.24 29.06 1.54 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3838 -1.0468 7.2 0.13 1.21 6.93 28.62 1.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1942 -1.0528 10.1 0.16 1.2 9.07 29.08 1.42 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1833 -1.0637 10.5 0.12 1.24 7.45 27.84 1.62 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.399 -1.0657 0.0 0.18 1.0 10.28 26.76 1.2 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 11.8 0.09 0.23 13.0 9.64 0.29 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 11.8 0.21 0.43 13.21 17.77 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 3.8 0.09 0.23 13.0 9.64 0.29 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 3.8 0.21 0.43 13.21 17.77 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2215 -1.076 13.2 0.15 1.0 10.17 25.23 1.16 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.303 -1.0768 5.6 0.24 0.41 15.41 22.56 0.58 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2972 -1.0777 0.3 0.31 0.44 17.08 23.1 0.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3298 -1.083 14.2 0.2 0.59 13.03 21.42 0.79 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4128 -1.0838 20.8 0.23 0.37 17.45 21.5 0.54 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.246 -1.0838 1.1 0.37 0.55 15.18 22.68 0.55 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1655 -1.084 2.9 0.12 1.29 6.81 30.52 1.88 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2285 -1.0855 0.7 0.12 1.29 6.68 28.17 1.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1957 -1.0865 0.2 0.14 1.21 6.65 27.2 1.79 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 1.4 0.15 0.69 9.68 19.46 0.98 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 1.4 0.18 1.11 9.3 27.59 1.28 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 6.3 0.18 1.11 9.3 27.59 1.28 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 6.3 0.15 0.69 9.68 19.46 0.98 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1517 -1.102 0.04 0.11 0.69 7.13 20.59 1.33 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.179 -1.1055 0.1 0.11 1.33 6.31 29.16 1.67 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.14 -1.1143 14.3 0.18 0.7 11.48 22.74 0.87 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1292 -1.1258 4.0 0.18 0.81 10.63 23.68 0.91 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1178 -1.1378 10.0 0.14 0.7 8.8 19.64 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0952 -1.1618 4.9 0.11 1.21 6.54 29.74 1.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0088 -1.166 0.4 0.11 1.32 6.29 30.51 1.66 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.82 -1.2043 1.5 0.28 0.29 15.05 16.37 0.36 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.637 -1.2325 5.2 0.21 0.54 13.43 22.62 0.84 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.6222 -1.2395 0.0 0.17 0.93 9.61 25.94 1.26 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.245 -1.2683 0.0 0.28 1.19 9.9 24.2 1.2 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.245 -1.2683 0.0 0.33 0.64 12.74 16.06 0.75 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.245 -1.2683 0.0 0.305 0.915 11.32 20.13 0.975 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.3833 -1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aplin,A., Michard,A., Albarede,F. Nd-143/Nd-144 in Pacificferromanganese encrustations and nodules. // Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-166.7967 -1.3085 0.1 0.16 0.99 7.49 22.79 1.45 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.6608 -1.4613 0.1 0.08 0.38 10.07 9.51 0.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.6712 -1.4687 0.04 0.15 0.89 7.41 23.46 1.63 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.9182 -1.5023 0.04 0.16 1.14 7.83 23.48 1.56 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.8208 -1.5217 0.1 0.11 1.21 6.43 28.56 1.73 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.606 -1.5488 0.0 0.21 0.58 14.48 22.69 0.83 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.9942 -1.587 0.04 0.12 1.03 6.77 25.44 1.74 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.533 -1.597 2.3 0.26 0.41 17.67 21.39 0.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.737 -1.6788 3.5 0.12 1.26 6.76 28.64 1.67 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.431 -1.7473 0.01 0.21 0.2 10.59 12.48 0.3 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.431 -1.7473 0.01 0.0 0.31 19.77 23.66 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4298 -1.7487 2.7 0.07 0.15 4.38 4.85 0.19 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.215 0.285 18.29 21.89 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.0 0.31 19.77 23.66 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.36 0.26 16.81 20.12 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.3753 -1.7865 0.4 0.22 0.7 12.73 23.24 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.063 -1.7942 0.04 0.17 0.71 8.25 20.8 1.25 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.25 -1.805 15.8 0.15 0.36 11.74 13.23 0.55 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.1333 -1.9833 0.0 0.203 0.519 11.27 17.1 0.661 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.36 0.26 18.5 19.7 0.44 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.337 0.277 17.53 18.67 0.41 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.29 0.34 16.5 18.3 0.49 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.36 0.23 17.6 18.0 0.3 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5067 -2.0167 3.44 0.2 0.16 12.45 10.98 0.24 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5067 -2.0167 3.44 0.2 0.16 12.45 10.98 0.24 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.508 -2.027 0.0 0.09 1.41 5.6 30.6 1.