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  • Contractor: Government of the Republic of Korea - PMN
  • Submitted File Name:
  • Submitted Date: 2019-06-12 14:25:00
  • Associated Mineral Type: PMN

Point Sample Data

  • Contract ID: KOREAPMN1
  • Cruise Name: KODOS 10-02
  • Research Vessel: Onnuri
  • Geographical Area: Pacific Ocean
  • Area Type: Exploration
  • Area Sector: Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone
Section ID Actual Latitude Actual Longitude Depth Sampling Device Habitat Type Matrix Type
Section ID Actual Latitude Actual Longitude Depth Sampling Device Habitat Type Matrix Type
MC100202 10.5 -131.333 4998 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100202 10.5 -131.333 4998 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100202 10.5 -131.333 4998 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100202 10.5 -131.333 4998 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100204 16.5 -131.0 5077 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100204 16.5 -131.0 5077 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100204 16.5 -131.0 5077 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100205 10.53333 -131.95 4956 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100205 10.53333 -131.95 4956 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100205 10.53333 -131.95 4956 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100206 10.5 -131.917 5028 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100206 10.5 -131.917 5028 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100206 10.5 -131.917 5028 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100207 10.53333 -131.867 4970 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100207 10.53333 -131.867 4970 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100207 10.53333 -131.867 4970 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100207 10.53333 -131.867 4970 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100208 10.45 -131.867 4860 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100208 10.45 -131.867 4860 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100208 10.45 -131.867 4860 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100208 10.45 -131.867 4860 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100209 10.5 -131.833 5021 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100209 10.5 -131.833 5021 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100209 10.5 -131.833 5021 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC100209 10.5 -131.833 5021 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K1-1 10.5 -131.367 5037 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K1-1 10.5 -131.367 5037 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K1-1 10.5 -131.367 5037 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K1-1 10.5 -131.367 5037 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K2-1 10.5 -131.367 4983 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K2-1 10.5 -131.367 4983 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K2-1 10.5 -131.367 4983 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment
MC1002K2-1 10.5 -131.367 4983 Not Reported Sediment&Nodules Sediment