Cook Islands EEZ data

Cook Islands Bathymetry

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Estimated Resources

The Cook Islands EEZ contains approximately 8.86 billion tons of polymetallic nodules, making it one of the largest resource plays on earth. Compared to total terrestrial resources, there's approximately 50% the Nickel, 26% the Titanium, 4.7x more Cobalt, and 2.2x more Molybdenum in the Cook Islands EEZ than the entirety of the world's currently identified terrestrial reserves:

Cook Islands EEZ
(dry tons)
Clarion-Clipperton Zone
(dry tons)
Total Terrestrial Reserves
CI EEZ Compared to Terrestrial
Manganese 1380000000 5990000000 630000000 219.047
Titanium 108000000 67000000 420000000 25.714
Nickel 37400000 274000000 75000000 49.86667
Cobalt 35300000 44000000 7500000 470.66667
Copper 22700000 226000000 680000000 3.338235
Rare Earth Elements + Ytrrium 15000000 1720000 93500000 16.0427


"Critical metals in manganese nodules from the Cook Islands EEZ, abundances and distributions"

James R. Hein, Francesca Spinardi, Nobuyuki Okamoto, Kira Mizell, Darryl Thorburn, Akuila Tawake,

Ore Geology Reviews, Volume 68, 2015, Pages 97-116, ISSN 0169-1368

Data Points

Latitude Longitude Abundance (kg/m²) Co Grade (%) Cu Grade (%) Fe Grade (%) Mn Grade (%) Ni Grade (%) Source
-174.15 -7.05 1e-19 0.26 0.45 15.5 15.7 0.45 Exon 1982
-178.47 -3.517 0.0 0.27 0.33 13.84 12.79 0.4 Exon 1982
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
176.35 3.183 0.0 0.04 0.42 17.1 17.7 0.33 Exon 1982
174.867 1.458 20.0 0.22 0.43 15.2 14.2 0.36 Exon 1982
179.75 0.322 4.2 0.15 0.51 15.73 18.85 0.74 Exon 1982
-163.9992778 -15.989 0.91 0.32 0.33 14.48 18.66 0.57 Okamoto 2003
-158.7521667 -7.737388889 0.42 0.23 0.67 9.58 19.69 0.99 Okamoto 2003
-159.0052778 -8.989555556 0.42 0.21 0.53 9.68 17.58 0.79 Okamoto 2003
-166.0005556 -16.98905556 0.64 0.31 0.32 14.43 17.98 0.55 Okamoto 2003
-158.5 -7.989166667 1.24 0.23 0.7 8.93 20.17 1.02 Okamoto 2003
-159.9977222 -8.987944444 0.47 0.19 0.88 8.93 22.16 0.89 Okamoto 2003
-158.2491111 -7.739944444 2.68 0.27 0.66 10.61 22.4 0.97 Okamoto 2003
-159.9978889 -6.993888889 0.11 0.13 1.14 5.61 27.19 1.45 Okamoto 2003
-157.9976111 -7.484944444 0.38 0.28 0.48 11.3 18.8 0.72 Okamoto 2003
-159.2538889 -6.742055556 2.97 0.26 0.38 10.73 14.22 0.59 Okamoto 2003
-159.5031111 -6.9895 6.87 0.41 0.28 15.28 19.0 0.46 Okamoto 2003
-158.7508889 -7.235388889 0.63 0.21 0.85 7.74 23.55 1.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2532222 -7.236166667 0.34 0.23 0.41 9.85 13.35 0.63 Okamoto 2003
-158.2507778 -7.240055556 0.77 0.25 0.46 10.77 15.41 0.8 Okamoto 2003
-158.7506667 -15.73766667 39.96 0.44 0.17 17.31 15.57 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.0097778 -15.50411111 40.82 0.51 0.11 18.95 15.89 0.19 Okamoto 2003
-158.9987778 -10.491 11.69 0.37 0.21 14.48 15.34 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.2445 -10.23888889 28.36 0.44 0.17 16.46 18.03 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.5070778 -9.996555556 12.6 0.37 0.21 14.68 16.09 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.7524444 -10.73827778 22.4 0.41 0.2 15.77 16.96 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.5007778 -10.98777778 0.03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.9999444 -14.98772222 15.04 0.56 0.12 18.06 17.57 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.9984444 -15.98816667 36.87 0.49 0.1 19.35 14.98 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.4997222 -11.48566667 28.06 0.42 0.13 16.61 14.42 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.4981667 -12.48688889 26.01 0.47 0.16 17.31 17.92 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.5002222 -13.4875 5.0 0.39 0.2 19.13 15.73 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-159.5008333 -14.48705556 9.53 0.43 0.19 16.95 17.08 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.5013333 -15.48772222 39.72 0.48 0.11 19.0 15.57 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-160.0045 -15.493 29.93 0.53 0.1 19.13 15.56 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-160.4981667 -15.48822222 2.07 0.37 0.25 17.42 16.72 0.46 Okamoto 2003
-160.2498889 -15.73588889 16.28 0.52 0.11 19.4 14.82 0.19 Okamoto 2003
-160.4902222 -15.98872222 31.0 0.56 0.09 19.29 15.78 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.9971111 -16.49283333 27.44 0.49 0.11 18.46 13.81 0.19 Okamoto 2003
-160.2505 -16.23344444 29.02 0.56 0.1 19.4 16.03 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-159.7485 -9.239222222 23.64 0.45 0.13 18.43 17.62 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-164.9995556 -15.98866667 7.47 0.41 0.22 16.34 16.55 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.4960556 -8.498722222 11.51 0.45 0.22 16.47 16.33 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-164.0 -16.98855556 1.35 0.37 0.25 16.86 15.95 0.43 Okamoto 2003
-165.0000556 -16.98811111 2.86 0.31 0.22 12.92 10.37 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.9533 -28.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-159.0004444 -7.991055556 7.48 0.41 0.27 13.88 17.94 0.45 Okamoto 2003
-164.9998333 -17.98938889 2.26 0.38 0.26 15.27 16.06 0.48 Okamoto 2003
-159.4970556 -8.990166667 21.92 0.37 0.22 15.28 16.66 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.1250556 -16.36405556 31.18 0.5 0.12 18.28 15.22 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-158.5028889 -6.490611111 0.33 0.17 0.98 6.92 28.08 1.09 Okamoto 2003
-158.9995 -6.990444444 0.58 0.2 0.73 7.58 19.92 1.09 Okamoto 2003
-158.9996667 -7.488888889 0.64 0.23 0.87 8.39 23.83 1.21 Okamoto 2003
-159.5015 -7.491777778 9.08 0.43 0.31 14.84 17.66 0.5 Okamoto 2003
-158.4972778 -8.486388889 5.8 0.31 0.17 14.36 9.74 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-158.0186667 -6.984666667 1.01 0.24 0.69 8.98 21.38 1.05 Okamoto 2003
-158.4984444 -7.490444444 7.87 0.37 0.28 13.68 15.95 0.47 Okamoto 2003
-159.2438333 -16.23566667 27.05 0.49 0.13 18.82 15.07 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-159.5025556 -15.98788889 33.9 0.52 0.1 18.74 15.5 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.0025556 -16.49033333 34.91 0.51 0.12 18.79 15.79 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-158.7513889 -16.24038889 50.86 0.5 0.12 18.46 15.5 0.21 Okamoto 2003
-158.4996667 -16.48866667 29.57 0.42 0.18 16.39 17.39 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-158.5038333 -15.98911111 25.35 0.45 0.11 18.47 15.35 0.18 Okamoto 2003
-159.7419167 -15.74341667 28.61 0.5 0.11 19.96 15.17 0.18 Okamoto 2003
-159.2466667 -15.73983333 38.77 0.55 0.09 19.2 16.73 0.17 Okamoto 2003
-159.4933889 -9.505833333 13.57 0.44 0.18 15.83 17.73 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-165.9998333 -17.9885 2.71 0.44 0.23 16.47 17.27 0.4 Okamoto 2003
-161.9997778 -19.98883333 10.08 0.43 0.22 18.55 12.9 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-161.9993889 -20.98866667 15.51 0.48 0.21 17.62 15.44 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.2487222 -8.238444444 3.56 0.16 0.15 15.3 2.23 0.16 Okamoto 2003
-158.7431111 -8.237777778 1.12 0.22 0.53 8.73 16.21 0.77 Okamoto 2003
-158.2464444 -8.2395 3.39 0.33 0.32 13.21 16.15 0.54 Okamoto 2003
-159.2482778 -7.737222222 22.22 0.48 0.19 16.0 17.64 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-159.3344444 -8.489333333 0.07 0.26 0.51 10.78 16.31 0.76 Okamoto 2003
-159.7418333 -10.2385 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-158.003 -7.990444444 3.15 0.33 0.4 12.23 17.99 0.65 Okamoto 2003
-161.0002778 -18.98888889 2.27 0.39 0.17 17.08 9.67 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-162.0000556 -17.98894444 27.83 0.5 0.17 19.69 14.18 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-160.9999444 -17.9885 16.85 0.51 0.15 18.9 13.8 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-160.0000556 -17.98872222 0.02 0.47 0.16 19.81 13.16 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-158.0000556 -10.48888889 2.47 0.36 0.4 14.39 19.11 0.63 Okamoto 2003
-159.375 -16.11394444 24.65 0.46 0.16 17.85 14.44 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2499444 -15.98888889 34.81 0.53 0.12 18.36 17.45 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.125 -15.86361111 32.16 0.46 0.15 17.89 16.09 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-158.7501111 -15.98877778 23.32 0.53 0.13 18.53 14.42 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.7503333 -15.989 36.66 0.46 0.14 18.26 14.16 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.6251111 -15.86383333 25.22 0.5 0.14 19.1 15.4 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.375 -15.86366667 33.08 0.58 0.15 18.76 16.82 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.8748333 -15.86377778 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.8753889 -15.61388889 30.44 0.46 0.17 18.37 14.27 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.0000556 -15.73894444 26.66 0.39 0.15 15.13 15.23 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-157.9993333 -8.492333333 0.53 0.3 0.24 13.04 14.15 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.4903333 -7.991277778 7.84 0.38 0.28 15.69 16.12 0.45 Okamoto 2003
-158.0161667 -23.9835 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.5026111 -6.489722222 5.53 0.15 0.31 8.24 8.09 0.45 Okamoto 2003
-158.9983889 -6.492833333 0.69 0.17 0.96 6.92 27.24 1.04 Okamoto 2003
-160.0038889 -9.986833333 17.69 0.56 0.08 17.97 19.2 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-159.9987778 -10.9885 21.41 0.37 0.14 16.85 13.04 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-160.0067778 -11.99205556 10.59 0.42 0.16 16.38 16.49 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-160.0009444 -12.98922222 19.31 0.51 0.13 18.47 17.25 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-160.0012222 -13.99127778 33.88 0.49 0.13 18.5 16.2 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-158.50775 -15.49458333 11.3 0.36 0.26 17.94 15.13 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-166.0173333 -18.98266667 6.24 0.42 0.18 18.49 11.15 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-165.0025556 -19.98938889 10.87 0.62 0.13 19.98 15.36 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-165.0001111 -18.98888889 15.44 0.47 0.19 19.95 14.22 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-164.0001667 -18.98927778 1.44 0.38 0.24 17.71 13.77 0.41 Okamoto 2003
-164.0 -19.9895 14.78 0.45 0.18 18.78 12.71 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-163.9995556 -20.98922222 5.97 0.43 0.2 18.32 14.24 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-162.9999444 -21.98838889 6.19 0.44 0.23 17.02 14.92 0.41 Okamoto 2003
-162.9995556 -20.98872222 27.96 0.46 0.23 16.58 16.17 0.42 Okamoto 2003
-162.9991111 -19.989 10.09 0.5 0.16 19.02 13.55 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-162.9988333 -18.98316667 0.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-161.9994444 -18.98888889 27.906 0.52 0.15 19.97 14.4 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-159.2512222 -10.73944444 23.55 0.43 0.19 17.03 17.68 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.9109444 -10.49858333 30.02 0.47 0.14 17.57 17.02 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-159.2544444 -9.740888889 0.29 0.33 0.25 15.18 20.26 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.7434444 -9.738722222 17.48 0.37 0.17 15.72 15.64 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2487222 -9.237666667 2.25 0.35 0.2 13.34 14.85 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.0008889 -9.486722222 14.58 0.39 0.22 14.23 17.33 0.39 Okamoto 2003
-161.9990556 -21.98927778 5.37 0.28 0.24 18.45 9.23 0.4 Okamoto 2003
-162.0665 -23.05583333 16.15 0.48 0.24 16.72 16.3 0.44 Okamoto 2003
-161.0662222 -24.05533333 7.62 0.47 0.22 18.74 16.15 0.38 Okamoto 2003
-159.9891111 -24.01083333 25.22 0.52 0.19 19.18 15.04 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-160.5025 -16.48888889 15.62 0.47 0.13 16.91 15.27 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.7522222 -16.23444444 29.56 0.54 0.08 20.01 15.8 0.13 Okamoto 2003
-159.4965 -16.48933333 10.46 0.44 0.13 18.99 13.32 0.21 Okamoto 2003
-159.0 -24.0 2.53 0.48 0.25 18.07 16.77 0.49 Okamoto 2003
-156.9990556 -23.98966667 3.58 0.36 0.38 13.99 18.63 0.79 Okamoto 2003
-156.9993333 -22.9905 24.09 0.47 0.21 16.63 17.12 0.42 Okamoto 2003
-157.9992222 -22.9875 4.66 0.47 0.25 15.06 18.57 0.51 Okamoto 2003
-159.6661667 -22.98911111 8.35 0.32 0.41 11.18 24.07 0.96 Okamoto 2003
-159.9998333 -22.98905556 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-161.0001667 -22.90561111 9.5 0.53 0.18 19.14 14.69 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-161.0004444 -21.9885 1.41 0.44 0.16 20.27 8.81 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-160.9996111 -20.98888889 2.19 0.15 0.13 14.94 1.13 0.12 Okamoto 2003
-160.9995556 -19.98377778 4.64 0.47 0.19 18.7 14.01 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-158.9999444 -17.98911111 7.37 0.41 0.19 19.9 11.4 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-158.9998333 -16.98883333 38.0 0.48 0.18 18.67 15.24 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.9996667 -16.98866667 28.02 0.45 0.18 19.3 13.69 0.27 Okamoto 2003
-161.0001667 -16.98861111 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-162.0002778 -16.98872222 11.4 0.5 0.15 18.6 12.63 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-162.9999444 -16.98888889 4.8 0.4 0.21 16.49 15.74 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-162.9996111 -15.98877778 9.62 0.45 0.2 17.65 16.08 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-161.9999444 -15.98872222 17.95 0.47 0.18 17.69 15.23 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-161.0001111 -15.98888889 0.26 0.5 0.15 19.31 14.78 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-159.0032222 -15.98716667 34.48 0.48 0.12 18.85 15.41 0.2 Okamoto 2003
-159.0022222 -14.99088889 24.56 0.53 0.12 18.23 17.26 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-158.9995556 -13.98805556 20.44 0.37 0.16 18.02 13.82 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-158.9918333 -12.99544444 1.27 0.28 0.33 12.23 16.87 0.58 Okamoto 2003
-158.9993889 -11.98894444 0.28 0.21 0.51 9.83 18.29 0.88 Okamoto 2003
-158.9883889 -10.99361111 7.7 0.33 0.21 13.46 14.44 0.37 Okamoto 2003
-159.0019444 -9.985777778 34.11 0.47 0.14 16.87 17.79 0.25 Okamoto 2003
-159.5002778 -10.48677778 19.57 0.47 0.14 17.66 17.58 0.24 Okamoto 2003
-163.5 -19.49433333 6.18 0.48 0.13 23.1 12.04 0.22 Okamoto 2003
-162.5000556 -19.48894444 4.41 0.44 0.16 24.24 11.51 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-161.5000556 -19.48877778 5.33 0.54 0.14 23.01 12.59 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-161.5 -18.48883333 33.43 0.54 0.13 18.25 14.48 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-161.5 -17.48905556 19.28 0.5 0.16 17.97 14.68 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-160.5001111 -17.48894444 29.38 0.46 0.2 18.77 13.56 0.36 Okamoto 2003
-159.2498889 -16.48894444 19.61 0.42 0.16 20.82 14.59 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-158.875 -16.11377778 29.31 0.51 0.16 17.93 15.42 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.1251667 -16.11444444 27.92 0.62 0.12 19.0 16.34 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-158.8750556 -15.61394444 24.62 0.45 0.2 16.73 15.17 0.35 Okamoto 2003
-159.5000556 -15.73883333 29.47 0.55 0.15 18.57 16.19 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.2500556 -15.48894444 32.93 0.51 0.17 18.94 15.62 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-159.7500556 -15.48883333 21.76 0.53 0.17 18.68 15.97 0.3 Okamoto 2003
-159.6251111 -15.61388889 15.33 0.54 0.14 18.78 16.04 0.26 Okamoto 2003
-157.4998889 -12.48894444 1.47 0.29 0.58 12.94 21.13 0.84 Okamoto 2003
-160.0011111 -9.488833333 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-160.0002222 -8.319944444 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-158.875 -16.36388889 32.39 0.54 0.15 18.28 15.18 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-158.9998889 -16.23888889 31.14 0.55 0.17 18.07 16.38 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-157.4998889 -11.48888889 20.43 0.47 0.22 16.63 17.35 0.39 Okamoto 2003
-158.5001111 -9.488944444 8.11 0.42 0.32 15.58 19.45 0.53 Okamoto 2003
-159.5335 -15.87483333 30.63 0.44 0.22 19.05 14.94 0.33 Okamoto 2003
-159.7001667 -15.875 24.86 0.25 0.11 10.2 9.76 0.16 Okamoto 2003
-159.1245 -16.24966667 28.58 0.52 0.18 19.7 14.75 0.32 Okamoto 2003
-159.1257778 -15.61361111 26.6 0.49 0.2 18.57 14.8 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.375 -15.61411111 32.96 0.52 0.16 18.41 15.57 0.31 Okamoto 2003
-159.625 -16.11394444 5.61 0.48 0.17 18.95 13.58 0.28 Okamoto 2003
-158.8751667 -15.86388889 23.13 0.49 0.17 18.25 15.13 0.29 Okamoto 2003
-159.5000556 -16.239 1e-19 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Okamoto 2003
-159.3751111 -16.364 21.79 0.64 0.12 20.09 15.81 0.23 Okamoto 2003
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.457 0.132 14.8 15.7 0.219 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.398 0.289 16.4 19.4 0.397 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.442 0.188 16.2 14.3 0.254 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.406 0.182 20.7 12.8 0.312 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.115 0.235 14.8 15.0 0.555 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.28 0.39 15.9 18.54 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.27 15.9 18.54 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.37 15.53 18.01 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.24 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.45 13.65 17.87 0.39 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.19 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.19 0.33 13.65 17.87 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.24 0.37 15.53 18.01 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.17 0.64 14.0 18.4 0.5 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.7333 4.3733 9.7 0.28 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.1 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.1 0.39 6.96 13.17 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.0 0.66 6.96 13.17 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.585 4.3167 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6533 4.3067 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6833 4.2183 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.18 1.25 8.38 28.85 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.5133 3.995 0.0 0.24 0.74 0.0 0.0 0.84 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.5133 3.995 0.0 0.0 0.69 10.21 23.36 0.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.5133 3.995 0.0 0.24 0.74 10.21 23.36 0.84 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-153.033 3.967 0.0 0.012 0.07 1.2 0.26 0.04 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.0 0.35 10.9 13.4 0.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.13 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.4767 3.9517 1.3 0.13 0.33 10.9 13.4 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.2 0.73 0.0 0.0 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.2 0.73 12.19 21.42 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.0 0.79 12.19 21.42 0.67 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.935 3.8717 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5167 3.835 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.066 0.2 9.92 4.8 0.21 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.088 0.26 0.0 0.0 0.25 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.0 0.21 9.92 4.8 0.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.088 0.26 10.51 6.95 0.25 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.066 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.21 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.077 0.23 10.215 5.875 0.23 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.5283 3.805 8.0 0.0 0.4 10.51 6.95 0.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-176.3 3.617 0.0 0.11 0.27 11.3 6.1 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.3 3.617 0.0 0.11 0.27 11.3 6.1 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.13 0.44 11.87 12.48 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.5 11.87 12.48 0.36 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.3 10.59 6.49 0.02 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.14 0.43 11.81 11.03 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.14 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.13 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.06 0.18 9.45 3.58 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.27 10.27 8.2 0.04 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.16 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.34 11.81 11.03 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.12 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.15 9.45 3.58 0.01 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.12 0.37 10.27 8.2 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.081 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.24 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.0 0.47 11.95 12.47 0.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.081 0.22 10.59 6.49 0.024 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.06 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.18 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2917 3.6117 10.5 0.16 0.43 11.95 12.47 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.12 0.45 6.12 12.18 0.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.12 0.45 0.0 0.0 0.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-174.18 3.4533 0.6 0.0 0.57 6.12 12.18 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-148.05 3.433 0.0 0.1 0.5 12.1 8.0 0.35 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-169.7607 3.3553 0.1 0.1 1.92 5.51 31.62 1.89 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5138 3.3438 0.4 0.21 1.12 11.46 25.61 1.09 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5137 3.341 12.8 0.2 1.15 11.21 25.83 1.2 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6645 3.3372 0.1 0.09 1.65 5.53 28.1 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.583 3.3347 0.1 0.1 1.57 5.5 28.22 1.95 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.197 0.45 45.8 0.63 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.49 43.72 1.1 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.14 0.31 48.06 0.48 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5843 3.331 0.0 0.0 0.31 0.56 45.63 0.32 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6055 3.3308 0.1 0.25 1.02 11.8 25.52 1.2 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.687 3.326 0.1 0.11 1.86 5.03 29.55 1.8 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.155 1.755 6.497 30.317 1.685 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.0 0.0 6.7 30.9 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.16 1.79 6.45 30.05 1.67 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.749 3.3038 8.8 0.15 1.72 6.34 30.0 1.7 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7377 3.3012 5.8 0.15 1.8 6.45 30.02 1.75 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.1752 3.2972 1.2 0.13 1.69 4.75 26.74 1.79 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1752 3.2972 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6815 3.2968 0.2 0.1 1.81 5.23 30.25 1.79 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7268 3.2948 5.9 0.15 1.73 6.82 29.9 1.69 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6952 3.2915 12.0 0.26 0.52 21.2 9.27 0.32 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6952 3.2915 12.0 0.3 0.58 20.1 11.7 0.4 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6952 3.2915 12.0 0.28 0.55 20.65 10.485 0.36 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 1.78 5.27 28.61 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 1.78 5.27 28.61 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.14 1.66 4.91 26.66 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.14 1.72 5.09 27.635 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.173 3.2908 2.6 0.0 1.78 5.27 28.61 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.7172 3.2892 11.4 0.17 1.83 7.21 29.71 1.54 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 1.9 5.59 30.37 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 1.9 5.59 30.37 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 1.9 5.59 30.37 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.13 1.71 4.96 27.24 1.71 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.12 1.77 5.21 28.33 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.13 1.71 4.96 27.24 1.71 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.125 1.793 5.253 28.647 1.69 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.1723 3.2873 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.8733 3.2833 0.0 0.24 0.0 7.22 24.34 0.75 Skornjakova H.S., Andruzchenko P.F., Fomina L.S. Himicheskijjsostav zhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. // Okeanologija
-169.7068 3.2827 5.2 0.16 1.94 6.7 30.22 1.62 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6845 3.2773 0.0 0.19 1.58 9.76 29.47 1.3 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.136 1.9 5.67 31.945 1.64 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.15 1.66 6.04 26.59 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.122 2.14 0.0 0.0 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 37.3 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.122 2.14 5.3 37.3 1.67 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2743 5.0 0.15 1.66 6.04 26.59 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6683 3.2737 2.6 0.12 1.85 4.92 29.38 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6683 3.2737 2.6 0.12 1.85 4.92 29.38 1.61 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.19 1.12 10.51 24.15 1.02 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.12 1.85 5.45 31.11 1.68 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.13 1.88 5.27 31.13 1.66 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.13 1.8 5.4 30.38 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.12 1.77 4.56 30.2 2.05 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6765 3.2735 14.8 0.138 1.684 6.238 29.394 1.668 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6877 3.2732 15.7 0.22 1.06 12.56 25.21 0.91 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6483 3.273 0.1 0.11 1.77 5.75 29.8 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6703 3.2725 2.0 0.13 1.71 5.49 28.86 1.68 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6703 3.2725 2.0 0.13 1.71 5.49 28.86 1.68 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.0 0.41 11.25 10.55 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.15 0.37 10.21 9.58 0.58 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.15 0.37 10.21 9.58 0.58 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.15 0.41 11.25 10.55 0.58 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6882 3.2717 1.2 0.0 0.41 11.25 10.55 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6833 3.2717 3.2 0.14 1.74 5.48 28.28 1.63 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules deposits in the Central Paci-fic ocean and their variation with latitude. // Marine Mining,1983, v.4
-169.6833 3.2717 3.2 0.14 1.74 5.48 28.28 1.63 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules deposits in the Central Paci-fic ocean and their variation with latitude. // Marine Mining,1983, v.4