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.0875 -2.0937 0.04 0.07 0.59 8.88 16.43 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.0913 -2.2373 19.8 0.27 0.32 17.64 19.43 0.42 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.0302 -2.2637 9.3 0.19 0.5 10.31 17.69 0.66 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-163.958 -2.292 0.0 0.35 0.34 12.3 17.57 0.45 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-163.9633 -2.2933 0.0 0.22 0.38 10.5 14.9 0.48 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.16 -2.3995 18.6 0.15 0.31 12.42 13.48 0.41 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-151.95 -2.4666 0.0 0.21 0.68 12.4 25.3 1.1 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-168.3413 -2.4687 0.04 0.11 1.15 6.33 27.23 1.44 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.0302 -2.4703 0.04 0.13 0.91 6.71 25.01 1.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-164.9453 -2.882 0.4 0.1 1.45 5.45 27.0 1.49 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.9453 -2.882 0.4 0.18 0.92 8.0 22.09 1.06 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.9427 -2.8832 7.0 0.3 0.57 12.55 21.23 0.7 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.9552 -2.8833 6.1 0.15 0.75 6.0 18.04 1.01 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-154.2983 -2.9833 0.0 0.15 1.0 6.97 20.31 0.87 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.2983 -2.9833 0.0 0.15 1.0 6.97 20.31 0.87 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-168.0333 -2.9833 0.0 0.15 1.26 6.0 28.0 1.22 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.33 0.44 12.42 19.64 0.74 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.0 0.5 14.03 22.19 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.0 0.5 14.03 22.19 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.33 0.47 13.225 20.915 0.74 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.2 0.395 12.6 15.87 0.5 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.0 0.42 13.37 16.84 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.2 0.37 11.83 14.9 0.5 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.0 0.42 13.37 16.84 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.15 0.31 12.16 14.57 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.23 0.37 12.13 16.37 0.55 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.0 0.35 13.81 16.55 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.0 0.35 13.81 16.53 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.15 0.33 12.985 15.55 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.24 1.1 7.22 24.45 0.75 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.24 1.1 7.22 24.45 0.75 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.244 1.1 7.22 24.4 0.747 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.24 0.0 7.2 24.4 0.75 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.244 0.0 7.22 24.34 0.747 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-158.523 -3.505 0.0 0.17 1.23 5.9 29.6 1.14 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.52 -3.507 0.0 0.14 1.18 6.5 30.0 1.12 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.52 -3.51 0.0 0.3 1.39 5.3 30.5 1.42 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.52 -3.51 0.0 0.3 1.39 5.3 30.5 1.42 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-164.1575 -3.5102 0.01 0.11 1.48 5.34 26.39 1.36 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.1573 -3.5105 0.2 0.11 1.48 5.34 26.39 1.36 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.51 -3.513 0.0 0.16 1.33 6.8 29.8 1.13 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.507 -3.515 0.0 0.11 1.54 5.4 32.4 1.57 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.507 -3.515 0.0 0.11 1.54 5.4 32.4 1.57 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.351 0.419 14.715 14.67 0.5065 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.334 0.388 14.69 12.39 0.495 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.368 0.45 14.74 16.95 0.518 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.37 0.45 14.74 16.95 0.52 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.497 -3.52 0.0 0.14 1.32 6.23 30.13 1.08 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.18 1.05 8.74 14.02 1.0 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.178 1.053 8.74 14.02 1.003 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.201 0.494 9.86 15.31 0.643 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.1895 0.7735 9.3 14.665 0.823 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.08 0.06 9.5 15.6 0.7 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.1105 0.207 10.84 13.79 0.62 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.08 0.06 9.5 15.6 0.7 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.141 0.354 12.18 11.98 0.546 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.2667 -3.75 0.0 0.19 0.61 13.1 18.9 0.066 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.4 0.33 18.25 20.3 0.45 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.385 0.345 18.775 20.65 0.435 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.37 0.36 19.3 21.0 0.42 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.3 0.43 17.7 19.9 0.41 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.45 0.34 30.0 20.9 0.44 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.2 0.74 11.6 25.1 1.04 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.2 0.74 11.6 25.1 1.04 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.31 0.41 10.7 15.85 0.55 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.184 0.767 9.44 21.0 0.918 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.247 0.5885 10.07 18.425 0.734 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.1615 0.419 10.69 14.37 0.5605 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.16 0.51 10.4 16.87 0.67 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.163 0.328 10.98 11.87 0.451 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.204 1.09 8.05 30.6 1.13 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.188 1.11 7.6 29.6 1.05 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.22 1.07 8.5 31.6 1.21 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-150.9833 -3.95 0.0 0.13 0.65 8.6 15.2 0.8 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5117 -4.0117 21.54 0.21 0.15 13.13 10.85 0.21 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5117 -4.0117 21.54 0.21 0.15 13.3 10.85 0.21 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5167 -4.0167 0.0 0.36 0.25 18.4 18.7 0.4 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-170.9667 -4.0833 0.0 0.37 0.21 18.8 18.3 0.34 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-170.9683 -4.085 21.04 0.32 0.17 13.6 13.0 0.