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  • Contractor: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources of Germany - PMN
  • Submitted File Name:
  • Submitted Date: 2019-05-10 09:46:00
  • Associated Mineral Type: PMN

Point Sample Data

  • Contract ID: BGRPMN1
  • Cruise Name: FLUM
  • Research Vessel: Sonne
  • Geographical Area: Pacific Ocean
  • Area Type: Exploration
  • Area Sector: Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
Section ID Actual Latitude Actual Longitude Depth Sampling Device Habitat Type Matrix Type
Section ID Actual Latitude Actual Longitude Depth Sampling Device Habitat Type Matrix Type
68_MUC 12.671783 -119.1919 4380 Box corer Sediment Sediment
61_MUC 12.93515 -119.14785 4293 Box corer Sediment Sediment
37_MUC 12.902183 -118.413033 4320 Box corer Sediment Sediment
109_MUC 11.813183 -116.529333 4326 Box corer Sediment Sediment
106_MUC 11.83465 -116.548333 4351 Box corer Sediment Sediment
121_MUC 13.18725 -118.0604 4269 Box corer Sediment Sediment
18_MUC 13.118483 -118.127617 4318 Box corer Sediment Sediment
8_MUC 13.1754 -118.1118 4279 Box corer Sediment Sediment
95_MUC 11.821033 -117.21995 4150 Box corer Sediment Sediment
74_MUC 12.926683 -119.147167 4295 Box corer Sediment Sediment