-169.6892 3.2715 5.9 0.19 0.44 12.27 15.99 0.76 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6892 3.2715 5.9 0.19 0.44 12.27 15.99 0.76 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.759 3.2713 0.8 0.11 1.93 5.48 31.7 1.77 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.69 3.2687 15.6 0.21 0.85 12.3 23.02 0.95 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6568 3.268 0.0 0.09 0.33 4.49 7.14 0.38 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.6568 3.268 0.0 0.09 0.33 4.49 7.14 0.38 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.7397 3.2662 4.9 0.18 1.26 8.55 24.75 1.23 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.84 3.2658 0.2 0.14 1.41 7.62 26.2 1.52 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6548 3.2648 0.1 0.1 1.9 5.34 32.61 1.79 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.697 3.2638 10.4 0.17 1.94 7.26 30.0 1.58 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7258 3.2637 0.1 0.25 0.8 13.84 24.72 0.94 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6883 3.2635 8.1 0.18 1.27 9.81 24.98 1.17 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6845 3.263 9.6 0.14 1.76 6.63 29.6 1.81 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7092 3.2623 10.2 0.15 1.81 7.26 30.02 1.63 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6793 3.2572 2.8 0.11 1.84 5.88 31.28 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.109 1.85 5.225 34.4 1.8 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.0 0.0 5.1 37.3 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.108 1.82 5.1 37.3 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.11 1.88 5.35 31.5 1.86 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.108 1.82 0.0 0.0 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6615 3.2565 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6798 3.255 0.0 0.08 0.88 7.53 17.21 1.18 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6655 3.2518 4.5 0.11 1.85 5.92 30.72 1.6 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.14 2.09 5.32 31.61 1.66 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.22 1.14 10.75 25.5 1.11 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.1 1.83 5.78 31.02 1.82 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.185 1.365 9.762 27.7675 1.2825 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 3.2498 0.0 0.28 0.4 17.2 22.94 0.54 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6878 3.2488 1.3 0.12 1.8 5.44 30.48 1.67 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6935 3.2432 1.1 0.11 1.86 5.8 32.1 1.75 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.12 1.99 5.68 32.45 1.64 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.12 1.92 5.81 32.12 1.87 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.1175 1.8075 5.868 30.5975 1.815 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.12 1.54 5.97 27.21 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6608 3.2395 3.3 0.11 1.78 6.01 30.61 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.648 3.2395 0.1 0.1 1.63 5.24 29.1 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6893 3.2387 0.6 0.12 1.78 5.4 32.2 1.78 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.117 1.72 5.593 30.71 1.867 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.12 1.83 5.71 32.37 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.11 1.77 5.67 30.86 1.96 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.681 3.2357 0.4 0.12 1.56 5.4 28.9 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6353 3.2355 0.1 0.11 1.74 4.49 30.11 2.05 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6883 3.2342 0.5 0.1 1.9 5.11 33.35 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6837 3.231 0.8 0.11 1.8 5.81 31.26 1.72 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6923 3.2305 3.0 0.12 1.8 5.4 33.18 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.677 3.2265 0.9 0.11 1.95 5.43 32.71 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6982 3.2257 18.0 0.18 1.69 8.65 30.5 1.39 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.03 0.52 10.9 7.8 0.39 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.08 0.98 16.2 12.8 0.54 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-148.475 3.225 0.0 0.093 0.713 13.7 13.0 0.477 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-169.6942 3.222 0.0 0.14 1.69 7.58 28.5 1.35 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6832 3.2208 10.5 0.16 1.86 7.55 29.27 1.46 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.706 3.2188 15.1 0.24 0.62 15.3 23.55 0.73 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6678 3.2162 0.3 0.1 1.97 5.3 33.52 2.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6828 3.2113 13.0 0.26 0.99 12.31 25.6 0.99 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7152 3.2112 4.0 0.19 0.63 13.41 18.71 0.68 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6598 3.2065 0.1 0.1 1.95 5.3 33.3 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6937 3.2047 10.2 0.215 1.035 10.39 23.85 1.155 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6937 3.2047 10.2 0.22 1.18 9.57 24.4 1.31 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6937 3.2047 10.2 0.21 0.89 11.21 23.3 1.0 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7245 3.2037 9.5 0.21 0.95 12.45 24.8 1.02 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6993 3.2022 14.6 0.15 0.44 13.32 15.38 0.58 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-169.6825 3.2015 8.9 0.26 0.59 16.68 23.12 0.59 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7052 3.1998 15.1 0.19 0.45 13.7 18.19 0.5 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7127 3.1943 9.9 0.21 0.89 12.4 24.81 0.94 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7198 3.1887 0.2 0.1 1.8 5.07 33.95 1.84 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.7353 3.1775 0.3 0.1 1.68 5.55 32.03 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.0 0.39 8.69 6.12 0.17 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.049 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.049 0.36 8.69 6.12 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.55 3.1767 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.5843 3.1653 0.1 0.1 2.06 4.78 33.5 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.584 3.0852 2.1 0.19 1.16 10.47 26.31 1.28 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5845 3.0822 0.1 0.1 1.81 5.46 31.42 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.12 0.77 0.0 0.0 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.12 0.77 9.5 18.1 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.2 17.6 17.9 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.14 16.9 19.9 0.19 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.11 0.43 16.9 19.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.133 0.553 14.67 18.63 0.393 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.11 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.17 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.17 0.46 17.6 17.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.56 3.065 0.0 0.0 0.76 9.5 18.1 0.89 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.14 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.54 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.14 0.39 11.81 15.81 0.54 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6433 3.0467 11.3 0.0 0.44 11.81 15.81 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.41 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.06 18.1 19.0 0.075 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.41 0.3 14.8 21.2 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.45 11.7 20.7 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.17 0.31 18.1 19.0 0.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.22 0.57 0.0 0.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.267 0.393 14.87 20.3 0.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.22 0.57 11.7 20.7 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.0 0.0375 14.8 21.2 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.535 3.045 0.0 0.17 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5412 3.0417 0.4 0.12 1.95 5.38 31.82 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-171.6583 3.04 0.0 0.11 0.42 0.0 0.0 0.63 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6583 3.04 0.0 0.11 0.42 10.8 13.69 0.63 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6583 3.04 0.0 0.0 0.36 10.8 13.69 0.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.0 1.43 5.56 28.6 1.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.096 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.6467 3.04 0.0 0.096 1.2 5.56 28.6 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.6 7.1 10.1 0.73 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.12 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.12 0.56 7.1 10.1 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.6583 3.03 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.6705 3.0003 0.1 0.1 1.87 5.49 32.1 1.9 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-168.6667 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.55 3.6 21.0 0.72 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.6672 2.999 0.3 0.11 1.9 5.12 32.15 1.96 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5788 2.9973 0.8 0.13 1.84 6.0 31.92 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 16.7 16.9 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.2 16.7 16.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 16.7 16.9 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.33 14.9 15.05 0.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.2 16.7 16.9 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.0 0.33 14.9 15.05 0.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.9217 2.985 0.0 0.16 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.17 0.42 0.0 0.0 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.17 0.42 12.68 17.17 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.0 0.6 12.68 17.17 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.8333 2.9667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-150.985 2.9383 0.0 0.0 1.47 6.38 28.9 1.57 Andrews,J.E., Callender,E., Bowser, al. Ferromanganesedeposits of the ocean floor. Cruise Report MN-74-01. Honolulu toSan Di
-150.985 2.9383 0.0 0.0 1.47 6.38 28.9 1.57 Andrews,J.E., Callender,E., Bowser, al. Ferromanganesedeposits of the ocean floor. Cruise Report MN-74-01. Honolulu toSan Di
-150.985 2.9383 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Callender,E., Bowser, al. Ferromanganesedeposits of the ocean floor. Cruise Report MN-74-01. Honolulu toSan Di
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.15 1.4 9.49 31.2 1.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.18 1.25 9.38 28.85 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.15 1.4 9.5 31.2 1.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.15 1.15 10.2 29.8 1.23 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.14 1.34 9.64 30.5 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.27 1.05 10.7 24.9 1.17 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.14 1.34 9.6 30.5 1.28 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.01 2.938 5.63 0.178 1.238 9.682 29.05 1.264 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.055 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.33 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.0 0.55 3.6 1.0 0.72 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.055 0.4 3.6 1.0 0.33 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9117 2.8717 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.6447 2.8573 0.1 0.1 1.9 4.7 33.6 1.91 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-150.167 2.85 0.0 0.09 0.56 15.2 12.8 0.48 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-150.167 2.85 0.0 0.09 0.56 15.2 12.8 0.48 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-169.5948 2.8485 0.1 0.19 1.48 7.76 27.55 1.7 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6452 2.8453 0.1 0.1 1.92 5.1 33.03 1.77 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6682 2.834 15.1 0.16 1.49 8.2 27.1 1.31 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.67 2.8337 8.6 0.14 1.67 7.35 29.04 1.5 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6738 2.8327 0.1 0.1 1.8 5.0 33.43 1.97 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.5848 2.8305 0.3 0.1 1.93 5.21 32.96 1.87 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6688 2.8297 12.6 0.19 1.24 10.52 26.0 1.28 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6463 2.8108 0.1 0.1 1.91 4.91 32.61 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6488 2.8035 0.1 0.11 1.78 5.4 33.02 1.93 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6672 2.7942 5.7 0.12 1.9 5.4 32.84 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6722 2.794 7.6 0.16 1.14 9.3 22.92 1.11 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6782 2.7937 0.1 0.11 1.7 5.1 34.12 2.06 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6488 2.7898 0.1 0.1 1.96 5.24 34.3 1.81 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6713 2.7882 3.3 0.11 1.03 8.12 19.9 1.07 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6708 2.7788 9.6 0.18 1.15 9.9 23.9 1.09 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6488 2.7785 0.1 0.1 1.95 5.1 35.01 1.71 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6733 2.7752 0.2 0.12 1.8 5.7 32.02 1.68 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6708 2.7693 0.0 0.22 1.2 10.77 26.42 1.13 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6502 2.7682 0.1 0.12 1.72 5.49 31.86 1.85 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6848 2.7597 0.1 0.1 1.89 5.0 33.46 1.84 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6505 2.7595 0.4 0.11 1.95 5.0 34.63 1.77 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-169.6692 2.7563 4.9 0.12 1.82 5.8 30.75 1.74 Nakao,S. (ed.) Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodules around deep-sea hills in the Central Pacific basin.August-October
-173.7483 2.5383 0.22 0.07 0.88 4.6 29.4 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.7483 2.5383 0.22 0.0 1.35 4.6 29.4 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.7483 2.5383 0.22 0.07 0.88 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-169.1012 2.5355 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0932 2.5252 7.7 0.14 0.78 13.13 23.32 0.86 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0932 2.5252 7.7 0.14 0.78 13.13 23.32 0.86 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0945 2.5247 6.8 0.24 0.81 12.33 22.51 0.87 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-169.0945 2.5247 6.8 0.24 0.81 12.33 22.51 0.87 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.14 1.6 0.0 0.0 1.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.14 1.6 6.77 28.25 1.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.62 8.28 24.66 0.74 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 1.3 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 0.79 8.28 24.66 0.95 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 1.02 7.57 26.55 1.19 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 1.32 5.86 27.13 1.32 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 0.79 0.0 0.0 0.95 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 1.32 6.77 28.25 1.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.15 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.17 1.3 7.57 26.55 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 1.15 7.0 27.1 1.11 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4283 0.0 0.15 1.5 7.0 27.1 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 0.88 6.34 27.15 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.49 6.29 28.43 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 1.0 6.29 28.43 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.1 6.34 27.15 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.088 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.49 6.08 28.23 1.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.088 1.0 6.08 28.23 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.09 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.09 1.1 5.64 28.89 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 0.88 0.0 0.0 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 1.4 5.64 28.89 1.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.097 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.97 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2983 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.96 7.84 26.57 1.03 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.17 1.4 7.84 26.57 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2733 2.4217 0.0 0.17 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.082 1.0 6.82 28.12 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.074 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.088 1.0 6.91 28.05 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.088 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.074 1.0 5.86 27.13 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 1.35 6.82 28.12 1.17 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.082 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2433 2.4133 0.0 0.0 1.42 6.91 28.05 1.07 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.14 0.28 14.71 17.03 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.0 0.35 14.71 17.03 0.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2633 2.4117 0.0 0.14 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.34 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.11 0.3 15.3 17.84 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.0 0.22 15.3 17.84 0.33 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2683 2.41 0.0 0.11 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.0 0.61 13.49 20.05 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.11 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2567 2.4083 0.0 0.11 0.51 13.49 20.05 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.28 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.88 10.29 23.51 0.94 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.28 0.4 10.29 23.51 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2833 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.5 12.62 17.51 0.73 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.4 11.73 14.31 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.56 11.73 14.31 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.42 12.43 17.35 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.22 0.66 12.43 17.35 0.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.66 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.21 0.58 0.0 0.0 0.82 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.44 12.49 18.64 0.52 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.21 0.58 12.49 18.64 0.82 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.48 12.62 17.51 0.42 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.22 0.66 0.0 0.0 0.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.73 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2533 2.405 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.0 0.9 9.74 21.33 0.83 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.16 1.0 9.74 21.33 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.16 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.26 2.3983 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.74 2.395 0.6 0.088 1.1 6.05 27.35 0.96 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.74 2.395 0.6 0.0 1.49 6.05 27.35 1.17 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-172.74 2.395 0.6 0.088 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.96 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.97 9.81 24.32 0.92 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.21 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 1.02 9.24 25.18 1.14 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.47 10.73 16.9 0.56 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.19 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.19 1.2 9.24 25.18 1.14 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.17 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.21 0.6 10.73 16.9 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.265 2.3833 0.0 0.17 1.1 9.81 24.32 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.16 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.0 0.65 11.61 16.48 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2167 2.3833 0.0 0.16 0.49 11.61 16.48 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.49 13.53 20.8 0.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.11 0.4 13.83 20.7 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.38 13.04 19.56 0.57 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.2 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.48 13.83 20.7 0.38 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.15 0.59 0.0 0.0 0.72 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.11 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.58 10.9 15.65 0.6 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.2 0.56 13.04 19.56 0.62 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.4 13.53 20.8 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.49 13.15 20.9 0.65 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.15 0.59 10.9 15.65 0.72 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.13 0.39 13.15 20.9 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2217 2.38 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.143 0.447 12.33 18.67 0.613 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.65 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.15 0.56 11.8 18.6 0.75 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.15 0.56 0.0 0.0 0.75 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.32 13.1 19.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.72 11.8 18.6 0.67 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.6 12.1 18.4 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.0 0.52 13.1 19.0 0.54 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.59 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2333 2.37 0.0 0.14 0.46 12.1 18.4 0.65 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-168.6667 2.3333 0.0 0.0 0.67 11.5 22.4 0.9 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.69 11.7 22.7 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.62 11.5 22.4 0.79 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.15 0.655 11.6 22.55 0.835 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.69 0.0 0.0 0.88 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.65 11.7 22.7 0.8 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.17 0.62 0.0 0.0 0.79 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.67 11.5 22.4 0.9 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5567 2.3 6.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 1.41 6.4 29.0 1.28 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.12 1.4 6.5 29.3 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 1.31 6.5 29.3 1.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.11 1.3 6.4 29.0 1.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.12 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.109 1.27 5.87 26.57 1.13 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.096 1.1 4.7 21.4 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 1.2 4.7 21.4 1.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.096 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5317 2.3 0.0 0.11 1.3 0.0 0.0 1.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.17 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.32 14.9 18.3 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.1533 2.285 0.0 0.17 0.46 14.9 18.3 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 6.0 27.5 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.09 1.4 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.09 1.4 5.4 30.7 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.45 5.1 30.1 1.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.54 6.0 27.5 1.23 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.1 1.5 0.0 0.0 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.1075 1.325 5.5 28.5 1.275 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.54 5.4 30.7 1.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 5.5 26.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.12 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.2 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.1 1.5 5.1 30.1 1.3 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-169.5733 2.28 0.0 0.0 1.45 5.5 26.0 1.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.16 0.53 13.1 19.0 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.49 13.1 19.0 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-158.508 -2.027 0.0 0.09 1.41 5.6 30.6 1.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.5 13.8 20.6 0.56 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.17 0.5 13.8 20.6 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.165 0.515 13.45 19.8 5.7 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.17 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0683 2.2717 8.4 0.16 0.53 0.0 0.0 0.53 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.17 0.41 16.4 20.3 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.17 0.41 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.26 16.4 20.3 0.36 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.183 0.443 16.0 19.07 0.423 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.49 15.3 17.7 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.49 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.21 15.3 17.7 0.31 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.41 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.32 16.3 19.2 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-171.0817 -4.23 6.88 0.15 0.17 11.15 9.15 0.25 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.19 0.43 16.3 19.2 0.41 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.0583 2.2633 15.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.5 15.4 20.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.2 0.58 0.0 0.0 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.2 0.58 14.6 18.8 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.21 0.34 14.1 18.8 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.29 14.6 18.8 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.4 14.1 18.8 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.47 15.8 19.7 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.47 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.32 15.4 20.0 0.37 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.17 0.5 16.2 16.2 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.19 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.31 15.8 19.7 0.44 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.28 16.2 16.2 0.52 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.192 0.478 15.02 18.7 0.464 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.21 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.48 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-172.7317 1.935 10.6 0.17 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-171.8483 1.8683 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.0 0.31 15.57 17.6 0.52 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.21 0.38 15.57 17.6 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.21 0.38 0.0 0.0 0.49 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-170.9133 1.8133 17.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.27 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.1 17.72 18.65 0.26 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.27 1.695 0.0 0.17 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.27 1.695 0.0 0.17 0.31 17.72 18.65 0.43 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.38 15.7 20.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.22 17.58 19.21 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.13 0.35 14.2 18.78 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.35 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.51 14.2 18.78 0.67 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.3 15.82 18.06 0.29 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.29 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.64 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.29 0.37 15.82 18.06 0.64 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.12 0.77 8.83 15.53 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.26 15.71 19.07 0.45 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.12 0.77 0.0 0.0 0.71 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.36 0.0 0.0 0.61 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.15 0.44 15.84 18.62 0.58 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.15 0.44 0.0 0.0 0.5 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.31 15.84 18.62 3.8 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.13 0.35 0.0 0.0 0.55 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.2 17.58 19.21 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.11 0.28 15.71 19.07 0.42 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.11 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.42 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.79 8.83 15.53 0.69 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.255 1.695 0.0 0.14 0.36 15.7 20.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.11 0.31 15.25 19.3 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.0 0.4 14.25 19.3 0.47 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2583 1.6767 7.4 0.11 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.46 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2467 1.67 0.0 0.26 0.46 16.8 17.64 0.51 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2467 1.67 0.0 0.0 0.21 16.8 17.64 0.23 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-173.2467 1.67 0.0 0.26 0.46 0.0 0.0 0.51 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Telepaev V.A. i dr. Regional`-nye kompleksnye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v central`nojjchas
-171.815 1.615 0.09 0.0 0.0 5.3 22.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.12 1.1 6.9 27.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.14 1.2 0.0 0.0 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.14 1.2 7.5 25.6 1.4 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 1.25 7.5 25.6 1.36 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.13 1.15 7.2 26.3 1.25 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-166.0793 -0.7528 0.0 0.16 1.01 9.37 26.03 1.41 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 1.24 6.9 27.0 1.27 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.12 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-168.685 1.33 9.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fedorov I.P., Alakin A.P., Beljaev B.B. i dr. Rekognosciro-vochnye i regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v cent-ra
-170.7002 1.2933 0.05 0.09 1.4 5.93 26.84 1.75 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.7008 1.291 0.3 0.09 1.42 6.05 26.39 1.7 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.7008 1.291 0.3 0.09 1.44 6.17 25.95 1.65 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.7008 1.291 0.3 0.09 1.42 6.05 26.39 1.7 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.6667 1.1667 0.0 0.0 1.45 5.1 30.1 1.37 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-167.8883 1.125 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S. ZHelezomargancevye konkreciicentral`nojj chasti Tihogo okeana. // Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.122., M.,Ha
-167.9067 1.0917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S. ZHelezomargancevye konkreciicentral`nojj chasti Tihogo okeana. // Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.122., M.,Ha
-166.3278 -0.7455 1.2 0.22 0.38 15.94 22.34 0.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-176.835 -31.8 0.0 0.151 0.071 15.68 11.36 0.148 Kaljagin A.H., Puzchin I.K., Butenko T.JU. i dr. Mineralogo-geohimicheskie osobennosti zhelezomargancevojj mineralizacii v jugo-