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-170.9683 -4.085 21.04 0.32 0.17 13.6 13.0 0.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-171.0817 -4.23 6.88 0.15 0.17 11.15 9.15 0.25 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.5 0.16 18.3 19.9 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.3 0.3 17.7 18.2 0.43 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.3 0.3 17.7 18.2 0.43 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.53 0.2 20.7 18.5 0.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-171.0833 -4.2333 0.0 0.29 0.19 19.1 15.9 0.28 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.181 0.51 7.02 15.8 0.56 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.12 0.56 8.35 14.6 0.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.101 0.299 6.37 8.24 0.34 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.134 0.456 7.247 12.88 0.533 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.2833 0.0 0.2 0.596 8.87 20.1 0.79 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-160.95 -4.2833 0.0 0.333 0.356 13.9 19.7 0.596 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-152.627 -4.808 0.0 0.34 0.32 15.85 20.55 0.47 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.002 -4.977 0.0 0.45 0.48 14.5 22.8 0.82 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-154.992 -4.98 0.0 0.2 0.97 6.9 26.5 1.06 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.26 0.17 19.3 14.0 0.26 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.337 0.167 19.4 16.13 0.277 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.42 0.18 18.3 18.9 0.33 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.33 0.15 20.6 15.5 0.24 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4883 -5.0067 31.6 0.29 0.13 14.87 12.27 0.23 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.4883 -5.0067 31.6 0.29 0.13 14.87 12.27 0.23 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.163 -5.015 0.0 0.43 0.14 16.67 18.01 0.46 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.1633 -5.015 0.0 0.43 0.14 16.67 18.01 0.46 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-165.8435 -5.2098 1.2 0.4 0.27 16.05 19.43 0.45 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.1 -5.9167 0.0 0.182 0.104 6.72 9.82 0.149 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-158.65 -5.933 0.0 0.103 0.128 16.08 12.41 0.145 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.65 -5.933 0.0 0.16 0.26 31.2 16.1 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.65 -5.933 0.0 0.1315 0.194 23.64 14.25 0.2225 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5333 -6.0 0.0 0.35 0.21 16.7 17.6 0.4 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5333 -6.0 0.0 0.4 0.27 16.05 19.43 0.45 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5333 -6.0 0.0 0.26 0.24 16.3 18.3 0.44 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5317 -6.0017 10.8 0.25 0.18 13.1 12.45 0.31 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5317 -6.0017 10.8 0.25 0.18 13.1 12.45 0.31 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-159.144 -6.1631 0.27 0.17 0.74 6.7 23.8 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.144 -6.1631 0.27 0.17 0.74 6.7 23.8 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.15 -6.1833 0.0 0.22 0.83 7.0 27.9 1.07 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.254 0.204 17.5 15.9 0.313 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-149.7033 -6.965 4.83 0.13 1.0 6.2 27.0 0.9 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-149.7033 -6.965 4.83 0.13 1.0 6.2 27.0 0.9 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.184 0.971 6.62 30.4 1.08 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.228 0.792 8.07 27.5 1.042 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.172 0.922 8.78 24.9 1.0 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.15 1.09 5.71 32.9 1.1 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.13 1.21 4.64 33.7 1.15 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.24 0.3 10.77 15.82 0.56 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.24 0.3 10.77 15.65 0.56 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.24 0.3 10.77 15.65 0.56 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.244 0.304 10.77 15.82 0.558 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-169.0 -9.42 0.0 0.21 0.11 20.4 13.5 0.13 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-161.9322 -7.109 0.1 0.11 0.33 6.07 7.62 0.35 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.0 0.43 6.45 11.08 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.0 0.43 6.45 11.08 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.12 0.4 5.99 10.29 0.53 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.12 0.415 62.2 10.685 0.53 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4783 -7.2633 0.0 0.14 1.06 7.6 21.4 1.2 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.3416 -7.2986 0.3 0.16 0.95 5.4 24.1 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.3416 -7.2986 0.3 0.16 0.95 5.4 24.1 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.3333 -7.3 0.0 0.2 1.07 6.4 30.4 1.21 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-164.2902 -7.3412 0.1 0.1 0.2 6.5 6.85 0.26 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.09 0.19 6.61 6.025 0.26 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.09 0.18 6.32 5.76 0.26 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.0 0.2 6.9 6.29 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.0 0.2 6.9 6.29 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-155.3743 -7.3796 0.25 0.09 0.18 5.3 7.5 0.33 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-155.3743 -7.3796 0.25 0.09 0.18 5.3 7.5 0.33 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.356 0.344 16.72 16.283 0.426 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.52 0.32 17.0 18.5 0.44 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.24 0.6 13.2 16.9 0.71 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.307 0.111 19.06 13.45 0.127 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.2867 -13.871 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.69 20.37 0.0 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.21 36.18 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.77 39.3 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.67 7.304 36.024 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.84 36.84 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.67 7.4 35.3 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 32.5 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-168.8167 -7.5167 0.0 0.253 0.077 20.46 13.92 0.105 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-168.55 -7.6717 0.0 0.28 0.28 16.1 18.0 0.39 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-161.6125 -7.6755 0.0 0.385 0.125 16.8 21.1 0.385 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-161.6125 -7.6755 0.0 0.477 0.218 14.6 18.3 0.436 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-170.85 -7.685 0.0 0.16 0.06 21.5 13.2 0.15 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.85 -7.685 0.0 0.16 0.06 21.5 13.2 0.15 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-168.5333 -7.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aplin,A., Michard,A., Albarede,F. Nd-143/Nd-144 in Pacificferromanganese encrustations and nodules. // Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.0 0.0 13.13 10.3 0.0 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.14 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.22 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.0 0.0 14.52 10.68 0.0 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.13 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.75 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.13 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.25 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.133 0.303 13.825 10.49 0.407 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-158.1893 -7.9088 0.07 0.18 0.72 6.3 18.5 0.91 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-158.1893 -7.9088 0.07 0.18 0.72 6.3 18.5 0.91 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-158.1833 -7.9166 0.0 0.22 0.93 7.55 25.7 1.09 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.385 -7.9241 1.48 0.24 0.35 10.0 15.9 0.5 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.385 -7.9241 1.48 0.24 0.35 10.0 15.9 0.5 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.3833 -7.9333 0.0 0.281 0.453 11.37 20.7 0.8 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.3833 -7.9333 0.0 0.328 0.398 11.54 19.9 0.62 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.3833 -7.9333 0.0 0.3045 0.4255 11.455 20.3 0.71 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-171.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.16 1.16 2.27 30.01 1.2 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-171.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.16 1.15 3.11 28.55 1.22 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-171.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.19 1.11 4.7 25.43 1.19 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-172.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.2 1.17 3.44 30.05 1.11 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-166.583 -8.0 0.0 0.25 0.39 12.9 15.8 0.51 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-166.585 -8.0217 0.0 0.25 0.39 12.9 15.8 0.51 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.35 -8.0667 0.0 0.25 0.66 10.0 21.1 0.73 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-157.35 -8.0866 0.15 0.25 0.17 11.5 12.1 0.36 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.35 -8.0866 0.15 0.25 0.17 11.5 12.1 0.36 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.3666 -8.1166 0.0 0.34 0.26 11.7 19.5 0.55 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-167.0 -8.55 0.0 0.39 0.14 17.8 19.2 0.32 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-168.8333 -8.5833 0.0 0.66 0.0 15.5 19.2 0.0 Dillard,J.G., Crowther,D.L., Murray,J.W. The oxidationstudies of cobalt and selected metals in Pacific ferromanganesenodules. //