-157.9 0.55 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aplin,A., Michard,A., Albarede,F. Nd-143/Nd-144 in Pacificferromanganese encrustations and nodules. // Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-167.5605 0.4332 0.01 0.06 0.49 9.21 10.89 0.44 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.5605 0.4332 0.01 0.06 0.49 9.21 10.89 0.44 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.0452 0.4123 0.1 0.13 0.92 8.63 19.65 1.14 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.0452 0.4123 0.1 0.13 0.92 8.63 19.65 1.14 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.878 0.003 0.45 0.14 0.52 12.5 21.7 0.71 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-159.8783 -0.0033 0.45 0.14 0.57 11.82 21.89 0.72 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.8783 -0.0033 0.45 0.14 0.57 11.82 21.89 0.72 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-176.1217 -0.0533 0.0 0.13 0.77 9.73 17.24 0.79 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-176.1217 -0.0533 0.0 0.13 0.77 9.74 17.21 0.79 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-166.7903 -0.7025 0.04 0.19 0.72 11.85 20.2 0.88 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.1678 -0.712 0.04 0.1 0.21 11.21 7.89 0.27 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-158.909 -0.7196 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-166.5328 -0.7335 16.0 0.18 0.75 13.87 24.55 0.91 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.157 -0.7408 9.5 0.19 0.57 13.85 22.64 0.81 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2498 -0.7412 0.2 0.19 0.6 13.81 24.82 0.99 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4062 -0.7488 11.0 0.23 0.5 15.42 20.97 0.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4975 -0.7497 1.3 0.17 0.71 12.47 22.33 0.95 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-147.6 -0.75 0.0 0.44 0.11 17.3 18.6 0.32 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-147.6 -0.75 0.0 0.44 0.11 17.3 18.6 0.32 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-147.6 -0.75 0.0 0.44 0.11 17.3 18.6 0.32 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-166.0833 -0.7503 0.6 0.17 0.96 10.52 26.92 1.27 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0793 -0.7528 0.0 0.16 1.01 9.37 26.03 1.41 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1167 -0.7837 9.6 0.17 1.01 9.92 25.58 1.26 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.133 -0.7868 0.0 0.174 1.05 0.0 25.37 1.25 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1042 -0.7885 5.1 0.12 1.25 7.22 28.33 1.71 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1292 -0.7913 16.1 0.15 1.1 9.33 27.34 1.43 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1418 -0.8075 7.9 0.15 1.14 8.9 28.18 1.51 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2393 -0.8168 13.2 0.19 0.81 11.95 24.27 1.03 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2338 -0.8178 0.0 0.08 0.98 11.03 26.09 1.12 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2338 -0.8178 0.0 0.08 0.98 11.03 26.09 1.12 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1557 -0.8243 5.1 0.15 1.13 8.56 28.03 1.61 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2455 -0.827 11.2 0.18 0.86 11.67 25.0 1.1 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2455 -0.827 11.2 0.18 0.84 12.21 24.44 1.04 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2455 -0.827 11.2 0.18 0.85 11.94 24.72 1.07 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0722 -0.8278 7.1 0.14 1.19 8.8 27.84 1.5 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2483 -0.8278 8.7 0.17 0.85 12.43 25.16 1.04 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3325 -0.8292 0.2 0.23 0.46 16.94 24.15 0.75 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1653 -0.8315 7.1 0.17 1.05 10.13 27.12 1.24 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4972 -0.8327 20.1 0.21 0.5 15.36 21.5 0.62 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.177 -0.8407 2.8 0.14 1.18 8.21 28.28 1.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.0815 -0.8473 5.7 0.21 0.69 12.23 20.96 0.82 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0802 -0.8482 6.3 0.14 1.07 7.79 24.92 1.28 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1898 -0.8558 4.0 0.25 0.36 17.7 21.2 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1968 -0.863 0.5 0.11 1.26 6.74 29.44 1.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2022 -0.8683 3.1 0.12 1.3 6.8 28.67 1.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2962 -0.8797 1.9 0.21 0.69 12.88 24.41 0.93 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0827 -0.8852 2.3 0.25 1.06 7.94 31.75 1.24 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4302 -0.8855 4.0 0.21 0.71 12.57 22.99 0.8 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0813 -0.8862 18.3 0.23 0.47 14.61 22.02 0.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.429 -0.8872 3.4 0.27 0.49 15.18 22.27 0.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.21 0.58 13.3 21.26 0.7 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.2 0.74 11.58 23.3 0.95 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.2 0.74 11.58 23.3 0.95 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2098 -0.8875 10.9 0.21 0.58 13.3 21.26 0.7 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3083 -0.8922 0.1 0.1 1.46 6.11 30.73 1.51 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0818 -0.8942 23.1 0.23 0.38 15.83 21.25 0.58 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0818 -0.9015 6.5 0.21 0.45 14.22 21.96 0.75 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3208 -0.9042 6.0 0.23 0.54 13.84 22.17 0.75 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.082 -0.9083 10.5 0.19 0.57 12.59 21.52 0.77 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3333 -0.9095 4.3 0.16 1.11 9.02 27.06 1.39 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0822 -0.9158 14.4 0.24 0.38 16.72 19.64 0.55 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4147 -0.9172 1.2 0.18 0.81 12.05 23.45 0.96 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2473 -0.9183 8.2 0.22 0.37 17.07 21.94 0.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0793 -0.922 30.3 0.22 0.5 14.11 20.98 0.71 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3335 -0.9277 13.8 0.15 1.12 9.27 27.2 1.31 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.2 0.75 12.31 22.37 1.03 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.13 1.15 5.4 29.9 2.13 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.24 0.24 18.12 20.1 0.34 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.18 0.53 11.83 19.62 0.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.19 0.71 11.94 24.12 1.17 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.2 0.75 12.31 22.37 1.03 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.13 1.15 5.4 29.9 2.13 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.24 0.24 18.12 20.1 0.34 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 9.6 0.18 0.53 11.83 19.62 0.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2628 -0.9327 16.1 0.19 0.71 11.94 24.12 1.17 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0805 -0.9387 14.9 0.19 0.66 11.99 21.69 0.9 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3452 -0.9392 0.04 0.14 0.6 8.73 18.78 1.04 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.274 -0.9437 12.6 0.26 0.43 16.37 22.16 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3567 -0.9507 0.04 0.12 1.16 6.97 26.71 1.67 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2853 -0.9547 12.2 0.24 0.34 17.83 22.47 0.61 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.368 -0.962 1.1 0.11 1.3 6.59 28.47 1.71 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3867 -0.9683 1.0 0.11 1.33 5.84 28.75 1.81 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3482 -0.9768 2.5 0.15 1.18 6.93 24.72 1.55 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3482 -0.9768 2.5 0.16 1.05 8.25 23.65 1.36 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3075 -0.9775 18.2 0.23 0.52 14.45 21.47 0.68 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.4008 -0.9797 0.4 0.32 0.48 16.43 19.62 0.44 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3415 -0.9823 10.4 0.17 0.93 9.18 22.46 1.21 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.16 1.06 8.63 23.78 1.31 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.0 1.16 9.44 26.02 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.16 1.11 9.035 24.9 1.31 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.0 1.16 9.44 26.02 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.3402 -0.9837 9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-166.5002 -0.9892 6.0 0.18 0.57 12.62 21.66 0.79 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3217 -0.9942 4.4 0.12 1.35 6.68 30.26 1.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2428 -0.9973 9.5 0.14 1.31 7.59 28.94 1.62 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.334 -0.9992 13.6 0.22 0.43 15.67 21.64 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4113 -1.0008 0.0 0.15 1.08 9.18 25.78 1.45 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4093 -1.003 14.7 0.2 0.66 13.13 22.97 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.081 -1.0033 0.04 0.07 0.41 6.89 11.43 0.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.237 -1.0052 10.8 0.27 0.44 17.12 21.65 0.57 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.237 -1.0052 10.1 0.16 1.12 10.0 27.75 1.26 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3465 -1.011 1.4 0.11 1.28 6.17 30.06 1.88 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3595 -1.023 12.8 0.16 1.09 9.22 27.61 1.27 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2168 -1.0292 11.6 0.23 0.47 16.0 22.59 0.69 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3713 -1.0348 6.0 0.17 1.24 8.24 29.06 1.54 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3838 -1.0468 7.2 0.13 1.21 6.93 28.62 1.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1942 -1.0528 10.1 0.16 1.2 9.07 29.08 1.42 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1833 -1.0637 10.5 0.12 1.24 7.45 27.84 1.62 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.399 -1.0657 0.0 0.18 1.0 10.28 26.76 1.2 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 11.8 0.09 0.23 13.0 9.64 0.29 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 11.8 0.21 0.43 13.21 17.77 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 3.8 0.09 0.23 13.0 9.64 0.29 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3297 -1.0703 3.8 0.21 0.43 13.21 17.77 0.59 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2215 -1.076 13.2 0.15 1.0 10.17 25.23 1.16 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.303 -1.0768 5.6 0.24 0.41 15.41 22.56 0.58 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2972 -1.0777 0.3 0.31 0.44 17.08 23.1 0.6 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.3298 -1.083 14.2 0.2 0.59 13.03 21.42 0.79 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4128 -1.0838 20.8 0.23 0.37 17.45 21.5 0.54 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.246 -1.0838 1.1 0.37 0.55 15.18 22.68 0.55 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1655 -1.084 2.9 0.12 1.29 6.81 30.52 1.88 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.2285 -1.0855 0.7 0.12 1.29 6.68 28.17 1.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1957 -1.0865 0.2 0.14 1.21 6.65 27.2 1.79 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 1.4 0.15 0.69 9.68 19.46 0.98 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 1.4 0.18 1.11 9.3 27.59 1.28 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 6.3 0.18 1.11 9.3 27.59 1.28 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.4895 -1.0977 6.3 0.15 0.69 9.68 19.46 0.98 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1517 -1.102 0.04 0.11 0.69 7.13 20.59 1.33 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.179 -1.1055 0.1 0.11 1.33 6.31 29.16 1.67 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.14 -1.1143 14.3 0.18 0.7 11.48 22.74 0.87 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1292 -1.1258 4.0 0.18 0.81 10.63 23.68 0.91 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.1178 -1.1378 10.0 0.14 0.7 8.8 19.64 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0952 -1.1618 4.9 0.11 1.21 6.54 29.74 1.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.0088 -1.166 0.4 0.11 1.32 6.29 30.51 1.66 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.82 -1.2043 1.5 0.28 0.29 15.05 16.37 0.36 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.637 -1.2325 5.2 0.21 0.54 13.43 22.62 0.84 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.6222 -1.2395 0.0 0.17 0.93 9.61 25.94 1.26 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.245 -1.2683 0.0 0.28 1.19 9.9 24.2 1.2 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.245 -1.2683 0.0 0.33 0.64 12.74 16.06 0.75 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.245 -1.2683 0.0 0.305 0.915 11.32 20.13 0.975 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.3833 -1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aplin,A., Michard,A., Albarede,F. Nd-143/Nd-144 in Pacificferromanganese encrustations and nodules. // Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-166.7967 -1.3085 0.1 0.16 0.99 7.49 22.79 1.45 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.6608 -1.4613 0.1 0.08 0.38 10.07 9.51 0.64 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.6712 -1.4687 0.04 0.15 0.89 7.41 23.46 1.63 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.9182 -1.5023 0.04 0.16 1.14 7.83 23.48 1.56 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.8208 -1.5217 0.1 0.11 1.21 6.43 28.56 1.73 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-167.606 -1.5488 0.0 0.21 0.58 14.48 22.69 0.83 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.9942 -1.587 0.04 0.12 1.03 6.77 25.44 1.74 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.533 -1.597 2.3 0.26 0.41 17.67 21.39 0.65 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-166.737 -1.6788 3.5 0.12 1.26 6.76 28.64 1.67 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.431 -1.7473 0.01 0.21 0.2 10.59 12.48 0.3 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.431 -1.7473 0.01 0.0 0.31 19.77 23.66 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4298 -1.7487 2.7 0.07 0.15 4.38 4.85 0.19 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.215 0.285 18.29 21.89 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.0 0.31 19.77 23.66 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4367 -1.7512 57.0 0.36 0.26 16.81 20.12 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.3753 -1.7865 0.4 0.22 0.7 12.73 23.24 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.063 -1.7942 0.04 0.17 0.71 8.25 20.8 1.25 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.25 -1.805 15.8 0.15 0.36 11.74 13.23 0.55 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.1333 -1.9833 0.0 0.203 0.519 11.27 17.1 0.661 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.36 0.26 18.5 19.7 0.44 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.337 0.277 17.53 18.67 0.41 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.29 0.34 16.5 18.3 0.49 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5 -2.0167 0.0 0.36 0.23 17.6 18.0 0.3 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5067 -2.0167 3.44 0.2 0.16 12.45 10.98 0.24 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5067 -2.0167 3.44 0.2 0.16 12.45 10.98 0.24 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.508 -2.027 0.0 0.09 1.41 5.6 30.6 1.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.0875 -2.0937 0.04 0.07 0.59 8.88 16.43 0.92 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.0913 -2.2373 19.8 0.27 0.32 17.64 19.43 0.42 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.0302 -2.2637 9.3 0.19 0.5 10.31 17.69 0.66 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-163.958 -2.292 0.0 0.35 0.34 12.3 17.57 0.45 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-163.9633 -2.2933 0.0 0.22 0.38 10.5 14.9 0.48 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.16 -2.3995 18.6 0.15 0.31 12.42 13.48 0.41 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-151.95 -2.4666 0.0 0.21 0.68 12.4 25.3 1.1 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-168.3413 -2.4687 0.04 0.11 1.15 6.33 27.23 1.44 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-168.0302 -2.4703 0.04 0.13 0.91 6.71 25.01 1.72 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Southern part of the Central Pacific ba-sin. Augus
-164.9453 -2.882 0.4 0.1 1.45 5.45 27.0 1.49 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.9453 -2.882 0.4 0.18 0.92 8.0 22.09 1.06 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.9427 -2.8832 7.0 0.3 0.57 12.55 21.23 0.7 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.9552 -2.8833 6.1 0.15 0.75 6.0 18.04 1.01 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-154.2983 -2.9833 0.0 0.15 1.0 6.97 20.31 0.87 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.2983 -2.9833 0.0 0.15 1.0 6.97 20.31 0.87 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-168.0333 -2.9833 0.0 0.15 1.26 6.0 28.0 1.22 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.33 0.44 12.42 19.64 0.74 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.0 0.5 14.03 22.19 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.0 0.5 14.03 22.19 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4985 -3.0353 7.0 0.33 0.47 13.225 20.915 0.74 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.2 0.395 12.6 15.87 0.5 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.0 0.42 13.37 16.84 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.2 0.37 11.83 14.9 0.5 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.486 -3.0355 11.6 0.0 0.42 13.37 16.84 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.15 0.31 12.16 14.57 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.23 0.37 12.13 16.37 0.55 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.0 0.35 13.81 16.55 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.0 0.35 13.81 16.53 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.4848 -3.0368 12.0 0.15 0.33 12.985 15.55 0.41 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.24 1.1 7.22 24.45 0.75 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.24 1.1 7.22 24.45 0.75 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.244 1.1 7.22 24.4 0.747 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.24 0.0 7.2 24.4 0.75 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-172.8667 -3.2833 0.0 0.244 0.0 7.22 24.34 0.747 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-158.523 -3.505 0.0 0.17 1.23 5.9 29.6 1.14 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.52 -3.507 0.0 0.14 1.18 6.5 30.0 1.12 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.52 -3.51 0.0 0.3 1.39 5.3 30.5 1.42 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.52 -3.51 0.0 0.3 1.39 5.3 30.5 1.42 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-164.1575 -3.5102 0.01 0.11 1.48 5.34 26.39 1.36 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.1573 -3.5105 0.2 0.11 1.48 5.34 26.39 1.36 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.51 -3.513 0.0 0.16 1.33 6.8 29.8 1.13 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.507 -3.515 0.0 0.11 1.54 5.4 32.4 1.57 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.507 -3.515 0.0 0.11 1.54 5.4 32.4 1.57 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.351 0.419 14.715 14.67 0.5065 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.334 0.388 14.69 12.39 0.495 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.368 0.45 14.74 16.95 0.518 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.417 -3.517 0.0 0.37 0.45 14.74 16.95 0.52 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.497 -3.52 0.0 0.14 1.32 6.23 30.13 1.08 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.18 1.05 8.74 14.02 1.0 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.178 1.053 8.74 14.02 1.003 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.201 0.494 9.86 15.31 0.643 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.617 -3.667 0.0 0.1895 0.7735 9.3 14.665 0.823 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.08 0.06 9.5 15.6 0.7 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.1105 0.207 10.84 13.79 0.62 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.08 0.06 9.5 15.6 0.7 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.05 -3.75 0.0 0.141 0.354 12.18 11.98 0.546 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.2667 -3.75 0.0 0.19 0.61 13.1 18.9 0.066 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.4 0.33 18.25 20.3 0.45 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.385 0.345 18.775 20.65 0.435 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.37 0.36 19.3 21.0 0.42 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.3 0.43 17.7 19.9 0.41 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.45 0.34 30.0 20.9 0.44 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.2 0.74 11.6 25.1 1.04 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-166.1 -3.8 0.0 0.2 0.74 11.6 25.1 1.04 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.31 0.41 10.7 15.85 0.55 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.184 0.767 9.44 21.0 0.918 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.247 0.5885 10.07 18.425 0.734 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.1615 0.419 10.69 14.37 0.5605 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.16 0.51 10.4 16.87 0.67 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.163 0.328 10.98 11.87 0.451 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.204 1.09 8.05 30.6 1.13 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.188 1.11 7.6 29.6 1.05 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.783 -3.9 0.0 0.22 1.07 8.5 31.6 1.21 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-150.9833 -3.95 0.0 0.13 0.65 8.6 15.2 0.8 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5117 -4.0117 21.54 0.21 0.15 13.13 10.85 0.21 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5117 -4.0117 21.54 0.21 0.15 13.3 10.85 0.21 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5167 -4.0167 0.0 0.36 0.25 18.4 18.7 0.4 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-170.9667 -4.0833 0.0 0.37 0.21 18.8 18.3 0.34 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-170.9683 -4.085 21.04 0.32 0.17 13.6 13.0 0.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-170.9683 -4.085 21.04 0.32 0.17 13.6 13.0 0.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-171.0817 -4.23 6.88 0.15 0.17 11.15 9.15 0.25 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.5 0.16 18.3 19.9 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.3 0.3 17.7 18.2 0.43 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.3 0.3 17.7 18.2 0.43 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-168.283 -4.233 0.0 0.53 0.2 20.7 18.5 0.26 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-171.0833 -4.2333 0.0 0.29 0.19 19.1 15.9 0.28 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.181 0.51 7.02 15.8 0.56 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.12 0.56 8.35 14.6 0.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.101 0.299 6.37 8.24 0.34 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.283 0.0 0.134 0.456 7.247 12.88 0.533 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-160.95 -4.2833 0.0 0.2 0.596 8.87 20.1 0.79 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-160.95 -4.2833 0.0 0.333 0.356 13.9 19.7 0.596 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-152.627 -4.808 0.0 0.34 0.32 15.85 20.55 0.47 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-155.002 -4.977 0.0 0.45 0.48 14.5 22.8 0.82 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-154.992 -4.98 0.0 0.2 0.97 6.9 26.5 1.06 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.26 0.17 19.3 14.0 0.26 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.337 0.167 19.4 16.13 0.277 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.42 0.18 18.3 18.9 0.33 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4833 -5.0 0.0 0.33 0.15 20.6 15.5 0.24 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.4883 -5.0067 31.6 0.29 0.13 14.87 12.27 0.23 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.4883 -5.0067 31.6 0.29 0.13 14.87 12.27 0.23 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.163 -5.015 0.0 0.43 0.14 16.67 18.01 0.46 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.1633 -5.015 0.0 0.43 0.14 16.67 18.01 0.46 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-165.8435 -5.2098 1.2 0.4 0.27 16.05 19.43 0.45 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-167.1 -5.9167 0.0 0.182 0.104 6.72 9.82 0.149 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-158.65 -5.933 0.0 0.103 0.128 16.08 12.41 0.145 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.65 -5.933 0.0 0.16 0.26 31.2 16.1 0.3 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.65 -5.933 0.0 0.1315 0.194 23.64 14.25 0.2225 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5333 -6.0 0.0 0.35 0.21 16.7 17.6 0.4 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5333 -6.0 0.0 0.4 0.27 16.05 19.43 0.45 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5333 -6.0 0.0 0.26 0.24 16.3 18.3 0.44 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-169.5317 -6.0017 10.8 0.25 0.18 13.1 12.45 0.31 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-169.5317 -6.0017 10.8 0.25 0.18 13.1 12.45 0.31 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-159.144 -6.1631 0.27 0.17 0.74 6.7 23.8 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.144 -6.1631 0.27 0.17 0.74 6.7 23.8 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.15 -6.1833 0.0 0.22 0.83 7.0 27.9 1.07 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.254 0.204 17.5 15.9 0.313 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-176.7167 -6.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-149.7033 -6.965 4.83 0.13 1.0 6.2 27.0 0.9 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-149.7033 -6.965 4.83 0.13 1.0 6.2 27.0 0.9 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.184 0.971 6.62 30.4 1.08 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.228 0.792 8.07 27.5 1.042 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.172 0.922 8.78 24.9 1.0 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.15 1.09 5.71 32.9 1.1 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-149.7 -6.9666 0.0 0.13 1.21 4.64 33.7 1.15 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.24 0.3 10.77 15.82 0.56 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.24 0.3 10.77 15.65 0.56 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.24 0.3 10.77 15.65 0.56 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.075 -6.9816 5.2 0.244 0.304 10.77 15.82 0.558 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-169.0 -9.42 0.0 0.21 0.11 20.4 13.5 0.13 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-161.9322 -7.109 0.1 0.11 0.33 6.07 7.62 0.35 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.0 0.43 6.45 11.08 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.0 0.43 6.45 11.08 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.12 0.4 5.99 10.29 0.53 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.12 0.415 62.2 10.685 0.53 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-161.9447 -7.112 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.4783 -7.2633 0.0 0.14 1.06 7.6 21.4 1.2 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-156.3416 -7.2986 0.3 0.16 0.95 5.4 24.1 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.3416 -7.2986 0.3 0.16 0.95 5.4 24.1 0.99 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.3333 -7.3 0.0 0.2 1.07 6.4 30.4 1.21 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-164.2902 -7.3412 0.1 0.1 0.2 6.5 6.85 0.26 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.09 0.19 6.61 6.025 0.26 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.09 0.18 6.32 5.76 0.26 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.0 0.2 6.9 6.29 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.2933 -7.348 0.8 0.0 0.2 6.9 6.29 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-155.3743 -7.3796 0.25 0.09 0.18 5.3 7.5 0.33 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-155.3743 -7.3796 0.25 0.09 0.18 5.3 7.5 0.33 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.356 0.344 16.72 16.283 0.426 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.52 0.32 17.0 18.5 0.44 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.24 0.6 13.2 16.9 0.71 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.5533 -7.4017 0.0 0.307 0.111 19.06 13.45 0.127 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.2867 -13.871 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.69 20.37 0.0 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.21 36.18 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.77 39.3 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.67 7.304 36.024 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.84 36.84 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.67 7.4 35.3 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-152.25 -7.4166 0.0 0.0 0.0 6.3 32.5 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-168.8167 -7.5167 0.0 0.253 0.077 20.46 13.92 0.105 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-168.55 -7.6717 0.0 0.28 0.28 16.1 18.0 0.39 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-161.6125 -7.6755 0.0 0.385 0.125 16.8 21.1 0.385 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-161.6125 -7.6755 0.0 0.477 0.218 14.6 18.3 0.436 Andrews,J.E., Landmesser,C.W., Morgenstein,M. HawaiiInstitute of Geophysics Data Banks for Manganese Collectins andHydration-rin
-170.85 -7.685 0.0 0.16 0.06 21.5 13.2 0.15 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.85 -7.685 0.0 0.16 0.06 21.5 13.2 0.15 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-168.5333 -7.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Aplin,A., Michard,A., Albarede,F. Nd-143/Nd-144 in Pacificferromanganese encrustations and nodules. // Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.0 0.0 13.13 10.3 0.0 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.14 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.22 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.0 0.0 14.52 10.68 0.0 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.13 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.75 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.13 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.25 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.133 0.303 13.825 10.49 0.407 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-173.9427 -7.7663 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-158.1893 -7.9088 0.07 0.18 0.72 6.3 18.5 0.91 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-158.1893 -7.9088 0.07 0.18 0.72 6.3 18.5 0.91 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-158.1833 -7.9166 0.0 0.22 0.93 7.55 25.7 1.09 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.385 -7.9241 1.48 0.24 0.35 10.0 15.9 0.5 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.385 -7.9241 1.48 0.24 0.35 10.0 15.9 0.5 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.3833 -7.9333 0.0 0.281 0.453 11.37 20.7 0.8 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.3833 -7.9333 0.0 0.328 0.398 11.54 19.9 0.62 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.3833 -7.9333 0.0 0.3045 0.4255 11.455 20.3 0.71 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-171.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.16 1.16 2.27 30.01 1.2 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-171.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.16 1.15 3.11 28.55 1.22 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-171.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.19 1.11 4.7 25.43 1.19 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-172.0 -7.9833 0.0 0.2 1.17 3.44 30.05 1.11 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-166.583 -8.0 0.0 0.25 0.39 12.9 15.8 0.51 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-166.585 -8.0217 0.0 0.25 0.39 12.9 15.8 0.51 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.35 -8.0667 0.0 0.25 0.66 10.0 21.1 0.73 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-157.35 -8.0866 0.15 0.25 0.17 11.5 12.1 0.36 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.35 -8.0866 0.15 0.25 0.17 11.5 12.1 0.36 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.3666 -8.1166 0.0 0.34 0.26 11.7 19.5 0.55 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-167.0 -8.55 0.0 0.39 0.14 17.8 19.2 0.32 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-168.8333 -8.5833 0.0 0.66 0.0 15.5 19.2 0.0 Dillard,J.G., Crowther,D.L., Murray,J.W. The oxidationstudies of cobalt and selected metals in Pacific ferromanganesenodules. //
-168.9217 -8.75 0.0 0.31 0.15 19.4 16.8 0.21 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-168.55 -8.8217 0.0 0.243 0.57 11.14 14.78 0.539 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-158.9333 -8.9 0.0 0.2 0.48 10.0 16.2 0.99 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-158.9243 -8.9003 0.01 0.19 0.51 7.9 0.0 0.68 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-158.9243 -8.9003 0.01 0.19 0.51 7.9 0.0 0.68 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-157.2778 -9.3943 0.24 0.22 0.17 12.6 9.9 0.22 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.2833 -9.4 0.0 0.478 0.27 16.3 20.6 0.495 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-157.2833 -9.4 0.0 0.499 0.178 16.3 21.4 0.34 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-157.2833 -9.4 0.0 0.4885 0.224 16.3 21.0 0.4175 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.56 6.85 15.99 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.325 0.0335 11.755 16.825 0.435 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.56 6.85 15.99 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.56 6.85 15.99 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.48 0.16 17.23 18.98 0.3 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.2472 -9.4357 16.0 0.17 0.51 6.28 14.67 0.57 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.277 0.1505 16.64 8.71 0.178 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.252 0.163 15.64 7.2 0.184 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.365 0.209 16.55 9.56 0.237 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.24 0.08 17.9 9.1 0.09 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.2167 -9.5667 0.0 0.25 0.15 16.48 9.78 0.2 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.15 0.05 14.1 6.9 0.08 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.15 0.05 14.1 6.9 0.08 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.21 0.08 16.6 11.1 0.14 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.287 0.172 17.15 11.26 0.249 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.257 0.136 16.81 11.9 0.223 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.251 0.129 16.85 11.42 0.204 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-176.217 -9.567 0.0 0.26 0.14 16.81 11.9 0.22 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-170.6217 -9.6217 0.0 0.17 0.15 20.4 14.7 0.17 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-170.6217 -9.6217 0.0 0.17 0.15 20.4 14.7 0.17 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-151.398 -9.692 0.0 0.248 0.461 9.63 18.2 0.748 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.398 -9.692 0.0 0.249 0.4305 10.79 17.55 0.724 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-151.398 -9.692 0.0 0.25 0.4 11.95 16.9 0.7 Exon,N.E. Manganese nodules in the Kiribati region,Equatorial Western Pacific. // South Pacific Marine GeologicalNotes, 1982, v.