-168.9217 -8.75 0.0 0.31 0.15 19.4 16.8 0.21 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-168.55 -8.8217 0.0 0.243 0.57 11.14 14.78 0.539 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-158.9333 -8.9 0.0 0.2 0.48 10.0 16.2 0.99 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-158.9243 -8.9003 0.01 0.19 0.51 7.9 0.0 0.68 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.9243 -8.9003 0.01 0.19 0.51 7.9 0.0 0.68 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-157.2778 -9.3943 0.24 0.22 0.17 12.6 9.9 0.22 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.2833 -9.4 0.0 0.478 0.27 16.3 20.6 0.495 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-157.2833 -9.4 0.0 0.499 0.178 16.3 21.4 0.34 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-157.2833 -9.4 0.0 0.4885 0.224 16.3 21.0 0.4175 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.56 6.85 15.99 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.325 0.0335 11.755 16.825 0.435 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.56 6.85 15.99 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.56 6.85 15.99 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.48 0.16 17.23 18.98 0.3 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.17 0.51 6.28 14.67 0.57 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.277 0.1505 16.64 8.71 0.178 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.252 0.163 15.64 7.2 0.184 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.365 0.209 16.55 9.56 0.237 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.24 0.08 17.9 9.1 0.09 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.25 0.15 16.48 9.78 0.2 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.15 0.05 14.1 6.9 0.08 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.15 0.05 14.1 6.9 0.08 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.21 0.08 16.6 11.1 0.14 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.287 0.172 17.15 11.26 0.249 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.257 0.136 16.81 11.9 0.223 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.251 0.129 16.85 11.42 0.204 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.26 0.14 16.81 11.9 0.22 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-170.6217 -9.6217 0.0 0.17 0.15 20.4 14.7 0.17 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.6217 -9.6217 0.0 0.17 0.15 20.4 14.7 0.17 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-151.398 -9.692 0.0 0.248 0.461 9.63 18.2 0.748 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.398 -9.692 0.0 0.249 0.4305 10.79 17.55 0.724 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.398 -9.692 0.0 0.25 0.4 11.95 16.9 0.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.2833 -9.8833 0.0 0.42 0.12 27.8 15.8 0.2 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.2903 -9.8841 2.57 0.14 0.14 13.1 7.6 0.2 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.2903 -9.8841 2.57 0.14 0.14 13.1 7.6 0.2 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-160.0217 -10.01 12.0 0.24 0.16 19.08 15.98 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.0217 -10.01 12.0 0.24 0.16 19.08 15.98 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.5167 -10.2 0.0 0.4 0.215 15.55 17.65 0.37 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.5167 -10.2 0.0 0.35 0.17 13.9 17.0 0.33 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.5167 -10.2 0.0 0.45 0.26 17.2 18.3 0.41 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-175.183 -10.25 0.0 0.21 0.15 21.8 16.7 0.19 Exon,N.F. Offshore sediments, phosphorite and manganesenodules in the Samoan region, Southwest Pacific. // South PacificMarine G
-175.183 -10.25 0.0 0.21 0.15 21.8 16.7 0.19 Exon,N.F. Offshore sediments, phosphorite and manganesenodules in the Samoan region, Southwest Pacific. // South PacificMarine G
-157.35 -10.2667 0.0 0.284 0.589 11.75 25.4 1.01 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.5908 -10.2672 0.2 0.19 0.64 7.53 18.08 0.87 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.5908 -10.2672 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.5898 -10.2687 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.8333 -10.3 0.0 0.4 0.32 12.1 16.7 0.69 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-170.8333 -10.3 0.0 0.4 0.32 12.1 16.7 0.69 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.33 0.27 17.73 18.85 0.61 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.32 0.265 16.675 18.21 0.595 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.31 0.26 15.62 17.57 0.58 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.365 0.15 15.007 17.187 0.3 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.355 0.16 13.9 16.2 0.305 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.12 18.76 0.0 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.375 0.14 14.0 16.6 0.295 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-155.35 -10.65 0.0 0.42 0.34 13.3 20.6 0.61 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-155.35 -10.65 0.0 0.321 0.193 13.2 16.1 0.42 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-155.35 -10.65 0.0 0.3705 0.2665 13.25 18.35 0.515 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-155.3337 -10.6505 10.69 0.27 0.34 10.8 16.1 0.54 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-155.3337 -10.6505 10.69 0.27 0.34 10.8 16.1 0.54 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-165.86 -10.82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-166.04 -10.8867 0.0 0.37 0.24 17.24 15.35 0.22 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-166.04 -10.8867 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-166.04 -10.8867 0.0 0.37 0.24 17.24 15.35 0.22 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-156.34 -11.0 2.4 0.24 0.43 12.5 19.36 0.65 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.34 -11.0 2.4 0.24 0.43 12.5 19.36 0.65 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.285 0.205 15.635 16.465 0.32 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.24 0.2 15.63 16.46 0.32 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.14 0.2 16.35 13.96 0.29 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.33 0.21 14.92 18.97 0.35 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 15.6 0.35 0.27 13.2 18.66 0.42 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 21.0 0.31 0.24 14.33 17.96 0.36 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 22.4 0.34 0.26 14.31 19.41 0.53 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 22.4 0.14 0.24 15.98 14.0 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 22.4 0.24 0.25 15.145 16.57 0.43 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,