-156.2833 -9.8833 0.0 0.42 0.12 27.8 15.8 0.2 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.2903 -9.8841 2.57 0.14 0.14 13.1 7.6 0.2 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-156.2903 -9.8841 2.57 0.14 0.14 13.1 7.6 0.2 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-160.0217 -10.01 12.0 0.24 0.16 19.08 15.98 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.0217 -10.01 12.0 0.24 0.16 19.08 15.98 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.5167 -10.2 0.0 0.4 0.215 15.55 17.65 0.37 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.5167 -10.2 0.0 0.35 0.17 13.9 17.0 0.33 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.5167 -10.2 0.0 0.45 0.26 17.2 18.3 0.41 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-175.183 -10.25 0.0 0.21 0.15 21.8 16.7 0.19 Exon,N.F. Offshore sediments, phosphorite and manganesenodules in the Samoan region, Southwest Pacific. // South PacificMarine G
-175.183 -10.25 0.0 0.21 0.15 21.8 16.7 0.19 Exon,N.F. Offshore sediments, phosphorite and manganesenodules in the Samoan region, Southwest Pacific. // South PacificMarine G
-157.35 -10.2667 0.0 0.284 0.589 11.75 25.4 1.01 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.5908 -10.2672 0.2 0.19 0.64 7.53 18.08 0.87 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.5908 -10.2672 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.5898 -10.2687 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-170.8333 -10.3 0.0 0.4 0.32 12.1 16.7 0.69 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-170.8333 -10.3 0.0 0.4 0.32 12.1 16.7 0.69 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.33 0.27 17.73 18.85 0.61 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.32 0.265 16.675 18.21 0.595 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.3483 -10.3917 0.0 0.31 0.26 15.62 17.57 0.58 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.365 0.15 15.007 17.187 0.3 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.355 0.16 13.9 16.2 0.305 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.12 18.76 0.0 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-158.525 -10.6333 0.0 0.375 0.14 14.0 16.6 0.295 Glasby,G.P. Notes on the surface texture, internalstructure and mineralogy of manganese nodules from the SouthPenrhyn basin. //S
-155.35 -10.65 0.0 0.42 0.34 13.3 20.6 0.61 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-155.35 -10.65 0.0 0.321 0.193 13.2 16.1 0.42 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-155.35 -10.65 0.0 0.3705 0.2665 13.25 18.35 0.515 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-155.3337 -10.6505 10.69 0.27 0.34 10.8 16.1 0.54 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-155.3337 -10.6505 10.69 0.27 0.34 10.8 16.1 0.54 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-165.86 -10.82 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-166.04 -10.8867 0.0 0.37 0.24 17.24 15.35 0.22 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-166.04 -10.8867 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-166.04 -10.8867 0.0 0.37 0.24 17.24 15.35 0.22 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-156.34 -11.0 2.4 0.24 0.43 12.5 19.36 0.65 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.34 -11.0 2.4 0.24 0.43 12.5 19.36 0.65 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.285 0.205 15.635 16.465 0.32 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.24 0.2 15.63 16.46 0.32 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.14 0.2 16.35 13.96 0.29 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.33 0.21 14.92 18.97 0.35 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 15.6 0.35 0.27 13.2 18.66 0.42 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 21.0 0.31 0.24 14.33 17.96 0.36 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 22.4 0.34 0.26 14.31 19.41 0.53 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 22.4 0.14 0.24 15.98 14.0 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 22.4 0.24 0.25 15.145 16.57 0.43 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 3.2 0.22 0.47 11.38 20.79 0.85 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 28.6 0.38 0.15 16.61 18.61 0.31 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 12.6 0.26 0.25 14.18 16.19 0.38 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 12.6 0.26 0.25 14.18 16.19 0.38 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.36 0.25 15.9 19.2 0.43 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 16.4 0.29 0.32 13.28 19.64 0.53 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 16.4 0.24 0.2 16.04 13.46 0.3 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 16.4 0.265 0.26 14.66 16.55 0.415 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.22 0.57 11.12 21.65 0.83 Baturin G.H., Fisher EH.I. i dr. Zoloto v glubokovodnyh zhe-lezomargancevyh konkrecijah. // Geohimija, 1986, N 6, s.751-759.(Rej
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.22 0.57 11.12 21.65 0.83 Baturin G.H., Fisher EH.I. i dr. Zoloto v glubokovodnyh zhe-lezomargancevyh konkrecijah. // Geohimija, 1986, N 6, s.751-759.(Rej
-156.2 -11.0617 0.75 0.2 0.49 10.06 20.54 0.83 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 6.0 0.3 0.46 12.68 20.68 0.67 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 32.1 0.3 0.26 13.01 17.56 0.4 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 32.1 0.3 0.26 13.01 17.56 0.4 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 20.8 0.21 0.24 14.92 16.15 0.385 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 20.8 0.15 0.23 15.6 15.54 0.38 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 20.8 0.27 0.25 14.24 16.76 0.39 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 18.8 0.26 0.24 13.03 17.67 0.37 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 18.8 0.3 0.12 18.76 17.51 0.29 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 18.8 0.15 0.28 5.69 12.78 0.53 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 18.8 0.237 0.213 12.56 15.987 0.397 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.2 -11.0617 18.8 0.26 0.24 13.03 17.67 0.37 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.0 -11.1033 13.2 0.22 0.36 13.4 14.91 0.44 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.5167 -11.35 0.0 0.404 0.236 16.7 18.6 0.41 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-154.5167 -11.35 0.0 0.397 0.228 16.05 18.55 0.395 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-154.5167 -11.35 0.0 0.39 0.22 15.4 18.5 0.38 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-154.5182 -11.3523 23.74 0.32 0.18 13.5 15.3 0.28 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.6167 -11.4167 0.0 0.301 0.392 12.14 17.34 0.685 Cronan,D.S. Average abundances of Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Pb,Mo, V, Cr, Ti and P in Pacific pelagic clays. // Geochimica etCosmochim
-149.285 -11.435 0.0 0.18 0.5 14.5 17.2 0.79 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-149.285 -11.435 0.0 0.65 0.318 15.5 18.07 0.795 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-149.285 -11.435 0.0 0.415 0.409 15.0 17.635 0.7925 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-165.25 -11.5633 0.0 0.3 0.11 18.65 10.07 0.17 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.25 -11.5633 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.25 -11.5633 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.25 -11.5633 0.0 0.405 0.125 19.665 14.55 0.22 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.25 -11.5633 0.0 0.51 0.14 20.68 19.03 0.27 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-158.5167 -11.5833 0.0 0.44 0.09 16.4 16.0 0.2 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-158.5167 -11.5833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-158.5167 -11.5833 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.4 16.0 0.0 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-158.5167 -11.5833 0.0 0.73 0.182 14.45 14.81 0.263 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-158.5167 -11.5833 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.4 16.0 0.0 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-158.5167 -11.5833 0.0 0.585 0.136 15.75 15.603 0.2315 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-158.5167 -11.5833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-158.5818 -11.5897 6.7 0.47 0.18 16.28 18.57 0.27 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.5797 -11.5912 10.5 0.43 0.25 14.75 18.91 0.48 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.5787 -11.5928 3.8 0.46 0.28 15.68 20.035 0.45 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.5787 -11.5928 3.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.5787 -11.5928 3.8 0.0 0.3 16.78 21.44 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.5787 -11.5928 3.8 0.0 0.3 16.78 21.44 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.5787 -11.5928 3.8 0.0 0.3 16.78 21.44 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.5787 -11.5928 3.8 0.46 0.26 14.58 18.63 0.45 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.2667 -11.6667 0.0 0.544 0.432 15.4 15.39 0.977 Cronan,D.S. Average abundances of Mn, Fe, Ni, Co, Cu, Pb,Mo, V, Cr, Ti and P in Pacific pelagic clays. // Geochimica etCosmochim
-165.6317 -11.73 0.0 0.27 0.22 17.06 14.76 0.4 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.6317 -11.73 0.0 0.245 0.255 16.385 14.74 0.445 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.6317 -11.73 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.6317 -11.73 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-165.6317 -11.73 0.0 0.22 0.29 15.71 14.72 0.49 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-152.95 -11.85 0.0 0.3 0.42 11.8 18.1 0.64 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-160.85 -11.85 0.0 0.655 0.162 18.12 15.72 0.242 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-160.85 -11.85 0.0 0.512 0.172 18.0 16.9 0.302 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-160.85 -11.85 0.0 0.59 0.217 17.79 16.57 0.226 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-160.85 -11.85 0.0 0.47 0.16 16.9 16.7 0.26 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-160.85 -11.85 0.0 0.557 0.178 17.7 16.4725 0.2575 Calvert,S.E, Price,N.B. Geochemical variation in ferroman-ganese nodules and associated sediments from the Pacific ocean.// Mari
-150.9333 -11.9333 0.0 0.33 0.38 15.1 20.4 0.62 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-150.9333 -11.9333 0.0 0.33 0.37 13.7 20.35 0.61 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-150.9333 -11.9333 0.0 0.33 0.36 12.3 20.3 0.6 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-150.9333 -11.9333 0.0 0.33 0.38 15.1 20.4 0.62 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.5177 -11.9803 0.0 0.42 0.19 13.9 13.6 0.36 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5078 -11.9837 5.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.506 -11.985 13.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5043 -11.9862 15.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.501 -11.9883 21.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.5098 -11.9993 36.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.5107 -12.0005 37.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.508 -12.0008 24.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-156.9917 -12.0167 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-160.44 -12.085 9.3 0.29 0.26 15.73 18.55 0.54 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.5148 -12.3345 18.3 0.44 0.3 16.27 19.29 0.51 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.5212 -12.341 8.6 0.27 0.24 12.19 13.66 0.5 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-160.5212 -12.341 8.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-168.545 -12.355 0.0 0.14 0.22 18.8 19.7 0.37 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-168.558 -12.372 0.0 0.23 0.19 16.9 18.9 0.22 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-148.4 -12.4 0.0 0.247 0.618 10.23 21.8 1.04 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-158.7333 -12.4 21.2 0.0 0.0 18.34 19.49 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-158.7333 -12.4 21.2 0.455 0.14 16.87 18.345 0.29 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-158.7333 -12.4 21.2 0.455 0.14 15.4 17.2 0.29 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-157.816 -12.4 0.0 0.41 0.19 11.9 15.6 0.41 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-158.5138 -12.4095 0.0 0.43 0.18 5.6 7.9 0.46 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.5127 -12.4103 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.316 -12.433 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-157.9525 -12.4348 23.9 0.43 0.25 13.3 19.18 0.45 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-157.9517 -12.4362 26.1 0.4 0.3 13.87 19.33 0.51 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-157.9533 -12.4407 0.1 0.44 0.36 15.04 20.25 0.6 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4167 -12.45 0.0 0.4 0.27 12.7 15.6 0.64 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S. ZHelezomargancevye konkreciicentral`nojj chasti Tihogo okeana. // Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.122., M.,Ha
-160.023 -12.4857 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-160.0383 -12.4943 21.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.0815 -12.5005 10.0 0.321 0.524 12.24 22.06 0.798 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1178 -12.5008 4.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-157.5267 -12.5017 0.0 0.25 0.43 8.7 16.2 0.78 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.1358 -12.5018 6.7 0.409 0.345 14.42 20.51 0.621 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1532 -12.5022 17.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1705 -12.5032 6.8 0.422 0.342 14.72 21.02 0.644 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1882 -12.5037 0.6 0.31 0.399 12.5 19.2 0.779 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2168 -12.5042 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.37 0.352 14.29 19.89 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.14 0.256 15.58 16.56 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.37 0.352 14.29 19.89 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.37 0.352 14.29 19.89 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.14 0.256 15.58 16.56 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.37 0.352 14.29 19.89 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.14 0.256 15.58 16.56 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0138 -12.5042 0.0 0.14 0.256 15.58 16.56 0.608 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0038 -12.5043 30.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2615 -12.5055 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0037 -12.506 27.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.0062 -12.5067 16.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.009 -12.5068 28.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9875 -12.5077 18.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-150.7667 -12.6333 0.0 0.435 0.2 16.8 18.8 0.41 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-150.7667 -12.6333 0.0 0.46 0.2 18.2 19.6 0.4 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-150.7667 -12.6333 0.0 0.41 0.2 15.4 18.0 0.42 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-150.7667 -12.6333 0.0 0.46 0.2 18.2 19.6 0.4 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-159.74 -12.745 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-159.74 -12.745 0.0 0.47 0.13 23.01 19.04 0.27 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-159.74 -12.745 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-159.74 -12.745 0.0 0.41 0.22 19.67 17.34 0.39 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-159.74 -12.745 0.0 0.54 0.1 21.64 21.02 0.21 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-159.74 -12.745 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-159.74 -12.745 0.0 0.473 0.15 21.44 19.133 0.29 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.7133 -12.7517 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.265 -12.7583 0.0 0.86 0.07 22.23 24.41 0.2 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.265 -12.7583 0.0 0.86 0.07 22.23 24.41 0.2 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.265 -12.7583 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.855 -12.7633 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.855 -12.7633 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.855 -12.7633 0.0 0.39 0.25 19.25 19.6 0.39 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.855 -12.7633 0.0 0.38 0.13 21.04 16.74 0.22 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-160.855 -12.7633 0.0 0.385 0.19 20.145 18.17 0.305 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-164.66 -12.78 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-164.66 -12.78 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-156.1833 -12.85 0.0 0.4 0.36 14.4 21.4 0.65 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-156.183 -12.85 0.0 0.39 0.43 11.6 21.2 0.72 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-158.3167 -12.8667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Othman,D.B., White,W.M., Patchett,J. The geochemistry ofmarine sediments, island arc magma and crust mantle recycling.// Earth a
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.439 0.219 18.75 16.28 0.396 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.467 0.252 19.35 17.26 0.446 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.439 0.219 18.75 16.28 0.396 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.467 0.252 19.35 17.26 0.446 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2167 -12.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2277 -12.9025 5.7 0.477 0.198 17.31 17.06 0.426 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.246 -12.9027 10.5 0.403 0.292 14.57 17.09 0.464 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.264 -12.9033 29.8 0.495 0.175 17.48 16.63 0.352 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2822 -12.9038 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3008 -12.9045 17.5 0.359 0.196 14.83 14.69 0.329 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3195 -12.9053 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.338 -12.9057 18.7 0.36 0.254 14.51 17.08 0.538 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.357 -12.9067 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-160.7467 -12.91 0.0 0.31 0.2 18.1 13.48 0.27 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7467 -12.91 0.0 0.31 0.27 19.71 10.59 0.41 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7467 -12.91 0.0 0.36 0.18 18.32 13.67 0.34 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7467 -12.91 0.0 0.33 0.37 16.0 18.73 0.63 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7467 -12.91 0.0 0.34 0.17 18.24 14.56 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7467 -12.91 0.0 0.31 0.29 17.63 12.37 0.31 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-158.045 -12.9502 6.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0455 -12.9503 16.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0465 -12.951 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2915 -12.962 35.2 0.463 0.165 18.02 16.43 0.364 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-150.5833 -12.9667 0.0 0.36 0.21 14.5 16.5 0.32 Piper, D.Z. Rare earth elements in ferromanganese nodulesand other marine phases. //Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1974,v.38,
-150.5833 -12.9667 0.0 0.36 0.21 14.5 16.5 0.32 Piper, D.Z. Rare earth elements in ferromanganese nodulesand other marine phases. //Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1974,v.38,
-150.5833 -12.9667 0.0 0.36 0.0 14.5 0.0 0.0 Piper, D.Z. Rare earth elements in ferromanganese nodulesand other marine phases. //Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1974,v.38,
-150.5833 -12.9667 0.0 0.0 0.21 0.0 16.5 0.32 Piper, D.Z. Rare earth elements in ferromanganese nodulesand other marine phases. //Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1974,v.38,
-150.5833 -12.9667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Piper, D.Z. Rare earth elements in ferromanganese nodulesand other marine phases. //Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1974,v.38,
-158.8883 -12.97 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 26.9 0.44 0.129 17.99 16.67 0.275 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 0.0 0.342 0.177 15.82 16.05 0.333 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 0.0 0.44 0.129 17.99 16.67 0.275 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 0.0 0.487 0.123 19.41 16.71 0.241 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 0.0 0.4107 0.1477 17.57 16.43 0.2863 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 26.9 0.342 0.177 15.82 16.05 0.333 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 26.9 0.487 0.123 19.41 16.71 0.241 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 26.9 0.4107 0.1477 17.57 16.43 0.2863 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 26.9 0.45 0.137 18.9 16.57 0.251 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.8843 -12.9702 0.0 0.45 0.137 18.9 16.57 0.251 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9048 -12.9722 33.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9215 -12.974 50.3 0.465 0.14 18.5 18.4 0.31 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9215 -12.974 50.3 0.523 0.131 19.08 20.64 0.3 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9215 -12.974 50.3 0.309 0.226 14.17 17.85 0.427 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9215 -12.974 50.3 0.3575 0.2165 16.01 17.9 0.374 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9215 -12.974 50.3 0.406 0.207 17.85 17.95 0.321 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9215 -12.974 50.3 0.615 0.149 19.33 19.18 0.308 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9215 -12.974 50.3 0.313 0.127 15.95 15.32 0.318 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9383 -12.9755 26.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.473 0.235 13.6 17.8 0.456 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.487 0.356 14.6 18.4 0.627 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.452 0.278 14.41 17.16 0.5525 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.563 0.256 18.2 15.6 0.53 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.479 0.404 14.3 18.8 0.737 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.439 0.253 13.5 17.9 0.512 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.454 0.287 17.5 15.6 0.528 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.37 0.222 12.1 16.6 0.524 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9555 -12.9772 5.0 0.351 0.209 11.5 16.6 0.506 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9723 -12.9792 3.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2912 -12.98 39.5 0.492 0.165 17.98 16.6 0.331 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2912 -12.98 39.5 0.4155 0.229 15.835 17.175 0.3955 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2912 -12.98 39.5 0.339 0.293 13.69 17.75 0.46 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -12.9815 14.9 0.413 0.246 15.56 18.57 0.4875 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -12.9815 14.9 0.469 0.167 17.06 17.99 0.383 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -12.9815 14.9 0.357 0.325 14.06 19.15 0.592 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1293 -12.9822 0.5 0.284 0.393 11.66 20.35 0.814 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-154.11 -12.9833 7.6 0.1 0.55 11.27 18.61 0.5 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.11 -12.9833 7.6 0.3255 0.327 15.1 18.5951 0.5015 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.11 -12.9833 7.6 0.1 0.55 11.27 18.61 0.5 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-154.11 -12.9833 7.6 0.551 0.104 11.75 18.58 0.503 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.0205 -12.9835 24.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1903 -12.9842 20.9 0.62 0.159 17.97 17.96 0.372 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1903 -12.9842 20.9 0.126 0.223 17.14 15.87 0.657 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1903 -12.9842 20.9 0.503 0.168 18.29 16.23 0.41 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1903 -12.9842 20.9 0.426 0.227 15.84 17.46 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1903 -12.9842 20.9 0.4645 0.1975 17.065 16.845 0.421 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2002 -12.9845 19.2 0.524 0.149 19.63 16.15 0.315 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.446 0.111 12.1 15.9 0.341 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.506 0.179 10.2 18.6 0.648 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.475 0.127 20.7 12.9 0.304 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.421 0.136 20.5 11.9 0.309 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.561 0.086 20.1 12.6 0.153 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.421 0.211 15.66 16.51 0.379 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.455 0.229 17.4 13.4 0.396 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.561 0.158 13.4 16.6 0.278 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.435 0.198 10.2 17.8 0.643 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2113 -12.9848 27.1 0.524 0.115 15.1 16.8 0.309 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2213 -12.9852 28.6 0.489 0.145 18.26 16.31 0.296 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2213 -12.9852 28.6 0.398 0.21 15.39 16.51 0.372 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2213 -12.9852 28.6 0.545 0.131 18.52 17.66 0.296 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2213 -12.9852 28.6 0.4773 0.162 17.39 16.827 0.3213 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2332 -12.9855 29.1 0.458 0.175 17.77 17.48 0.356 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2437 -12.9858 19.7 0.376 0.204 14.39 15.26 0.352 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2437 -12.9858 19.7 0.4465 0.182 16.223 17.04 0.355 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2437 -12.9858 19.7 0.517 0.16 18.05 18.82 0.358 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2528 -12.9862 11.7 0.504 0.164 17.87 18.11 0.353 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-156.9983 -12.9867 0.0 0.39 0.24 12.0 14.9 0.46 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.264 -12.9868 18.5 0.427 0.295 15.19 19.92 0.589 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.44 0.225 17.33 16.68 0.419 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.111 0.232 17.16 16.71 0.496 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.44 0.225 17.33 16.68 0.419 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.111 0.232 17.16 16.71 0.496 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.111 0.232 17.16 16.71 0.496 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.44 0.225 17.33 16.68 0.419 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.187 -12.9897 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1592 -12.9905 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1382 -12.9905 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3265 -12.9908 32.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4805 -12.9942 20.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4805 -12.9957 18.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2915 -12.9978 36.7 0.408 0.375 13.27 19.43 0.527 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2915 -12.9978 36.7 0.44 0.2 17.14 18.29 0.372 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2915 -12.9978 36.7 0.4247 0.241 15.383 18.163 0.411 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2915 -12.9978 36.7 0.426 0.148 15.74 16.77 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1467 -12.9982 3.0 0.275 0.334 12.14 17.53 0.689 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.03 -12.9998 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.0238 -13.0035 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.0267 -13.004 2.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4862 -13.0045 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.515 -13.0047 23.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5122 -13.0052 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1553 -13.0063 2.2 0.297 0.34 12.88 17.26 0.669 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1553 -13.0063 2.2 0.3055 0.3335 12.475 18.105 0.695 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1553 -13.0063 2.2 0.314 0.327 12.07 18.95 0.721 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5175 -13.0103 0.0 0.111 0.731 4.46 16.6 0.751 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5175 -13.0103 0.0 0.111 0.731 4.46 16.6 0.751 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5175 -13.0103 0.0 0.346 0.343 13.9 19.29 0.609 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5175 -13.0103 0.0 0.346 0.343 13.9 19.29 0.609 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.48 0.149 14.8 15.4 0.25 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.41 0.133 12.4 14.6 0.355 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.541 0.146 18.0 15.0 0.256 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.43 0.137 12.4 14.9 0.359 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.525 0.108 20.3 12.3 0.217 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.4826 0.1769 16.3 14.91 0.3605 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.467 0.309 18.5 15.3 0.584 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.498 0.156 14.6 15.5 0.288 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2932 -13.0107 0.0 0.51 0.277 19.4 15.3 0.575 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.164 -13.014 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.164 -13.014 11.3 0.549 0.158 16.54 20.22 0.442 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.164 -13.014 11.3 0.321 0.275 12.81 16.97 0.571 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.164 -13.014 11.3 0.178 0.172 14.43 16.6 0.547 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.12 0.116 16.25 13.97 0.297 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.346 0.166 11.33 20.96 0.623 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.524 0.132 19.67 17.46 0.234 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.623 0.116 17.26 19.26 0.276 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.471 0.107 18.95 14.99 0.208 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.474 0.159 16.37 17.87 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.366 0.192 13.75 15.72 0.355 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.622 0.11 14.5 20.81 0.378 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.41 0.156 16.395 15.675 0.2925 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.501 0.119 13.67 18.47 0.401 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0142 3.0 0.454 0.12 19.04 15.63 0.23 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1725 -13.0218 14.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1808 -13.0297 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0325 22.9 0.471 0.138 17.55 17.21 0.294 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-160.5083 -13.0333 62.0 0.48 0.16 18.32 15.22 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.5083 -13.0333 62.0 0.39 0.18 15.97 15.85 0.59 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.5083 -13.0333 62.0 0.435 0.17 17.145 15.535 0.46 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.2322 -13.0348 2.5 0.503 0.144 19.22 16.86 0.321 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1905 -13.037 0.0 0.36 0.398 14.4 20.16 0.688 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.454 0.172 13.7 16.1 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.493 0.185 20.0 13.0 0.345 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.486 0.122 13.3 14.5 0.278 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.462 0.221 18.7 12.8 0.391 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.531 0.163 14.3 16.7 0.327 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.486 0.326 14.1 17.9 0.771 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.369 0.124 12.2 14.4 0.315 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.411 0.159 15.83 16.61 0.373 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.482 0.321 16.9 16.8 0.636 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.377 0.115 11.9 13.7 0.262 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1897 -13.037 30.3 0.422 0.124 12.5 15.5 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2423 -13.0437 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.0128 -13.0442 17.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2917 -13.0498 8.9 0.457 0.213 15.72 17.6 0.43 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2525 -13.0525 8.1 0.465 0.23 15.95 18.18 0.428 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2942 -13.0545 22.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2918 -13.055 16.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.263 -13.0608 14.7 0.492 0.186 18.93 17.4 0.35 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2303 -13.0612 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2918 -13.0672 16.2 0.422 0.288 14.19 19.03 0.546 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2737 -13.0692 15.6 0.352 0.247 17.02 17.03 0.385 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2737 -13.0692 15.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2737 -13.0692 15.6 0.41 0.363 14.42 19.55 0.691 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2737 -13.0692 15.6 0.455 0.097 23.98 14.89 0.171 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2737 -13.0692 15.6 0.2 0.584 7.32 18.03 0.721 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2423 -13.0723 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2885 -13.0733 0.0 0.061 0.35 14.23 18.99 0.93 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2885 -13.0733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2885 -13.0733 0.0 0.451 0.197 17.78 16.59 0.388 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2885 -13.0733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2885 -13.0733 0.0 0.061 0.35 14.23 18.99 0.93 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2885 -13.0733 0.0 0.451 0.197 17.78 16.59 0.388 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.244 -13.077 21.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2828 -13.0778 27.6 0.513 0.188 17.67 17.19 0.367 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2828 -13.0778 27.6 0.412 0.261 15.0 16.29 0.397 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2828 -13.0778 27.6 0.518 0.091 13.32 13.24 0.132 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2828 -13.0778 27.6 0.13 0.167 16.8 14.92 0.364 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2828 -13.0778 27.6 0.602 0.169 17.83 19.7 0.356 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2828 -13.0778 27.6 0.541 0.163 22.13 15.19 0.2 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2828 -13.0778 27.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.012 -13.0812 17.3 0.347 0.326 14.13 17.3 0.504 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.012 -13.0812 17.3 0.399 0.251 19.93 17.91 0.441 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.012 -13.0812 17.3 0.373 0.2885 17.03 17.605 0.4725 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.012 -13.0812 17.3 0.501 0.16 19.18 19.71 0.337 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.012 -13.0812 17.3 0.529 0.069 22.25 13.44 0.145 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.012 -13.0812 17.3 0.198 0.221 10.6 12.08 0.369 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.254 -13.0822 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-150.583 -13.083 0.0 0.52 0.18 18.8 19.6 0.32 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-150.583 -13.083 0.0 0.48 0.19 18.4 16.6 0.32 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-150.583 -13.083 0.0 0.5 0.185 18.6 18.1 0.32 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-159.253 -13.0835 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4395 -13.0837 16.3 0.389 0.318 14.64 18.11 0.607 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.564 0.228 17.8 16.3 0.498 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.111 -13.0883 0.2 0.286 0.28 12.93 15.97 0.571 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1283 -13.0892 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1453 -13.0898 8.8 0.417 0.152 20.7 12.9 0.264 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1453 -13.0898 8.8 0.359 0.377 14.4 18.0 0.648 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1453 -13.0898 8.8 0.384 0.21 15.35 16.23 0.421 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1453 -13.0898 8.8 0.445 0.195 17.3 15.7 0.376 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1453 -13.0898 8.8 0.271 0.26 13.3 13.4 0.451 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1625 -13.0908 31.7 0.443 0.177 15.87 17.75 0.374 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1625 -13.0908 31.7 0.398 0.2197 16.08 16.99 0.392 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1625 -13.0908 31.7 0.416 0.204 18.1 17.77 0.372 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1625 -13.0908 31.7 0.335 0.278 14.27 15.45 0.43 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1798 -13.0915 0.0 0.327 0.262 16.22 15.6 0.504 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1962 -13.092 17.8 0.237 0.288 11.52 13.56 0.535 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1177 -13.092 0.0 0.268 0.313 13.36 14.77 0.591 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2343 -13.0927 0.0 0.407 0.205 15.43 15.62 0.382 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2343 -13.0927 0.0 0.407 0.205 15.43 15.62 0.382 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2132 -13.0927 12.3 0.488 0.169 17.35 17.13 0.362 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2298 -13.0933 26.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2637 -13.0938 9.0 0.477 0.147 17.59 16.35 0.321 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2637 -13.0938 9.0 0.427 0.182 17.65 15.95 0.362 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2637 -13.0938 9.0 0.376 0.227 13.67 15.32 0.395 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2637 -13.0938 9.0 0.4267 0.1853 16.303 15.873 0.3593 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1078 -13.094 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.421 0.132 17.03 16.88 0.293 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.421 0.132 17.03 16.88 0.293 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2835 -13.1027 0.0 0.421 0.132 17.03 16.88 0.293 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2755 -13.1058 12.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1192 -13.106 2.8 0.29 0.267 13.23 15.34 0.563 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1013 -13.1062 0.1 0.282 0.306 11.96 17.2 0.642 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3022 -13.108 8.0 0.112 0.171 2.63 39.38 0.16 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.56 0.107 13.7 16.3 0.276 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.52 0.151 14.2 16.3 0.344 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.57 0.058 18.8 14.7 0.153 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.477 0.13 12.1 17.5 0.453 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.484 0.1787 17.277 17.46 0.3747 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.525 0.186 18.7 14.6 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.521 0.134 14.5 16.0 0.324 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.345 0.189 12.6 17.7 0.627 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.565 0.122 14.1 16.3 0.298 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.553 0.106 15.6 14.8 0.211 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.607 0.252 18.5 15.7 0.544 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.554 0.127 13.7 16.8 0.316 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.426 0.137 12.3 15.8 0.359 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.233 0.193 12.7 16.5 0.655 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.579 0.152 16.6 14.9 0.317 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.51 0.268 17.5 16.4 0.653 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.424 0.284 19.3 14.3 0.535 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-150.65 -13.333 0.0 0.32 0.47 9.5 16.8 0.86 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.585 0.24 18.7 15.5 0.532 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.492 0.128 20.5 11.6 0.217 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.541 0.165 14.4 17.0 0.344 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.486 0.11 18.9 13.6 0.219 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.419 0.144 12.3 15.9 0.373 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.477 0.136 16.5 15.7 0.312 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.443 0.246 16.67 17.34 0.425 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.499 0.156 17.81 17.41 0.357 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.51 0.134 17.35 17.63 0.342 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2872 -13.1082 26.6 0.462 0.128 12.3 17.4 0.437 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2712 -13.1088 25.3 0.52 0.129 16.67 18.59 0.362 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2712 -13.1088 25.3 0.4803 0.1887 16.36 18.237 0.4037 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2712 -13.1088 25.3 0.442 0.252 15.32 17.43 0.44 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2712 -13.1088 25.3 0.479 0.185 17.09 18.69 0.409 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.239 -13.1093 24.5 0.345 0.251 12.98 16.11 0.447 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.239 -13.1093 24.5 0.499 0.141 15.2 18.43 0.35 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.239 -13.1093 24.5 0.4375 0.197 15.69 17.8125 0.4152 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.239 -13.1093 24.5 0.461 0.187 17.79 18.11 0.4 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.239 -13.1093 24.5 0.445 0.209 16.79 18.6 0.464 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2548 -13.1097 20.0 0.47 0.165 15.88 18.35 0.42 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2548 -13.1097 20.0 0.409 0.239 17.43 16.57 0.464 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2548 -13.1097 20.0 0.512 0.174 16.27 18.45 0.378 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2548 -13.1097 20.0 0.4637 0.1927 16.527 17.79 0.4207 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.349 0.227 19.6 16.9 0.522 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.547 0.151 12.0 16.2 0.392 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.111 0.132 15.5 11.8 0.245 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.578 0.082 16.6 13.3 0.193 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.4353 0.2087 14.8 17.917 0.4347 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.464 0.224 18.0 21.2 0.509 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.562 0.139 11.3 16.5 0.37 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.342 0.188 10.0 15.3 0.458 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.291 0.157 10.7 16.0 0.418 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.533 0.203 18.5 15.1 0.55 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.609 0.116 17.2 14.3 0.246 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.405 0.264 13.99 17.97 0.503 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.29 0.205 19.4 17.7 0.615 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.439 0.199 15.23 18.06 0.408 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.462 0.163 15.18 17.72 0.393 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.208 -13.11 28.4 0.083 0.134 14.5 12.0 0.283 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2228 -13.1105 0.0 0.475 0.162 15.73 18.05 0.373 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.0115 -13.1162 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2877 -13.1175 20.1 0.38 0.255 14.55 16.68 0.397 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2877 -13.1175 20.1 0.444 0.189 17.03 18.14 0.397 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2877 -13.1175 20.1 0.4333 0.2207 15.647 18.08 0.413 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2877 -13.1175 20.1 0.474 0.218 15.36 19.42 0.445 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9863 -13.1183 13.3 0.305 0.267 14.8 15.94 0.456 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9863 -13.1183 13.3 0.301 0.227 18.29 14.73 0.344 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9863 -13.1183 13.3 0.288 0.2985 13.705 15.695 0.4975 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.074 0.171 15.1 17.08 0.452 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.074 0.171 15.1 17.08 0.452 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.139 0.18 16.7 17.55 0.374 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.319 0.212 15.59 15.2 0.405 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.074 0.171 15.1 17.08 0.452 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.319 0.212 15.59 15.2 0.405 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.139 0.18 16.7 17.55 0.374 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.319 0.212 15.59 15.2 0.405 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.074 0.171 15.1 17.08 0.452 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.139 0.18 16.7 17.55 0.374 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.319 0.212 15.59 15.2 0.405 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9885 -13.1208 0.0 0.139 0.18 16.7 17.55 0.374 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.442 0.182 18.6 13.9 0.331 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.399 0.138 13.0 14.3 0.269 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.348 0.147 11.9 16.3 0.347 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.486 0.222 16.5 16.3 0.46 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.479 0.133 14.2 17.0 0.289 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.382 0.379 15.0 18.1 0.644 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.392 0.21 13.4 16.7 0.368 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.54 0.203 16.0 16.3 0.389 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.422 0.281 17.8 15.9 0.464 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.478 0.073 19.1 13.8 0.152 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.434 0.204 14.1 16.7 0.374 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.376 0.28 19.5 13.9 0.45 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.413 0.13 11.4 16.2 0.34 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.461 0.089 17.6 13.8 0.171 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.266 0.142 10.0 16.2 0.402 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.393 0.148 14.2 15.3 0.292 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.415 0.214 11.2 17.7 0.437 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1467 19.0 0.478 0.158 16.43 17.46 0.376 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1467 19.0 0.375 0.267 14.13 14.42 0.403 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1467 19.0 0.4347 0.209 15.7 16.273 0.3953 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1467 19.0 0.451 0.202 16.54 16.94 0.407 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1647 -13.153 1.0 0.441 0.128 18.56 14.85 0.313 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-173.005 -13.156 0.0 0.19 0.38 13.6 12.0 0.22 Exon,N.F. Offshore sediments, phosphorite and manganesenodules in the Samoan region, Southwest Pacific. // South PacificMarine G
-159.0083 -13.1572 5.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1762 -13.165 4.3 0.384 0.251 14.36 1.0 0.607 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5167 -13.1665 11.5 0.427 0.22 15.8 18.34 0.466 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3622 -13.1672 11.1 0.473 0.151 17.29 17.32 0.37 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1892 -13.1965 11.5 0.33 0.372 12.42 21.02 0.782 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.466 0.264 16.72 19.12 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.466 0.264 16.72 19.12 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.552 0.201 14.41 19.57 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.168 0.137 17.8 16.6 0.314 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.52 0.264 16.97 18.93 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.534 0.177 15.5 18.84 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.466 0.264 16.72 19.12 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.469 0.192 16.62 18.33 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.552 0.201 14.41 19.57 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.168 0.137 17.8 16.6 0.314 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.466 0.264 16.72 19.12 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.534 0.177 15.5 18.84 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.534 0.177 15.5 18.84 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.469 0.192 16.62 18.33 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.552 0.201 14.41 19.57 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.168 0.137 17.8 16.6 0.314 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.52 0.264 16.97 18.93 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.534 0.177 15.5 18.84 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.52 0.264 16.97 18.93 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.466 0.264 16.72 19.12 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.469 0.192 16.62 18.33 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.552 0.201 14.41 19.57 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.168 0.137 17.8 16.6 0.314 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.52 0.264 16.97 18.93 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.534 0.177 15.5 18.84 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.466 0.264 16.72 19.12 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.469 0.192 16.62 18.33 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.552 0.201 14.41 19.57 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.168 0.137 17.8 16.6 0.314 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.469 0.192 16.62 18.33 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.534 0.177 15.5 18.84 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.469 0.192 16.62 18.33 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.552 0.201 14.41 19.57 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.168 0.137 17.8 16.6 0.314 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.52 0.264 16.97 18.93 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.534 0.177 15.5 18.84 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.466 0.264 16.72 19.12 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.469 0.192 16.62 18.33 0.432 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.552 0.201 14.41 19.57 0.334 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.168 0.137 17.8 16.6 0.314 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.52 0.264 16.97 18.93 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5027 -13.2443 0.0 0.52 0.264 16.97 18.93 0.47 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4993 -13.2475 29.6 0.504 0.195 16.8 14.1 0.605 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4993 -13.2475 29.6 0.402 0.21 11.1 10.6 0.48 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4993 -13.2475 29.6 0.424 0.254 16.57 16.35 0.434 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4993 -13.2475 29.6 0.445 0.301 12.7 16.0 0.503 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4993 -13.2475 29.6 0.409 0.401 14.0 17.0 0.612 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4993 -13.2475 29.6 0.474 0.119 16.1 13.9 0.197 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4305 -13.251 28.9 0.41 0.188 16.48 17.25 0.399 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.2517 -13.2555 14.8 0.422 0.208 15.19 18.16 0.471 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1095 -13.2885 9.7 0.373 0.287 14.16 19.22 0.562 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4605 -13.3102 19.4 0.417 0.189 17.69 15.4 0.379 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1862 -13.3292 12.3 0.329 0.294 14.66 16.58 0.579 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.0017 -13.3313 4.9 0.294 0.397 12.36 19.46 0.773 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3322 -13.3358 25.3 0.295 0.251 15.91 14.76 0.486 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-164.4283 -13.3683 0.0 0.37 0.28 11.0 14.4 0.43 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.3852 -13.3977 13.0 0.342 0.225 18.14 14.84 0.415 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-165.17 -13.4 0.0 0.16 0.11 9.4 17.4 0.45 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.0827 -13.4185 6.7 0.401 0.21 15.3 17.2 0.413 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-148.595 -13.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Courtois,C., Clauer,N. Rare-earth elements and strontiumisotopes of polymetallic nodules from South - Eastern Pacificocean. Crui
-148.595 -13.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Courtois,C., Clauer,N. Rare-earth elements and strontiumisotopes of polymetallic nodules from South - Eastern Pacificocean. Crui
-148.595 -13.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Courtois,C., Clauer,N. Rare-earth elements and strontiumisotopes of polymetallic nodules from South - Eastern Pacificocean. Crui
-148.595 -13.4217 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Courtois,C., Clauer,N. Rare-earth elements and strontiumisotopes of polymetallic nodules from South - Eastern Pacificocean. Crui
-159.2573 -13.4358 26.5 0.378 0.265 14.55 18.46 0.536 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.981 -13.458 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9923 -13.4588 32.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.9922 -13.4615 19.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.35 0.35 12.0 21.6 0.77 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.35 0.35 22.835 10.345 0.77 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.35 0.35 12.0 21.6 0.77 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-165.1173 -16.1833 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.0 0.0 29.9 8.02 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.98 1.34 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-149.5 -13.4667 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.26 10.42 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-166.75 -13.4783 0.0 0.17 0.21 8.1 15.0 0.31 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-157.4133 -13.4867 0.0 0.35 0.35 10.8 17.0 0.68 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-159.3103 -13.4872 5.2 0.401 0.192 15.98 17.68 0.441 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.9995 -13.4888 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5215 -13.4933 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.5185 -13.4945 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.5165 -13.4945 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1567 -13.5068 24.5 0.393 0.215 16.06 15.22 0.399 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5138 -13.5073 8.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5135 -13.5093 15.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-149.3 -13.5667 0.0 0.35 0.21 13.0 16.2 0.37 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-157.1002 -13.5672 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-157.0903 -13.5713 9.4 0.36 0.36 13.18 20.05 0.59 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-157.0903 -13.5713 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-157.086 -13.5715 6.1 0.36 0.52 12.02 21.94 0.82 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-149.3 -13.5717 0.0 0.48 0.17 14.2 13.2 0.41 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-157.0885 -13.5732 12.8 0.35 0.34 12.91 18.74 0.57 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.018 -13.5745 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0185 -13.577 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.38 0.157 18.58 15.35 0.285 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.38 0.157 18.58 15.35 0.285 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.338 0.123 16.43 15.26 0.226 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.38 0.157 18.58 15.35 0.285 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.338 0.123 16.43 15.26 0.226 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.0273 -13.5902 0.0 0.338 0.123 16.43 15.26 0.226 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.4667 -13.7833 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.1 19.9 0.0 Ito,T., Usui,A., Kajiwara,Y., et al. Strontium isotopiccompositions and palaeoceanographic implication of fossil manga-nese nodu
-159.4708 -13.7838 3.2 0.46 0.19 16.62 17.58 0.34 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4708 -13.7838 3.2 0.435 0.19 17.96 15.29 0.31 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4708 -13.7838 3.2 0.41 0.19 19.3 13.0 0.28 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.49 0.14 21.32 15.67 0.2 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.5 0.17 16.69 18.61 0.34 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.0 0.17 25.22 18.52 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.4825 0.1575 18.958 16.8525 0.27 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.45 0.18 16.5 17.46 0.34 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.0 0.17 25.22 18.52 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.471 -13.7858 18.8 0.0 0.17 25.22 18.52 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4725 -13.79 31.0 0.0 0.17 24.97 18.05 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4725 -13.79 31.0 0.0 0.17 24.97 18.05 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4725 -13.79 31.0 0.5 0.167 21.183 17.427 0.265 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4725 -13.79 31.0 0.5 0.18 17.05 18.67 0.33 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4725 -13.79 31.0 0.5 0.15 21.53 15.56 0.2 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4725 -13.79 31.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.4725 -13.79 31.0 0.0 0.17 24.97 18.05 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-150.55 -13.8333 0.0 0.505 0.285 13.0 15.65 0.51 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-150.55 -13.8333 0.0 0.47 0.3 13.7 16.5 0.6 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-150.55 -13.8333 0.0 0.47 0.3 13.7 16.5 0.6 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-150.55 -13.8333 0.0 0.54 0.27 12.3 14.8 0.42 Yabuki,H., Shima,M. Uranium and other heavy elements indeep sea sediments coexisting with manganese nodules. // Scien-tific Pape
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.356 0.166 13.65 14.43 0.226 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.416 0.258 16.08 16.74 0.475 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.356 0.166 13.65 14.43 0.226 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.356 0.166 13.65 14.43 0.226 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.416 0.258 16.08 16.74 0.475 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.517 -13.8628 0.0 0.416 0.258 16.08 16.74 0.475 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.4535 0.167 15.425 14.565 0.266 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.483 0.214 15.81 16.99 0.2935 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.424 0.12 15.04 12.14 0.239 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.506 0.302 17.44 17.42 0.334 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.43 0.21 17.5 15.7 0.31 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.474 0.235 17.036 16.172 0.3406 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.5 0.2 17.0 19.0 0.4 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.5 0.2 17.0 19.0 0.4 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.43 0.24 17.4 14.3 0.31 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.43 0.225 17.45 15.0 0.31 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.8833 0.0 0.504 0.223 15.84 14.44 0.349 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-150.5833 -13.9167 0.0 0.31 0.26 13.7 17.0 0.47 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-150.55 -13.917 0.0 0.57 0.2 11.3 18.1 0.42 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-157.0 -13.95 0.0 0.43 0.2 12.4 15.3 0.4 Exon,N.F. Manganese nodules in the Cook islands region,Southwest Pacific. //South Pacific Marine Geologocal Notes, 1981,v.2, N 4
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.176 0.442 13.97 14.32 0.591 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.104 0.229 18.55 6.44 0.243 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.104 0.229 18.55 6.44 0.243 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.104 0.229 18.55 6.44 0.243 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.176 0.442 13.97 14.32 0.591 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4615 -13.9755 0.0 0.176 0.442 13.97 14.32 0.591 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-158.4625 -13.9757 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5108 -13.9885 29.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.5102 -13.99 21.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-150.6333 -14.05 0.0 0.38 0.26 13.2 17.4 0.48 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-150.61 -14.05 0.0 0.5 0.23 13.8 16.9 0.54 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-158.9833 -14.0817 16.0 0.38 0.14 16.0 14.9 0.27 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-158.9833 -14.0817 16.0 0.38 0.1475 15.25 15.05 0.285 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-158.9833 -14.0817 16.0 0.38 0.1475 16.795 16.11 0.285 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-158.9833 -14.0817 16.0 0.38 0.155 14.5 15.2 0.3 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-158.9833 -14.0817 16.0 0.0 0.0 18.34 17.17 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-155.15 -14.083 0.0 0.17 0.06 9.7 12.9 0.72 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-155.1333 -14.0833 0.0 0.34 0.2 15.2 17.9 0.4 Aplin,A.C., Cronan,D.S. Ferromannganese oxide depositsfrom the Central Pacific ocean. II. Nodules and associated sedi-ments. //G
-168.2833 -14.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sorem,R.K., Fewkes,R.H. Manganese nodules, research dataand methods of investigation. IFI/Plenum. 1979, New-York - Wash-ington -
-168.2833 -14.2333 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sorem,R.K., Fewkes,R.H. Manganese nodules, research dataand methods of investigation. IFI/Plenum. 1979, New-York - Wash-ington -
-165.8667 -14.25 0.0 0.13 0.16 13.9 7.0 0.17 Baturin G.H., Dubinchuk V.T. Mikrostruktury zhelezo-margan-cevyh konkrecijj okeana. Atlas mikrofotografijj. Moskva, Hauka,1989,
-165.8667 -14.25 0.0 0.13 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.17 Baturin G.H., Dubinchuk V.T. Mikrostruktury zhelezo-margan-cevyh konkrecijj okeana. Atlas mikrofotografijj. Moskva, Hauka,1989,
-165.8667 -14.25 0.0 0.13 0.16 13.9 7.0 0.17 Baturin G.H., Dubinchuk V.T. Mikrostruktury zhelezo-margan-cevyh konkrecijj okeana. Atlas mikrofotografijj. Moskva, Hauka,1989,
-149.5333 -14.3 0.0 0.69 0.19 23.3 23.15 0.57 Bender,M.L., Ku,T.L., Broecker,W.S. Accumulation rates ofmanganese in pelagic sediments and nodules. //Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-149.5333 -14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 Bender,M.L., Ku,T.L., Broecker,W.S. Accumulation rates ofmanganese in pelagic sediments and nodules. //Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-149.5333 -14.3 0.0 0.69 0.19 23.3 25.3 0.57 Bender,M.L., Ku,T.L., Broecker,W.S. Accumulation rates ofmanganese in pelagic sediments and nodules. //Earth and PlanetaryScienc
-149.5333 -14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sackett,W.M. Manganese nodules: thorium-230/protactinium-231 ration. // Science, 1966, v. 154, N 3749, p. 646-647.
-149.5333 -14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sackett,W.M. Manganese nodules: thorium-230/protactinium-231 ration. // Science, 1966, v. 154, N 3749, p. 646-647.
-149.5333 -14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sackett,W.M. Manganese nodules: thorium-230/protactinium-231 ration. // Science, 1966, v. 154, N 3749, p. 646-647.
-149.5333 -14.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sackett,W.M. Manganese nodules: thorium-230/protactinium-231 ration. // Science, 1966, v. 154, N 3749, p. 646-647.
-149.535 -14.3 0.0 0.42 0.11 11.0 10.8 0.32 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-153.1367 -14.31 22.8 0.29 0.18 16.41 16.18 0.35 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-158.8755 -14.4895 2.8 0.34 0.35 13.42 18.08 0.55 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8755 -14.4895 2.8 0.0 0.39 15.14 20.39 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8755 -14.4895 2.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8755 -14.4895 2.8 0.0 0.39 15.14 20.39 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8755 -14.4895 2.8 0.0 0.39 15.14 20.39 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8755 -14.4895 2.8 0.34 0.37 14.28 19.235 0.55 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8765 -14.4915 3.9 0.0 0.27 15.22 10.5 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8765 -14.4915 3.9 0.0 0.27 15.22 10.5 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8765 -14.4915 3.9 0.14 0.25 13.87 9.57 0.34 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8765 -14.4915 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8765 -14.4915 3.9 0.2 0.34 13.47 13.4 0.56 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8765 -14.4915 3.9 0.0 0.27 15.22 10.5 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8765 -14.4915 3.9 0.26 0.55 11.33 20.13 0.78 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.883 -14.4935 1.0 0.16 0.27 12.66 11.16 0.36 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.883 -14.4935 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.883 -14.4935 1.0 0.2 0.68 9.75 20.59 0.93 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8855 -14.4948 0.5 0.0 0.75 9.25 20.28 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8855 -14.4948 0.5 0.0 0.75 9.25 20.28 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8855 -14.4948 0.5 0.0 0.75 9.25 20.28 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-164.867 -17.947 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-158.8855 -14.4948 0.5 0.18 0.72 8.88 19.47 0.9 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8855 -14.4948 0.5 0.18 0.69 8.51 18.66 0.9 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8855 -14.4948 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-158.8853 -14.496 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Mizuno,A., Nakao,S. (ed). Regional data of marine geology,geophysics and manganese nodules: The Wake-Tahiti Transect in theCentr
-159.1 -14.6667 30.3 0.0 0.0 18.8 18.18 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.1 -14.6667 30.3 0.41 0.14 16.75 17.14 0.29 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.1 -14.6667 30.3 0.41 0.14 14.7 16.1 0.29 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-160.813 -15.08 20.5 0.0 0.0 20.3 16.69 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.813 -15.08 20.5 0.42 0.13 15.7 14.2 0.26 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.813 -15.08 20.5 0.42 0.13 18.0 15.445 0.26 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.9 -15.14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.9 -15.14 0.0 0.29 0.09 21.0 3.4 0.03 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-166.9 -15.14 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-159.1417 -15.2667 0.0 0.37 0.15 16.1 14.2 0.28 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.1417 -15.2667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-149.44 -15.58 0.18 0.18 0.74 6.84 19.22 0.95 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-164.113 -15.713 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-164.113 -15.713 0.0 0.11 0.2 15.8 18.5 0.31 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-164.113 -15.713 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.17 -15.8217 12.8 0.31 0.1 22.54 11.38 0.13 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.17 -15.8217 12.8 0.31 0.1 22.54 11.38 0.13 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-148.3133 -15.955 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Agassiz,A. Preliminary report and list of stations.Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College,v. XXVI, No.1
-165.1173 -16.1833 8.4 0.26 0.21 21.2 17.4 0.21
-165.1173 -16.1833 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-156.666 -16.533 0.0 0.34 0.16 17.0 18.6 0.5 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-159.2917 -16.5533 21.8 0.0 0.0 20.8 15.08 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.2917 -16.5533 21.8 0.38 0.125 16.55 13.6 0.23 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.2917 -16.5533 21.8 0.365 0.135 16.7 13.5 0.24 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.2917 -16.5533 21.8 0.38 0.125 18.675 14.34 0.23 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.2917 -16.5533 21.8 0.395 0.115 16.4 13.7 0.22 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.2917 -16.5533 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-166.1367 -16.5617 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-166.1367 -16.5617 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-160.8 -16.667 15.5 0.4 0.105 18.575 14.34 0.2 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.8 -16.667 15.5 0.0 0.0 20.05 15.18 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.8 -16.667 15.5 0.4 0.105 17.1 13.5 0.2 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-161.367 -16.732 0.0 0.432 0.178 26.32 16.27 0.22 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-159.62 -17.38 6.8 0.31 0.16 18.8 10.4 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 6.8 0.37 0.17 18.8 13.4 0.37 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 6.8 0.35 0.17 18.8 12.3 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 6.8 0.39 0.16 18.6 13.8 0.36 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 6.8 0.33 0.17 18.8 11.4 0.35 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 7.0 0.18 0.1 13.1 6.0 0.22 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 7.0 0.23 0.12 16.9 8.2 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 7.0 0.18 0.13 17.9 6.4 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 7.0 0.35 0.15 18.2 12.9 0.35 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.38 7.0 0.21 0.11 18.2 7.4 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 8.6 0.39 0.16 20.3 13.6 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 8.6 0.36 0.13 13.1 11.5 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 8.6 0.36 0.18 20.1 11.9 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 8.6 0.5 0.13 19.2 16.2 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 8.6 0.38 0.14 18.5 13.0 0.28 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 8.6 0.41 0.13 18.6 13.5 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 8.6 0.4 0.15 18.3 13.3 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 19.2 0.4 0.14 18.6 12.9 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 19.2 0.3 0.1 16.9 10.3 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 19.2 0.42 0.19 19.2 13.9 0.33 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-160.9133 -17.9667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Landmesser,C.W., Kroenke,L.W., Glasby,G.P. Manganese nodu-les from the South Penrhyn basin, Southwest Pacific. // SouthPacific M
-159.61 -17.39 19.2 0.39 0.16 19.7 13.3 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 19.2 0.42 0.12 18.7 13.6 0.28 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 19.2 0.42 0.14 18.0 13.8 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.61 -17.39 19.2 0.42 0.14 19.3 12.5 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.6 -17.4 9.8 0.38 0.14 17.8 12.5 0.28 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.39 0.21 18.96 15.44 0.22 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-159.59 -17.41 23.3 0.4 0.14 20.1 13.6 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 23.3 0.46 0.13 20.5 14.2 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 23.3 0.44 0.13 20.2 13.7 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 23.3 0.37 0.17 18.8 13.6 0.28 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 23.3 0.37 0.15 20.4 13.3 0.28 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 23.3 0.37 0.14 20.6 13.0 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 9.8 0.49 0.08 18.1 15.5 0.2 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 9.8 0.46 0.07 11.6 14.8 0.2 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 9.8 0.37 0.06 10.4 12.5 0.18 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 9.8 0.47 0.08 14.1 15.2 0.22 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 9.8 0.51 0.11 11.4 16.8 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.59 -17.41 9.8 0.53 0.09 14.9 16.0 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.62 -17.42 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.58 -17.43 11.6 0.4 0.14 17.9 12.0 0.31 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.58 -17.43 11.6 0.33 0.13 15.9 11.1 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.58 -17.43 11.6 0.38 0.15 17.5 12.2 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.58 -17.43 11.6 0.4 0.17 18.8 13.6 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.56 -17.45 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.39 0.21 18.96 15.44 0.22 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.39 0.21 18.96 15.44 0.22 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-147.7033 -17.6733 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Puteanus,D., Glasby,G.P., Stoffers,P.,et al. Distribution,internal structure, and composition of manganese crusts from sea-mount
-165.598 -17.69 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-165.598 -17.69 0.0 0.55 0.1 19.0 15.8 0.24 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-165.598 -17.69 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-165.598 -17.69 0.0 0.32 0.17 21.4 15.9 0.13 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-164.867 -17.947 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.913 -17.967 17.0 0.3825 0.155 17.25 13.2 0.275 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.913 -17.967 17.0 0.38 0.165 17.4 13.2 0.28 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.913 -17.967 17.0 0.385 0.145 17.1 13.2 0.27 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.913 -17.967 17.0 0.0 0.0 19.05 13.35 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-161.483 -18.133 0.0 0.06 0.05 8.55 2.5 0.04 Monget J.M., Murray,J.W., Mascle,J. A world-wide compila-tion of published multicomponent analyses of ferromanganeseconcretions.
-150.0667 -18.2667 0.0 0.43 0.1 17.7 16.0 0.22 Crecelius,E.A., Carpenter,R., Merrill R.T. Magnetism andmagnetic reversals in ferromanganese nodules. // Earth and Plane-tary Sc
-150.0667 -18.2667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crecelius,E.A., Carpenter,R., Merrill R.T. Magnetism andmagnetic reversals in ferromanganese nodules. // Earth and Plane-tary Sc
-150.0667 -18.2667 0.0 0.43 0.1 17.7 16.0 0.22 Crecelius,E.A., Carpenter,R., Merrill R.T. Magnetism andmagnetic reversals in ferromanganese nodules. // Earth and Plane-tary Sc
-150.0667 -18.2667 0.0 0.43 0.0 17.7 0.0 0.0 Crecelius,E.A., Carpenter,R., Merrill R.T. Magnetism andmagnetic reversals in ferromanganese nodules. // Earth and Plane-tary Sc
-150.0667 -18.2667 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 16.0 0.22 Crecelius,E.A., Carpenter,R., Merrill R.T. Magnetism andmagnetic reversals in ferromanganese nodules. // Earth and Plane-tary Sc
-150.0667 -18.2667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Crecelius,E.A., Carpenter,R., Merrill R.T. Magnetism andmagnetic reversals in ferromanganese nodules. // Earth and Plane-tary Sc
-147.1833 -18.4667 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Agassiz,A. Preliminary report and list of stations.Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College,v. XXVI, No.1
-161.5267 -18.5967 26.4 0.56 0.12 18.35 14.35 0.11 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.5267 -18.5967 26.4 0.56 0.12 18.35 14.35 0.11 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.63 -18.97 26.9 0.42 0.19 19.1 14.9 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.63 -18.97 26.9 0.47 0.15 20.1 15.2 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.63 -18.97 26.9 0.46 0.13 18.6 14.2 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.63 -18.97 26.9 0.5 0.14 18.7 15.4 0.33 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.63 -18.97 26.9 0.47 0.14 19.1 14.8 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.63 -18.97 26.9 0.51 0.11 18.7 14.5 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.63 -18.97 26.9 0.48 0.13 19.3 14.6 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.64 -18.98 30.8 0.53 0.13 17.9 17.1 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.64 -18.98 30.8 0.55 0.11 19.4 15.1 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.64 -18.98 30.8 0.58 0.11 19.1 16.7 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.64 -18.98 30.8 0.55 0.11 18.8 16.6 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.64 -18.98 30.8 0.54 0.11 18.7 15.9 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.64 -18.98 30.8 0.47 0.11 18.6 14.5 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.64 -18.98 30.8 0.52 0.13 18.4 15.4 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.68 -18.99 18.5 0.55 0.11 19.6 16.1 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.68 -18.99 18.5 0.56 0.13 19.7 17.2 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.68 -18.99 18.5 0.44 0.14 17.0 13.0 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.68 -18.99 18.5 0.52 0.13 18.8 15.4 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -18.99 7.9 0.45 0.19 18.5 14.4 0.31 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -18.99 7.9 0.52 0.19 19.6 16.4 0.37 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -18.99 7.9 0.5 0.16 20.2 15.6 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -18.99 7.9 0.51 0.13 20.2 14.7 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -18.99 7.9 0.52 0.12 19.2 14.5 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -18.99 7.9 0.46 0.12 18.4 13.1 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -18.99 7.9 0.49 0.15 19.4 14.8 0.31 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-171.6 -18.99 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Meylan,M.A., Glasby,G.P., Hill,P.J., et al. Manganesecrusts and nodules from the Manihiki Plateau and adjacent areas:Results of
-164.995 -18.995 0.0 0.27 0.12 21.1 16.6 0.17 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-164.995 -18.995 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-164.995 -18.995 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-155.005 -18.997 0.0 0.54 0.18 19.1 16.0 0.27 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.59 0.11 20.4 16.9 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.57 0.14 19.0 16.9 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.57 0.13 20.4 17.2 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.55 0.15 19.4 16.2 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.51 0.12 18.9 15.1 0.24 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.57 0.11 20.2 16.4 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.58 0.11 19.7 16.2 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.51 0.11 17.4 14.3 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 22.3 0.53 0.15 18.8 16.3 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.65 -19.0 20.7 0.52 0.13 19.0 15.5 0.28 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.54 0.11 18.1 14.4 0.22 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.52 0.1 19.5 15.0 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.55 0.1 19.7 16.0 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.55 0.09 19.1 15.9 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.55 0.1 19.3 15.2 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.55 0.15 17.8 17.9 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.5 0.1 18.1 14.1 0.21 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.54 0.11 18.8 15.6 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.02 32.9 0.55 0.12 19.1 16.5 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.03 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.04 25.9 0.54 0.11 18.3 15.0 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.04 25.9 0.48 0.12 16.6 13.3 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.04 25.9 0.47 0.17 19.3 16.3 0.39 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.04 25.9 0.52 0.15 18.8 16.9 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.66 -19.04 25.9 0.51 0.14 18.5 15.5 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-153.2467 -19.0867 32.6 0.28 0.17 18.62 13.4 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-153.2467 -19.0867 32.6 0.28 0.17 18.62 13.4 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-162.27 -19.35 8.0 0.53 0.08 18.9 16.8 0.24 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.27 -19.35 8.0 0.61 0.09 18.1 17.6 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.27 -19.35 8.0 0.56 0.08 18.4 16.9 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-165.34 -22.85 18.6 0.48 0.09 21.2 14.6 0.18 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-162.27 -19.35 8.0 0.55 0.08 18.2 16.3 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.275 -19.355 8.0 0.56 0.08 18.4 16.9 0.25 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-166.1767 -19.515 4.2 0.31 0.09 21.4 16.5 0.16
-166.1767 -19.515 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-166.1767 -19.515 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-166.1767 -19.515 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-166.1767 -19.515 6.9 0.2 0.18 20.6 15.3 0.25
-166.1767 -19.515 6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179
-161.9833 -19.755 0.0 0.51 0.1 21.25 13.22 0.35 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.9833 -19.755 0.0 0.48 0.11 19.44 14.34 0.2 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.9833 -19.755 1.8 0.46 0.26 16.83 14.72 0.48 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.9833 -19.755 4.0 0.35 0.33 14.65 16.9 0.57 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.9833 -19.755 0.0 0.32 0.2 17.16 15.84 0.52 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.9833 -19.755 0.0 0.54 0.17 19.52 11.79 0.28 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-162.1167 -19.7667 0.0 0.0 0.18 17.6 15.8 0.38 Kunzendorf,H., Pluger,W.L., Friedrich,G.H. Uranium inPacific deep-sea sediments and manganese nodules. // Journal ofGeochemical
-162.0 -19.92 12.1 0.47 0.12 18.5 14.2 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 12.1 0.52 0.12 19.2 15.5 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 12.1 0.49 0.11 18.7 14.2 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 12.1 0.42 0.15 16.1 13.2 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 12.1 0.44 0.11 19.0 13.5 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 12.1 0.49 0.13 19.7 14.6 0.31 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 10.3 0.5 0.13 19.0 14.3 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 10.3 0.45 0.15 19.4 14.0 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 10.3 0.49 0.13 19.0 14.5 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 10.3 0.52 0.1 18.2 14.4 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.92 10.3 0.49 0.13 19.6 15.1 0.31 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.49 0.18 18.4 16.7 0.38 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.48 0.13 18.4 15.4 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.51 0.15 18.7 15.9 0.33 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.51 0.18 18.9 17.0 0.38 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.51 0.23 17.8 18.6 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.46 0.3 17.1 19.6 0.57 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.5 0.12 19.2 14.2 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.93 14.9 0.49 0.13 18.8 16.0 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.94 5.3 0.48 0.35 15.8 21.1 0.7 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.94 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.94 5.3 0.55 0.18 18.2 17.2 0.36 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.94 5.3 0.43 0.23 15.0 16.3 0.53 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.94 5.3 0.49 0.25 16.3 18.2 0.53 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.94 8.4 0.44 0.23 17.4 16.8 0.47 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-162.0 -19.95 0.5 0.39 0.47 16.3 23.6 0.85 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.95 3.9 0.43 0.43 16.3 22.9 0.81 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.95 3.9 0.41 0.21 15.3 14.7 0.46 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.95 3.9 0.39 0.19 17.1 14.8 0.38 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.95 3.9 0.41 0.28 16.2 17.5 0.55 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.99 -19.96 18.0 0.4 0.16 17.4 13.1 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.99 -19.96 18.0 0.38 0.19 17.5 13.2 0.38 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.99 -19.96 18.0 0.36 0.16 17.1 12.5 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.99 -19.96 18.0 0.45 0.13 17.7 13.5 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.97 0.7 0.36 0.33 15.3 18.2 0.64 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.97 0.7 0.38 0.24 16.8 16.4 0.49 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.0 -19.97 0.7 0.4 0.15 18.3 14.6 0.33 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-163.08 -20.085 15.6 0.33 0.2 17.38 13.04 0.36 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-163.08 -20.085 15.6 0.33 0.2 17.38 13.04 0.36 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-148.0167 -20.3833 0.0 0.582 0.17 19.66 19.75 0.415 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-148.0167 -20.3833 0.0 0.532 0.169 19.66 19.75 0.415 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-148.0167 -20.3833 0.0 0.52 0.13 17.9 16.2 0.42 Milashin A.P., Golovinskijj V.I. Porajjonnyjj katalog analizovzhelezomargancevyh konkrecijj Tihogo okeana. PO "JUzhmorgeologija"
-164.2383 -20.4283 2.2 0.32 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.37 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-163.49 -21.1 23.1 0.39 0.25 16.3 16.5 0.47 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.2383 -20.4283 2.2 0.08 0.22 16.62 4.04 0.17 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-164.2383 -20.4283 2.2 0.2475 0.25 16.45 8.705 0.2775 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-164.2383 -20.4283 2.2 0.2 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.25 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-164.2383 -20.4283 2.2 0.39 0.2 16.28 13.37 0.32 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.23 -20.48 9.6 0.51 0.22 16.9 18.5 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 9.6 0.55 0.16 17.4 17.3 0.38 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 9.6 0.52 0.18 17.4 17.8 0.42 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 9.6 0.47 0.33 15.9 20.6 0.65 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 9.6 0.51 0.22 16.8 18.4 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 10.1 0.48 0.31 15.8 20.9 0.64 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 10.1 0.5 0.22 16.9 19.0 0.5 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 10.1 0.51 0.24 16.8 19.6 0.53 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.23 -20.48 8.8 0.51 0.2 17.3 18.5 0.47 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-152.2333 -20.4917 28.4 0.35 0.12 18.74 14.0 0.15 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-152.2333 -20.4917 28.4 0.35 0.12 18.74 14.0 0.15 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-147.588 -20.61 0.0 0.51 0.3 15.4 20.3 0.6 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-163.49 -21.1 23.1 0.42 0.25 16.1 16.6 0.47 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-163.49 -21.1 23.1 0.34 0.26 15.9 15.9 0.47 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-163.49 -21.1 23.1 0.42 0.24 16.9 16.9 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-163.49 -21.1 23.1 0.39 0.25 16.3 16.5 0.47 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-161.8483 -21.3317 0.0 0.34 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.3 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.8483 -21.3317 0.0 0.31 0.26 15.4 11.84 0.26 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.8483 -21.3317 0.0 0.31 0.27 16.28 12.03 0.3 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-162.42 -21.5 0.1 0.54 0.3 16.0 23.3 0.68 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.8483 -21.3317 0.0 0.16 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.16 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.8483 -21.3317 0.0 0.36 0.25 16.1 12.8 0.26 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.8483 -21.3317 0.0 0.16 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.14 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.8483 -21.3317 0.0 0.273 0.233 15.93 12.22 0.237 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-162.97 -21.35 3.5 0.49 0.3 15.4 22.4 0.67 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.97 -21.35 3.5 0.52 0.22 16.8 20.4 0.53 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.97 -21.35 3.5 0.5 0.24 16.3 20.6 0.55 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.97 -21.35 3.5 0.5 0.21 16.7 19.1 0.45 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.94 -21.36 7.8 0.52 0.24 16.8 19.4 0.5 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-162.93 -21.36 10.2 0.64 0.24 17.2 18.3 0.51 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.93 -21.36 10.2 0.58 0.2 17.6 19.0 0.51 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.93 -21.36 10.2 0.51 0.16 17.9 19.7 0.51 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.92 -21.36 0.4 0.49 0.26 17.0 18.6 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.91 -21.37 9.4 0.52 0.23 17.0 19.7 0.51 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.91 -21.37 9.4 0.54 0.23 17.0 20.7 0.56 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.91 -21.37 9.4 0.52 0.28 17.0 21.8 0.63 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.91 -21.37 9.4 0.56 0.2 17.7 19.5 0.45 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.91 -21.37 9.4 0.46 0.2 16.1 16.9 0.41 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-162.42 -21.5 0.1 0.54 0.3 16.0 23.3 0.68 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-162.42 -21.5 0.1 0.54 0.3 16.0 23.3 0.68 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-160.5 -21.58 0.8 0.26 0.08 15.8 8.4 0.2 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-160.5 -21.58 0.8 0.46 0.16 16.4 15.6 0.39 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-160.5 -21.58 0.8 0.33 0.11 15.7 10.7 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-160.5 -21.58 1.6 0.22 0.075 15.95 7.1 0.19 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-160.5 -21.58 1.6 0.18 0.07 16.0 6.1 0.17 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-160.5 -21.58 1.6 0.26 0.08 15.9 8.1 0.21 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.54 -21.6 1.5 0.07 0.09 12.3 3.4 0.24 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.58 -21.61 0.33 0.13 0.09 15.3 4.9 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-159.9517 -21.6867 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-159.9517 -21.6867 0.0 0.3 0.06 20.2 8.9 0.13 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-159.9517 -21.6867 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-159.96 -21.73 4.64 0.32 0.09 15.7 9.3 0.19 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-157.5317 -21.82 10.4 0.46 0.15 16.78 15.48 0.23 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.9133 -21.8967 0.0 0.52 0.23 20.0 19.6 0.47 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.9133 -21.8967 0.0 0.52 0.23 20.0 19.6 0.47 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.9133 -21.8967 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.25 -22.31 10.3 0.43 0.21 18.8 17.2 0.41 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.444 0.0 14.2 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.51 0.26 16.5 20.5 0.59 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.51 0.22 17.1 17.2 0.43 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.475 0.0 15.7 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.49 0.34 15.5 22.0 0.7 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.415 0.0 14.7 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.373 0.0 13.4 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.481 0.0 16.3 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.46 0.19 15.4 16.0 0.41 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.40374 0.2402 12.86 18.88 0.4302 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.53 0.22 17.1 19.7 0.18 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.426 0.0 17.9 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.406 0.0 17.3 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.34 0.0 15.5 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.401 0.0 18.2 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-164.25 -22.31 10.3 0.41 0.21 18.2 16.9 0.45 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.3974 0.0 17.14 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.414 0.0 16.8 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.293 0.0 17.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.356 0.0 19.7 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.353 0.0 18.8 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.334 0.0 18.5 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.475 0.0 16.8 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.697 0.0 17.3 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-161.1667 -22.0 0.0 0.37 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Gwords,R., Kunzendorf,H.,et al. The distribu-tion of rare-earth and minor elements in manganese nodules andsediment
-164.29 -22.04 0.0 0.47 0.15 18.0 15.7 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 6.5 0.43 0.24 17.8 18.7 0.5 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 6.5 0.44 0.18 18.2 17.1 0.42 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 6.5 0.45 0.18 18.8 17.1 0.41 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 6.5 0.42 0.28 17.3 20.2 0.56 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 6.5 0.39 0.31 16.3 20.4 0.64 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 6.5 0.43 0.23 18.3 18.6 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 10.3 0.4 0.12 15.4 13.9 0.25 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 10.3 0.41 0.19 17.0 16.3 0.38 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 10.3 0.37 0.26 14.5 16.2 0.44 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 10.3 0.46 0.15 18.2 17.1 0.37 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.31 7.8 0.44 0.19 17.6 16.9 0.41 Pluger,W.R., Friedrich,G., Stoffers,P. Environmental cont-rols of the formation of deep-sea ferromanganese concretions.// Monogr
-164.25 -22.32 6.7 0.4 0.27 16.3 17.8 0.47 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.32 6.7 0.43 0.21 18.7 17.3 0.42 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.32 6.7 0.44 0.12 19.4 16.7 0.39 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.32 6.7 0.44 0.18 17.6 16.7 0.4 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-164.25 -22.32 6.7 0.47 0.11 16.1 14.9 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Thijssen,T., Mangini,A. Manganese nodulesdistribution, mineralogy and geochemistry and relation tosediment types in
-150.2833 -22.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.15 17.82 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-150.2833 -22.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.52 4.57 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-150.2833 -22.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.2 14.1 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-150.2833 -22.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 20.315 13.03 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-150.2833 -22.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-150.2833 -22.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.39 15.62 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-150.2833 -22.35 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murray,J., Renard,A.F. Report on deep-sea deposits basedon the speciment collected during the voyage of H.M.S."Challenger" in th
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.44 0.22 21.9 15.8 0.37 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.46 0.25 21.8 17.0 0.43 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.43 0.22 21.9 15.2 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.85 0.34 13.58 24.06 0.69 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.44 0.21 22.0 15.3 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.72 0.16 14.79 25.35 0.51 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.4 0.44 15.67 17.68 0.76 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 1.06 0.87 7.8 32.15 1.56 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.75 0.24 14.62 25.25 0.5 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.85 0.34 13.58 24.06 0.69 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 1.06 0.2 12.77 27.8 0.62 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 1.11 0.21 15.84 16.22 0.22 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-161.4833 -22.4183 0.0 0.45 0.21 22.0 16.0 0.4 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.1167 -22.5433 0.0 0.31 0.295 15.85 16.35 0.67 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.1167 -22.5433 0.0 0.2 0.27 14.1 12.9 0.64 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.1167 -22.5433 0.0 0.42 0.32 17.6 19.8 0.7 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.1167 -22.5433 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.0333 -22.6583 0.0 0.3175 0.1625 0.0 0.0 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.0333 -22.6583 0.0 0.305 0.165 0.0 0.0 0.26 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.0333 -22.6583 0.0 0.32 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-160.7917 -22.6633 30.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 30.8 0.4 0.18 18.7 15.43 0.34 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.35 0.17 17.07 18.2 0.35 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.42 0.15 15.56 15.61 0.28 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.42 0.0 17.61 14.41 0.27 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.48 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.4 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.475 0.165 17.37 14.83 0.377 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.48 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.4 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.47 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.4 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.49 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.3 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.45 0.16 18.95 14.48 0.29 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.5 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.31 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.45 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.45 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 27.6 0.39 0.22 16.78 12.25 0.34 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.44 0.18 18.44 14.83 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7917 -22.6633 0.0 0.45 0.17 15.86 17.57 0.54 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.7667 -22.6633 21.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bogdanov JU.A. (nach. rejjsa). Otchet 14-go rejjsa R/V "DmitrijjMendeleev" v jugo-vostochnuju chast` Tihogo okeana 01.02.1975 g.
-160.7667 -22.6633 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Bogdanov JU.A. (nach. rejjsa). Otchet 14-go rejjsa R/V "DmitrijjMendeleev" v jugo-vostochnuju chast` Tihogo okeana 01.02.1975 g.
-161.9 -22.6833 0.0 0.47 0.22 0.0 19.49 0.42 Y.Wang, H.Song, X.Wang. Ocean manganese and sediment refe-rence materials.//Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 1998,N 16, p.
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.36 0.26 14.59 15.17 0.44 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.21 0.12 33.17 6.46 0.57 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.21 0.09 1.78 10.45 0.26 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.42 0.09 8.73 16.27 0.32 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.4 0.06 12.14 18.19 0.6 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.44 0.21 20.85 14.38 0.4 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.3 0.08 16.65 8.93 0.95 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.38 0.18 15.36 21.21 0.34 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.33 0.23 20.84 15.14 0.46 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.27 0.12 0.34 17.64 0.48 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.305 0.113 14.155 12.675 0.543 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.24 0.233 11.2 11.57 0.55 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 19.2 0.45 0.15 18.8 17.53 0.3 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.53 0.09 18.8 15.02 0.28 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 3.5 0.4 0.13 18.82 13.22 0.32 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.43 0.13 15.72 14.72 0.34 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.23 0.24 14.46 14.95 0.36 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.75 0.37 0.18 20.15 10.85 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.47 0.19 17.88 13.23 0.22 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 28.8 0.38 0.21 16.12 14.69 0.48 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.35 0.25 14.46 15.53 0.47 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.1 0.27 6.21 24.59 0.18 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.06 0.1 1.74 39.27 0.15 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.17 0.207 7.47 26.46 0.267 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.45 0.13 20.01 15.58 0.37 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.44 0.25 17.0 13.08 0.39 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.36 0.24 14.71 15.14 0.44 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 16.2 0.365 0.23 17.035 15.43 0.515 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 16.2 0.4 0.21 18.16 15.9 0.44 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 16.2 0.33 0.25 15.91 14.96 0.59 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 22.0 0.36 0.12 14.84 14.87 0.38 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.847 -22.6983 0.0 0.43 0.21 20.92 13.75 0.47 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.847 -22.6983 0.0 0.38 0.175 18.0 13.505 0.345 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.847 -22.6983 0.0 0.33 0.14 15.08 13.26 0.22 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.39 0.19 15.8 13.76 0.28 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.35 0.13 18.33 8.0 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.75 0.4 0.26 15.22 12.18 0.36 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.75 0.33 0.2 14.12 12.65 0.29 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.75 0.365 0.23 14.67 12.415 0.325 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 70.8 0.32 0.19 18.14 13.38 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 70.8 0.43 0.19 18.98 13.75 0.44 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 70.8 0.21 0.0 17.3 13.01 0.22 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.2 0.18 15.45 12.2 0.15 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.36 0.13 18.71 12.65 0.28 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 35.2 0.43 0.19 17.82 15.65 0.53 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.23 0.17 16.75 13.2 0.35 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.38 0.14 16.14 14.75 0.27 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.42 0.18 19.83 13.89 0.48 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.4 0.16 17.985 14.32 0.375 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.38 0.13 16.18 14.0 0.2 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.39 0.22 16.49 15.74 0.45 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.4 0.19 15.82 15.74 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.395 0.205 16.155 15.74 0.39 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.31 0.26 14.76 15.39 0.5 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8472 -22.6983 0.0 0.37 0.13 16.62 12.79 0.3 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.4 0.27 16.9 16.92 0.51 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.34 0.21 15.03 14.66 0.27 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.15 0.08 11.3 18.96 0.5 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.13 0.115 15.415 20.475 0.46 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.11 0.15 19.53 21.99 0.42 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.8467 -22.6983 0.0 0.65 0.11 14.67 15.61 0.32 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-157.135 -22.7208 0.0 0.33 0.33 16.08 17.77 0.6 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-157.135 -22.7208 0.0 0.33 0.33 16.08 17.77 0.6 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-168.8533 -22.79 0.0 0.25 0.25 17.15 12.04 0.25 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-160.6583 -22.88 0.0 0.16 0.25 19.04 11.83 0.4 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.6583 -22.88 0.0 0.46 0.3 18.04 15.7 0.62 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-160.6583 -22.88 0.0 0.31 0.275 18.54 13.765 0.51 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-162.08 -22.9367 0.0 0.53 0.24 22.65 17.65 0.425 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.08 -22.9367 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.08 -22.9367 0.0 0.58 0.25 23.5 17.8 0.44 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.08 -22.9367 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.08 -22.9367 0.0 0.48 0.23 21.8 17.5 0.41 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-157.2333 -22.9667 0.0 0.44 0.26 15.11 17.42 0.57 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-157.2333 -22.9667 0.0 0.44 0.26 15.11 17.42 0.57 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-164.4083 -22.9733 0.0 0.0 0.1 18.5 8.4 0.36 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.4083 -22.9733 0.0 0.28 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.23 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.4083 -22.9733 0.0 0.28 0.32 18.5 8.4 0.23 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.7767 -23.1483 0.0 0.315 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.21 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7767 -23.1483 0.0 0.2 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.2 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7767 -23.1483 0.0 0.322 0.119 0.0 0.0 0.2 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7767 -23.1483 0.0 0.345 0.125 0.0 0.0 0.19 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7767 -23.1483 0.0 0.39 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.2 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7767 -23.1483 0.0 0.305 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.18 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7767 -23.1483 0.0 0.355 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.7517 -23.165 12.3 0.325 0.13 19.82 12.52 0.41 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.7517 -23.165 12.3 0.3075 0.1325 20.46 12.08 0.3025 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.7517 -23.165 12.3 0.29 0.135 20.1 11.64 0.195 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.7517 -23.165 12.3 0.29 0.135 20.1 11.64 0.195 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.7517 -23.165 12.3 0.325 0.13 19.82 12.52 0.41 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7517 -23.175 0.0 0.37 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.21 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7517 -23.175 0.0 0.345 0.155 0.0 0.0 0.26 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7517 -23.175 0.0 0.4 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.19 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7517 -23.175 0.0 0.471 0.124 0.0 0.0 0.216 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7517 -23.175 0.0 0.4 0.11 0.0 0.0 0.2 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.7517 -23.175 0.0 0.37 0.125 0.0 0.0 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.8917 -23.1917 29.3 0.34 0.13 17.03 13.84 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.8917 -23.1917 29.3 0.34 0.13 17.03 13.84 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.8917 -23.1917 29.3 0.28 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.26 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.8917 -23.1917 29.3 0.31 0.135 0.0 0.0 0.245 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.8917 -23.1917 29.3 0.32 0.13 18.15 12.96 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.8917 -23.1917 29.3 0.3125 0.141 17.59 13.4 0.244 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.8917 -23.1917 29.3 0.32 0.13 18.15 12.96 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9017 -23.535 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-170.733 -23.197 4.2 0.15 0.25 15.48 12.53 0.29 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-160.9733 -23.2133 0.0 0.3 0.12 19.82 15.14 0.34 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.4167 -23.2183 30.0 0.52 0.11 17.93 16.1 0.47 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-163.8083 -23.235 0.0 0.0 0.21 15.2 14.0 0.35 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8083 -23.235 0.0 0.26 0.23 15.5 19.23 0.36 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8083 -23.235 0.0 0.26 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.36 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8083 -23.235 0.0 0.0 0.21 16.4 14.8 0.35 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8083 -23.235 0.0 0.0 0.23 14.9 16.9 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8033 -23.2517 0.0 0.0 0.17 15.9 15.0 0.31 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8033 -23.2517 0.0 0.0 0.2 15.7 16.6 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8033 -23.2517 0.0 0.31 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.38 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8033 -23.2517 0.0 0.31 0.2 15.8 15.93 0.38 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.8033 -23.2517 0.0 0.0 0.11 15.8 16.2 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.4767 -23.2983 13.4 0.0 0.075 19.1 12.4 0.21 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.4767 -23.2983 13.4 0.41 0.33 19.1 12.4 0.15 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.4767 -23.2983 13.4 0.41 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.15 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.9667 -23.3 0.0 0.32 0.2 16.0 13.6 0.36 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.9667 -23.3 0.0 0.32 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.36 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.9667 -23.3 0.0 0.0 0.14 16.0 13.6 0.34 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.7033 -23.305 0.0 0.29 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.34 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.7033 -23.305 0.0 0.0 0.26 16.0 16.3 0.31 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.7033 -23.305 0.0 0.0 0.15 16.6 15.6 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.7033 -23.305 0.0 0.0 0.17 16.1 15.2 0.22 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.7033 -23.305 0.0 0.0 0.14 16.0 14.4 0.31 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.7033 -23.305 0.0 0.29 0.2 16.175 15.375 0.34 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-161.035 -23.4333 0.0 0.4 0.27 18.72 13.98 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.035 -23.4333 0.0 0.35 0.19 15.9 13.96 0.22 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-161.035 -23.4333 0.0 0.375 0.23 17.31 13.97 0.275 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-164.6167 -23.4417 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-160.14 -23.485 0.0 0.43 0.31 19.1 17.6 0.54 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.14 -23.485 0.0 0.43 0.31 19.1 17.5 0.54 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.14 -23.485 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.9467 -23.5317 0.0 0.24 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.18 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.9467 -23.5317 0.0 0.0 0.1 20.3 9.9 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.9467 -23.5317 0.0 0.24 0.13 20.3 9.9 0.18 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-162.902 -23.535 20.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-162.9017 -23.535 0.0 0.48 0.23 21.8 17.5 0.41 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.9017 -23.5633 0.0 0.37 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -23.5633 0.0 0.0 0.16 16.5 14.6 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -23.5633 0.0 0.37 0.37 16.5 14.6 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.8483 -23.5683 0.0 0.46 0.17 22.6 14.7 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.8483 -23.5683 0.0 0.54 0.12 26.9 15.9 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.8483 -23.5683 0.0 0.41 0.2 24.2 15.6 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-162.8483 -23.5683 0.0 0.4675 0.1625 24.35 15.55 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.8483 -23.5683 0.0 0.46 0.16 23.7 16.0 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.4083 -23.6167 29.0 0.32 0.27 15.5 14.4 0.37 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.4083 -23.6167 29.0 0.0 0.24 15.5 14.4 0.45 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.4083 -23.6167 29.0 0.32 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.37 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.6617 -23.6333 0.0 0.29 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.6617 -23.6333 0.0 0.29 0.28 15.8 13.8 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.6617 -23.6333 0.0 0.0 0.11 15.8 13.8 0.48 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-162.8883 -23.6833 0.0 0.4 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.22 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.8883 -23.6833 0.0 0.4 0.29 19.4 13.1 0.22 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.8883 -23.6833 0.0 0.0 0.075 19.4 13.1 0.2 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-164.9167 -23.74 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.03 12.51 0.0 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.9167 -23.74 0.0 0.36 0.108 18.03 12.151 0.19 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.9167 -23.74 0.0 0.36 0.108 0.0 0.0 0.19 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.1333 -23.74 19.9 0.295 0.18 18.15 13.84 0.33 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.1333 -23.74 19.9 0.295 0.18 18.15 13.84 0.33 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.1333 -23.74 19.9 0.295 0.145 18.15 13.29 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.1333 -23.74 19.9 0.295 0.145 18.15 13.29 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.1333 -23.74 19.9 0.295 0.21 0.0 0.0 0.34 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.1333 -23.74 19.9 0.291 0.189 18.15 35.65 0.316 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.1333 -23.74 19.9 0.28 0.22 0.0 0.0 0.325 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0967 -23.7517 18.0 0.37 0.27 18.1 12.3 0.22 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.0967 -23.7517 18.0 0.37 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.22 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.0967 -23.7517 18.0 0.0 0.15 18.1 12.3 0.18 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.87 -23.825 0.0 0.39 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.16 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.87 -23.825 0.0 0.39 0.33 18.7 12.5 0.16 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.87 -23.825 0.0 0.0 0.15 18.7 12.5 0.18 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-155.095 -23.9167 0.0 0.39 0.17 18.22 16.53 0.118 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-163.305 -23.9533 0.4 0.0 0.13 17.5 13.4 0.34 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.305 -23.9533 0.4 0.27 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.305 -23.9533 0.4 0.27 0.25 17.5 13.4 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.01 -23.9583 26.0 0.32 0.24 0.0 0.0 0.19 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.01 -23.9583 26.0 0.0 0.1 18.9 11.8 0.19 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.01 -23.9583 26.0 0.32 0.17 18.9 11.8 0.19 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-162.8833 -23.97 0.0 0.0 0.25 16.6 11.8 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.8833 -23.97 0.0 0.4 0.43 0.0 0.0 0.31 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.8833 -23.97 0.0 0.4 0.43 16.6 11.8 0.31 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9767 -23.9833 42.2 0.32 0.243 0.0 0.0 0.36 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9767 -23.9833 42.2 0.31 0.2 16.62 15.16 0.33 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9767 -23.9833 42.2 0.325 0.195 16.405 14.5 0.32 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9767 -23.9833 42.2 0.31 0.2 16.62 15.16 0.33 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9767 -23.9833 42.2 0.345 0.143 16.19 13.84 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9767 -23.9833 42.2 0.345 0.143 16.19 13.84 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.7833 -23.9867 0.0 0.121 0.137 0.0 0.0 0.25 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.7833 -23.9867 0.0 0.278 0.38 0.0 0.0 0.645 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.7833 -23.9867 0.0 0.1995 0.3585 0.0 0.0 0.4475 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -23.99 0.0 0.31 0.177 0.0 0.0 0.25 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -23.99 0.0 0.33 0.163 0.0 0.0 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -23.99 0.0 0.326 0.162 0.0 0.0 0.253 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -23.99 0.0 0.338 0.145 0.0 0.0 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-159.915 -24.0 35.6 0.4 0.24 18.49 16.33 0.34 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.915 -24.0 35.6 0.37 0.18 16.52 15.92 0.24 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.915 -24.0 35.6 0.34 0.12 14.35 15.52 0.13 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.915 -24.0 35.6 0.37 0.12 16.42 15.925 0.235 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-162.9317 -24.0167 0.0 0.345 0.145 0.0 0.0 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9317 -24.0167 0.0 0.333 0.163 0.0 0.0 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9317 -24.0167 0.0 0.305 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9317 -24.0167 0.0 0.35 0.175 0.0 0.0 0.31 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9 -24.0183 0.0 0.0 0.2 16.7 15.5 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9 -24.0183 0.0 0.27 0.24 0.0 0.0 0.36 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9 -24.0183 0.0 0.0 0.2 16.3 14.4 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9 -24.0183 0.0 0.0 0.18 16.0 13.2 0.41 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9 -24.0183 0.0 0.0 0.22 15.4 12.6 0.34 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9 -24.0183 0.0 0.27 0.202 16.14 14.4 0.332 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9 -24.0183 0.0 0.0 0.17 16.3 16.3 0.34 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.0033 -24.02 0.0 0.323 0.144 0.0 0.0 0.25 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0033 -24.02 0.0 0.3 0.138 0.0 0.0 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0033 -24.02 0.0 0.33 0.155 0.0 0.0 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0033 -24.02 0.0 0.313 0.152 0.0 0.0 0.25 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0033 -24.02 0.0 0.35 0.132 0.0 0.0 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0 -24.0267 0.0 0.36 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.25 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0 -24.0267 0.0 0.359 0.151 0.0 0.0 0.267 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0 -24.0267 0.0 0.388 0.159 0.0 0.0 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0 -24.0267 0.0 0.33 0.164 0.0 0.0 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9317 -24.0333 0.0 0.42 0.32 18.1 13.0 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9317 -24.0333 0.0 0.0 0.13 18.0 12.9 0.2 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9317 -24.0333 0.0 0.0 0.17 18.2 13.1 0.4 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9317 -24.0333 0.0 0.42 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.0217 -24.0433 0.0 0.2326 0.121 16.7 13.8 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0217 -24.0433 0.0 0.328 0.164 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0217 -24.0433 0.0 0.313 0.152 0.0 0.0 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0217 -24.0433 0.0 0.2 0.17 16.7 13.8 0.3 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0217 -24.0433 0.0 0.37 0.06 0.0 0.0 0.12 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0217 -24.0433 0.0 0.0 0.08 0.0 0.0 0.26 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0217 -24.0433 0.0 0.28 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.13 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.89 -24.055 0.0 0.28 0.165 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.89 -24.055 0.0 0.282 0.172 0.0 0.0 0.297 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.89 -24.055 0.0 0.28 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.31 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.89 -24.055 0.0 0.285 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -24.0583 0.0 0.31 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -24.0583 0.0 0.33 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -24.0583 0.0 0.35 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -24.0583 0.0 0.3 0.14 0.0 0.0 0.26 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.8917 -24.0583 0.0 0.3225 0.16 0.0 0.0 0.2825 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9833 -24.0667 0.0 0.335 0.155 0.0 0.0 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9833 -24.0667 0.0 0.335 0.159 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9833 -24.0667 0.0 0.355 0.151 0.0 0.0 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9833 -24.0667 0.0 0.342 0.155 0.0 0.0 0.283 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.323 0.116 0.0 0.0 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.34 0.16 17.5 16.0 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.31 0.132 0.0 0.0 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.345 0.1295 18.0 18.0 0.2325 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.29 0.12 17.0 15.0 0.2 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.4 0.15 18.0 18.0 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.32 0.15 16.3 15.2 0.28 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9967 -24.075 0.0 0.35 0.121 0.0 0.0 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.935 -24.08 0.0 0.375 0.125 0.0 0.0 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.935 -24.08 0.0 0.385 0.14 0.0 0.0 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.935 -24.08 0.0 0.366 0.126 0.0 0.0 0.2175 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.935 -24.08 0.0 0.355 0.113 0.0 0.0 0.21 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.935 -24.08 0.0 0.35 0.125 0.0 0.0 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9133 -24.0983 0.0 0.27 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.23 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9133 -24.0983 0.0 0.0 0.27 17.5 12.7 0.4 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186
-162.9133 -24.0983 0.0 0.34 0.08 18.47 15.58 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9133 -24.0983 0.0 0.27 0.29 17.5 12.7 0.23 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.37 0.138 0.0 0.0 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.25 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.338 0.164 0.0 0.0 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.12 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.12 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.03 0.07 0.0 0.0 0.06 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.344 0.157 0.0 0.0 0.33 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.49 0.12 0.0 0.0 0.15 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.0333 -24.1083 0.0 0.324 0.17 0.0 0.0 0.27 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.9017 -24.1083 0.0 0.28 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -24.1083 0.0 0.0 0.18 17.0 12.6 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -24.1083 0.0 0.28 0.162 17.22 12.44 0.315 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -24.1083 0.0 0.0 0.14 18.2 12.7 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -24.1083 0.0 0.0 0.13 18.6 13.1 0.25 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -24.1083 0.0 0.0 0.16 17.5 13.6 0.34 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-162.9017 -24.1083 0.0 0.0 0.26 14.8 10.2 0.43 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Regional`nye geolo-go-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chasti JUzhnojj kotlovinyT
-164.78 -24.1433 0.0 0.29 0.18 18.7 11.9 0.29 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.78 -24.1433 0.0 0.0 0.11 18.7 11.9 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.78 -24.1433 0.0 0.29 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.29 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.7617 -24.225 18.8 0.0 0.2 17.8 13.5 0.29 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.7617 -24.225 18.8 0.27 0.28 17.8 13.5 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.7617 -24.225 18.8 0.27 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.09 -24.285 19.0 0.0 0.1 19.6 11.8 0.25 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.09 -24.285 19.0 0.3 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.18 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.09 -24.285 19.0 0.0 0.1 19.4 12.1 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.09 -24.285 19.0 0.0 0.22 19.0 11.4 0.24 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.09 -24.285 19.0 0.3 0.27 19.6 11.8 0.18 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-160.075 -24.3067 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.075 -24.3067 0.0 0.45 0.32 17.6 21.2 0.7 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.075 -24.3067 0.0 0.45 0.32 17.6 21.2 0.7 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-160.075 -24.3067 0.0 0.45 0.32 17.6 21.2 0.7 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.72 0.36 15.5 22.21 0.47 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.41 0.17 25.8 14.6 0.28 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.41 0.17 25.8 14.6 0.28 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 1.03 0.25 15.27 23.97 0.37 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.37 0.19 26.7 14.4 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.72 0.18 19.07 13.46 0.19 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.53 0.22 18.61 17.88 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.74 0.31 17.35 19.36 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.72 0.37 16.85 22.02 0.39 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.74 0.31 17.35 19.36 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-163.6833 -24.355 0.0 0.76 0.5 18.79 16.63 0.38 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.255 -24.4567 18.6 0.24 0.131 0.0 0.0 0.2 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.255 -24.4567 18.6 0.0 0.0 15.93 12.18 0.0 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.255 -24.4567 18.6 0.26 0.146 18.31 11.74 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.255 -24.4567 18.6 0.29 0.144 0.0 0.0 0.26 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.255 -24.4567 18.6 0.263 0.1403 17.12 11.96 0.227 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.805 -24.5283 19.0 0.0 0.1 20.0 9.9 0.25 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.805 -24.5283 19.0 0.23 0.33 17.9 10.8 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.805 -24.5283 19.0 0.0 0.15 16.6 11.5 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.805 -24.5283 19.0 0.23 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.26 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.805 -24.5283 19.0 0.0 0.1 17.9 10.8 0.41 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.9183 -24.5783 16.6 0.0 0.1 18.7 12.1 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.9183 -24.5783 16.6 0.27 0.18 0.0 0.0 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.9183 -24.5783 16.6 0.27 0.18 18.7 12.1 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-154.867 -24.581 0.0 0.39 0.2 20.1 15.2 0.32 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-163.1417 -24.6217 24.2 0.28 0.15 19.0 13.18 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.1417 -24.6217 24.2 0.305 0.1415 18.575 13.165 0.235 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.1417 -24.6217 24.2 0.33 0.133 18.15 13.15 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.1417 -24.6217 24.2 0.28 0.15 19.0 13.18 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-163.1417 -24.6217 24.2 0.33 0.133 18.15 13.15 0.24 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-164.04 -24.6417 0.0 0.35 0.21 23.2 14.2 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.04 -24.6417 0.0 0.35 0.19 21.9 13.5 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.04 -24.6417 0.0 0.37 0.22 26.2 14.8 0.34 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.04 -24.6417 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-164.04 -24.6417 0.0 0.357 0.207 23.77 14.17 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-154.75 -24.6833 0.0 0.58 0.31 18.9 14.0 0.27 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-154.75 -24.6833 0.0 0.58 0.31 18.9 14.0 0.27 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-154.75 -24.6833 0.0 0.57 0.26 17.0 15.7 0.41 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-154.75 -24.6833 26.0 0.57 0.26 17.0 15.7 0.41 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-154.75 -24.6833 26.0 0.58 0.31 18.9 14.0 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-154.75 -24.6833 26.0 0.58 0.31 18.9 14.0 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-162.2733 -24.6833 5.9 0.046 0.05 11.45 1.97 0.06 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.2733 -24.6833 5.9 0.068 0.11 10.345 4.39 0.175 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.2733 -24.6833 5.9 0.09 0.17 9.24 6.81 0.29 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-157.488 -24.812 0.0 0.58 0.31 16.7 19.5 0.52 Frazer,J.Z., Fisk,M.B. Bureau of Mines Open-File Report140(2)-80. Appendix A. Station location and chemical compositionof sample
-164.4 -24.87 20.0 0.27 0.19 18.5 12.1 0.27 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.4 -24.87 20.0 0.27 0.19 0.0 0.0 0.27 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.4 -24.87 20.0 0.0 0.1 18.5 12.1 0.3 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.0783 -24.915 8.5 0.28 0.13 19.4 10.5 0.2 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.0783 -24.915 8.5 0.0 0.14 19.4 10.5 0.27 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-164.0783 -24.915 8.5 0.28 0.13 0.0 0.0 0.2 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.31 0.23 15.75 13.48 0.35 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.35 0.27 15.22 14.05 0.36 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.33 0.23 0.0 0.0 0.31 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.3 0.2486 14.034 11.578 0.3114 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.15 0.25 9.62 6.45 0.24 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.32 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.31 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.35 0.19 14.18 10.59 0.3 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-161.2467 -24.985 0.0 0.29 0.29 15.4 13.32 0.31 Piskarev A.L., Lomachenkov H.V., Patrunov D.K. i dr. Otcheto kompleksnyh geologo-geofizicheskih issledovanijah v Mirovom okea-ne
-166.695 -25.18 0.0 0.26 0.26 18.3 13.12 0.39 Baturin G.H., Fisher EH.I. i dr. Zoloto v glubokovodnyh zhe-lezomargancevyh konkrecijah. // Geohimija, 1986, N 6, s.751-759.(Rej
-160.07 -25.2167 0.0 0.38 0.47 17.1 19.0 0.57 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.07 -25.2167 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.07 -25.2167 0.0 0.38 0.37 17.1 19.0 0.57 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-159.3217 -25.2983 0.0 0.38 0.41 0.0 0.0 0.41 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3217 -25.2983 0.0 0.38 0.41 14.4 14.2 0.41 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3217 -25.2983 0.0 0.0 0.17 14.4 14.2 0.46 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.275 -25.2983 0.0 0.41 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.53 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.275 -25.2983 0.0 0.0 0.06 14.8 12.5 0.3 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.275 -25.2983 0.0 0.435 0.3 14.8 14.05 0.415 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.275 -25.2983 0.0 0.0 0.16 14.8 15.6 0.51 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.275 -25.2983 0.0 0.36 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.3 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.275 -25.2983 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3617 -25.3 0.0 0.27 0.31 13.7 13.7 0.29 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3617 -25.3 0.0 0.0 0.11 13.7 13.7 0.47 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3617 -25.3 0.0 0.27 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.29 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4017 -25.3067 0.0 0.31 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.42 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4017 -25.3067 0.0 0.0 0.19 13.8 14.3 0.46 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4017 -25.3067 0.0 0.31 0.33 13.8 14.3 0.42 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-152.0883 -25.3167 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-162.3833 -25.3183 5.2 0.19 0.195 15.91 10.65 0.35 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.3833 -25.3183 5.2 0.28 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.515 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.3833 -25.3183 5.2 0.345 0.165 15.63 14.94 0.315 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.3833 -25.3183 5.2 0.255 0.358 0.0 0.0 0.515 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.3833 -25.3183 5.2 0.28 0.21 15.08 16.15 0.4 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-162.3833 -25.3183 5.2 0.27 0.2456 15.54 13.913 0.419 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-159.3683 -25.3233 0.0 0.26 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.46 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3683 -25.3233 0.0 0.26 0.33 11.8 9.6 0.46 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3683 -25.3233 0.0 0.0 0.17 11.8 9.6 0.53 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3283 -25.325 0.0 0.0 0.19 14.3 14.3 0.47 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3283 -25.325 0.0 0.29 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3283 -25.325 0.0 0.29 0.27 14.3 14.3 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3833 -25.3333 60.0 0.33 0.28 14.4 17.1 0.38 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3833 -25.3333 60.0 0.33 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.38 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3833 -25.3333 60.0 0.0 0.22 14.4 17.1 0.36 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.365 -25.3467 0.0 0.3 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.5 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.365 -25.3467 0.0 0.0 0.23 14.5 15.1 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.365 -25.3467 0.0 0.3 0.32 14.5 15.1 0.5 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.35 -25.3483 0.0 0.0 0.16 16.1 14.0 0.32 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.35 -25.3483 0.0 0.39 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.35 -25.3483 0.0 0.39 0.31 16.1 14.0 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.2833 -25.3483 0.0 0.41 0.32 14.5 15.4 0.65 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.2833 -25.3483 0.0 0.0 0.13 14.5 15.4 0.38 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.2833 -25.3483 0.0 0.41 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.65 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3967 -25.3667 0.0 0.3 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.37 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3967 -25.3667 0.0 0.3 0.33 15.1 14.2 0.37 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3967 -25.3667 0.0 0.0 0.13 15.1 14.2 0.46 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.48 -25.375 0.0 0.0 0.24 14.4 15.3 0.55 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.48 -25.375 0.0 0.31 0.3 14.4 15.3 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.48 -25.375 0.0 0.31 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4583 -25.4 0.0 0.0 0.06 14.2 15.3 0.52 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4583 -25.4 0.0 0.36 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.48 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4583 -25.4 0.0 0.36 0.32 14.2 15.3 0.48 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4933 -25.4267 0.0 0.32 0.39 0.0 0.0 0.56 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4933 -25.4267 0.0 0.0 0.32 13.2 18.6 0.51 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.4933 -25.4267 0.0 0.32 0.39 13.2 18.6 0.56 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.5333 -25.4583 0.0 0.0 0.22 13.3 16.9 0.54 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.5333 -25.4583 0.0 0.35 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.65 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.5333 -25.4583 0.0 0.16 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.55 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.5333 -25.4583 0.0 0.255 0.355 13.3 16.9 0.6 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-161.3333 -25.53 13.4 0.39 0.14 19.33 13.62 0.255 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.3333 -25.53 13.4 0.36 0.155 19.68 12.08 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.3333 -25.53 13.4 0.39 0.114 19.33 13.62 0.225 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179
-161.3333 -25.53 13.4 0.36 0.155 19.68 12.08 0.22 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.3333 -25.53 13.4 0.3947 0.1355 19.428 12.784 0.23 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.3333 -25.53 13.4 0.395 0.13 19.12 12.52 0.235 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.3333 -25.53 13.4 0.473 0.119 0.0 0.0 0.225 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-156.8383 -25.9633 15.7 0.42 0.25 15.59 17.5 0.59 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-156.8383 -25.9633 15.7 0.42 0.25 15.59 17.5 0.59 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-153.9833 -26.0167 30.0 0.73 0.14 18.2 14.1 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-153.9833 -26.0167 30.0 0.73 0.14 18.2 14.1 0.32 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-159.8333 -26.02 3.2 0.38 0.18 17.42 16.0 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.8333 -26.02 3.2 0.38 0.18 17.42 16.0 0.33 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-158.5967 -26.0267 30.0 0.0 0.27 16.3 15.7 0.49 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.5967 -26.0267 30.0 0.34 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.5967 -26.0267 30.0 0.34 0.28 16.3 15.7 0.39 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-161.65 -26.0633 14.9 0.305 0.226 15.15 14.28 0.412 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.65 -26.0633 14.9 0.35 0.179 15.22 14.28 0.37 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.65 -26.0633 14.9 0.243 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.4 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.65 -26.0633 14.9 0.323 0.212 0.0 0.0 0.43 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-161.65 -26.0633 14.9 0.303 0.224 15.08 14.28 0.448 Blinov V.A., Anikeeva L.I., Zaharov V.V. Geologo-geofizi-cheskie issledovanija v juzhnojj chasti Tihogo okeana. HPO"Sevmorgeolo-
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.93 0.03 16.45 19.37 0.3 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.6 0.82 2.11 35.62 3.0 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.51 0.27 16.69 22.64 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.37 0.26 18.4 16.4 0.53 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 1.28 0.23 14.2 25.39 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.42 0.7 6.66 34.28 1.77 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.57 0.92 7.27 31.4 1.95 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.8 0.3 11.81 29.2 1.0 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.18 1.51 2.82 37.7 2.69 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.01 1.34 1.81 42.2 2.32 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.41 0.6 9.23 32.73 1.63 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.37 0.26 18.4 16.4 0.53 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.42 0.54 9.04 31.55 1.42 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.64 0.39 10.03 27.4 1.29 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.42 0.33 9.86 23.04 0.48 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.37 0.26 18.4 16.4 0.53 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.85 0.28 11.57 26.18 0.88 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.065 -26.0767 0.0 0.83 0.07 15.07 24.68 0.55 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-159.683 -28.533 0.0 0.24 0.15 21.4 15.7 0.25 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules
-157.9167 -26.66 20.0 0.25 0.19 0.0 0.0 0.21 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.9167 -26.66 20.0 0.305 0.24 14.4 14.65 0.315 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.9167 -26.66 20.0 0.36 0.29 0.0 0.0 0.42 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.9167 -26.66 20.0 0.0 0.16 14.2 17.0 0.55 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.9167 -26.66 20.0 0.0 0.11 14.6 12.3 0.41 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-163.6467 -26.67 0.0 0.24 0.21 18.11 14.05 0.48 Baturin G.H., Fisher EH.I. i dr. Zoloto v glubokovodnyh zhe-lezomargancevyh konkrecijah. // Geohimija, 1986, N 6, s.751-759.(Rej
-159.3417 -26.695 15.0 0.0 0.13 16.8 13.8 0.38 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3417 -26.695 15.0 0.29 0.32 16.8 13.8 0.29 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.3417 -26.695 15.0 0.29 0.32 0.0 0.0 0.29 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.1167 -27.3067 3.5 0.24 0.48 10.6 20.0 0.5 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.1167 -27.3067 3.5 0.0 0.43 10.6 20.0 0.67 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.1167 -27.3067 3.5 0.24 0.48 0.0 0.0 0.5 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.8033 -27.3167 5.8 0.31 0.25 0.0 0.0 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.8033 -27.3167 5.8 0.31 0.25 14.9 12.6 0.28 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.8033 -27.3167 5.8 0.0 0.17 14.9 12.6 0.43 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.8 0.45 17.68 20.31 0.69 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.57 0.12 14.64 17.59 0.23 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-159.9533 -28.695 0.0 0.38 0.27 22.0 16.3 0.44
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.46 0.165 22.65 14.9 0.325 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.35 0.2 18.9 13.8 0.39 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.57 0.21 12.81 17.88 0.37 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.64 0.3 15.36 19.26 0.27 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.96 0.28 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.95 0.31 12.83 28.86 0.79 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.35 0.2 18.9 13.8 0.39 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.57 0.2 14.41 20.96 0.46 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-160.015 -27.6517 0.0 0.57 0.11 26.4 16.0 0.26 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-159.375 -27.8817 0.0 0.28 0.31 15.7 14.8 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.375 -27.8817 0.0 0.28 0.31 0.0 0.0 0.33 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.375 -27.8817 0.0 0.0 0.23 15.7 14.8 0.47 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.8367 -27.9333 0.0 0.22 0.37 0.0 0.0 0.61 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.8367 -27.9333 0.0 0.22 0.37 10.7 22.1 0.61 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-157.8367 -27.9333 0.0 0.0 0.38 10.7 22.1 0.71 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.75 -27.95 2.1 0.34 0.14 18.08 15.7 0.13 Murdmaa I.O., Skornjakova H.S., Bezrukov P.L. ZHelezomargan-cevye konkrecii Tihogo okeana.//Trudy IO AH SSSR, t.109,
-159.9533 -28.695 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-158.4167 -28.77 5.4 0.26 0.33 0.0 0.0 0.43 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.4167 -28.77 5.4 0.0 0.28 14.1 15.8 0.4 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.4167 -28.77 5.4 0.0 0.19 13.9 14.6 0.44 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-158.4167 -28.77 5.4 0.26 0.33 14.0 15.2 0.43 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.335 -29.3367 4.0 0.25 0.27 18.0 12.4 0.27 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-159.335 -29.3367 4.0 0.25 0.27 0.0 0.0 0.27 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.335 -29.3367 4.0 0.0 0.22 18.0 12.4 0.22 Zaharov V.V., Blinov V.A., Maslov M.H. Rekognoscirovochnyei regional`nye geologo-geofizicheskie issledovanija v severnojj chas-t
-159.9333 -29.4917 0.0 0.37 0.19 23.2 15.2 0.35
-159.9333 -29.4917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-159.9333 -29.4917 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-159.9333 -29.4917 0.0 0.42 0.0 23.3 14.6 0.2 Glasby,G.P., Backer,H., Meylan,M.A. Metal contents ofmanganese nodules from the South-Western Pacific Basin. //Contribution of t
-158.9667 -29.5833 0.0 0.54 0.23 18.4 13.4 0.33 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-158.9667 -29.5833 0.0 0.49 0.2 17.8 12.8 0.29 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-158.9667 -29.5833 0.0 0.49 0.2 17.8 12.8 0.29 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-158.9667 -29.5833 12.0 0.54 0.23 18.4 13.4 0.33 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-158.9667 -29.5833 12.0 0.49 0.2 17.8 12.8 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-158.9667 -29.5833 12.0 0.49 0.2 17.8 12.8 0.29 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-158.9667 -29.5833 0.0 0.54 0.23 18.4 13.4 0.33 Dzh.Mero. Mineral`nye bogatstva okeana. M., Progress, 1969,440 ss.; Mero,J. The Mineral Resources of the Sea. Amsterdam,Elsevier
-158.9667 -29.5833 12.0 0.54 0.23 18.4 13.4 0.33 Glasby,G.P., Meylan,M.A., Margolis,S.V., et al. Manganesedeposits of the South-Western Pacific ocean.//Varentsov,I.M.(ed.)Geolog
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-158.9863 -13.1183 13.3 0.271 0.33 12.61 15.45 0.539 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.1535 -13.1417 0.1 0.373 0.12 21.33 16.4 0.198 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.484 0.159 16.4 15.1 0.255 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.49 0.148 14.8 15.8 0.301 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.439 0.18 12.1 17.1 0.514 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.212 0.26 13.0 17.6 0.698 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.163 0.21 14.3 16.2 0.506 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-159.3112 -13.1433 19.0 0.177 0.26 12.7 16.2 0.697 Usui,A. (ed.). Marine geology, geophysics and manganesenodule deposits in the Penrhin basin, South Pacific, August-Octo-ber 1983
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-156.2 -11.0617 0.0 0.27 0.41 12.0 19.48 0.66
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-176.7467 -31.9017 0.0 0.151 0.071 15.68 11.36 0.148 Kaljagin A.H., Puzchin I.K., Butenko T.JU. i dr. Mineralogo-geohimicheskie osobennosti zhelezomargancevojj mineralizacii v jugo-
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V. Fe-Mn korka na pelagicheskih osadkah: geohi-mija i uslovija obrazovanija. (Rejjs N 26 R/V "Akademik Korolev"). //Ge
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.366 0.434 12.7 20.6 0.619 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.208 0.179 23.7 12.8 0.285 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.131 0.153 25.4 7.7 0.179 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.283 0.143 22.3 11.7 0.186 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-149.96 -29.6017 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dubinin A.V., Sval`nov V.H. Geohimija redkozemel`nyh ehle-mentov v Fe-Mn mikro- i makrokonkrecijah neproduktivnojj zony Tiho-go
-159.785 -29.943 0.0 0.5 0.21 16.6 15.1 0.34 Fisk,H.B., Frazer,J.Z., Elliot,J.S.,et al. Availability ofcopper, nickel, cobalt and manganese from ocean ferromanganesenodules

Sources and References:

Phillip Gales is a serial entrepreneur who has built tech companies in various heavy industries including Oil & Gas, Construction, Real Estate and Supply Chain Logistics.

Phillip holds an MBA from Harvard Business School, and an MEng in Electrical Engineering from the University of Cambridge, specialising in Machine Intelligence.